
Twilight: Blood calling

Nathaniel Flamel Swan That's the name my father gave me, atleast that's what everyone says. Over the years many people have said good things about the man..even my failure of a mother. But when I was a kid...he did something....to me, which no science or common sense could explain. All Im wondering now is, was it a blessing..... or is it a CURSE.

Magic_Author · Movies
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9 Chs


Hey, everyone! Author here.

I've realized a couple of things since starting this fan fiction. Because I'm putting so much effort into the plotting and the writing, it takes around four days for me to complete a chapter, and I'm sure you don't want a half-assed chapter.

So, I've decided that from this day forth, I will be releasing one chapters per week. Now, this doesn't mean it's set in stone. There may be some weeks when I release two or even three chapters, depending on my real-life schedule. But, for now, this is the release schedule.

If you want an additional chapter weekly, though, you can donate €20, and I will get on it ASAP. But, for now, this is my decision. I hope you enjoy the story, and I'll see you next week.


DONATE: paypal.me/Helpauthor03

Also for those who are still voting for the love interest, it's been decided that it will be Edythe.

Feel free to provide constructive feedback on my writing as well; I value those suggestions and consider them seriously.