
Twilight: Alpha

Mc gets reincarnated as Jacob Blacks, older brother Lucian Black the true alpha of the pack what will he be able to accomplish? First, fic just wanted to have fun and write my own story. The only thing I own is my OC’s. Words per chp 2000 plus.

TheOnlyAlpha · Movies
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13 Chs

Chapter 4

(OK OK OK, the public has spoken so Lucian will look like his first pic he will be 6'10 and he will have the body of older Jason momoa but his face will look like he's his 17 year old self, he won't have a beard I'm keeping the hair tho. Use your imagination lol.)

"Lucian why are you wanting to go to school with the palefaces," Jake asks.

"Because the Bloodsuckers are in school there I need to watch them just in case." I lied to them both but I think Billy was the only one to catch on.

"I can't let you go alone," Jake says.

"What, are you gonna protect me?" I ask sarcastically.

'It could speed up his phasing.' I think to myself.

I look at Billy and nod without Jake noticing.

"Ok, you will both go to forks High," Billy says.

I was about to get up and walk away but I heard Billy say something.

"Plus, you both will look after Bella," Billy says.

Jake nods while grinning.

I walk out the door and run into the woods to switch Shifts with Sam.

I phase and start my shift.

'Sam in two days Jake and I will be going to Forks high, to make sure the Cullen's don't do anything.' I say.

I hear Sam Chuckle.

'No reason to lie to me Lucian, I would do the same if my imprint was going to a different school.'

I chuckle.

'Why is Jake going though? He hasn't even Phased.'

'I think him being around the vamps will make him phase faster, plus he says I can't go alone. But if you ask me it's because there is a girl that has his eye.' I say.

'Imprint?' Sam asks.

'No' I say.

'Sam, while I'm not here you're in charge.' I say.

'Ok.' Sam says.

After we get done talking Sam goes and talks to Leah at her house while I continue My patrol.

(The next day.)

I pull into Charlie's driveway with Billy and Jake, I hop out while Jake grabs Billy's wheelchair.

"Damn son you got massive," Charlie says when he sees me.

"Growth spurt," I say with a smile.

I see Bella behind him looking as shy as she did in the movie.

"Bella, do you remember me we used to make mudpies when we were little." Jake asks.

"How could I forget," Bella says. I can hear her heart rate rise so I knew she was lying.

At that moment I hear a howl in the distance.


Billy looks at me concerned.

"Dad I have to go, sorry Bella I wish I could stay longer since it's your first day back," I say with a smile.

"It's okay," Bella says with a forced smile.

"See you at school tomorrow," I say before running into the forest far enough away that they won't see me phase.

"He's going to Forks?" Charlie asks.

"Him and Jake both I figured they could keep her company," Billy says.

Bella looks slightly relieved.

I have just phased.

'Leah why did you howl.' I ask.

'Lucian, a boy named Jared Cameron Phased.' Leah says worried.

'Where is he?' I ask.

'He was at your dad's but you guys weren't there so he was going to wait, but he started to phase and ran off, Sam is watching the tribe to make sure he doesn't hurt any of them when he comes back.' Leah says.

'Ok, Leah go join Sam, I will find him.' I say

'Ok.' Leah says before she goes to Sam.

I take off to my house once I'm close I start to pick up on a new scent I start to follow it till I find a wolf curled up in a ball whimpering.

'Jared?' I ask.

'W-Who's there.' Jared says while still whimpering and breathing heavily.

'I'm Lucian Black, Your ok it's over now.'

'What is happening to me.' Jared says while still breathing heavily.

'Do you remember the stories that we used to get told when we were kids?' I ask.

He nods.

'There real.' I say.

For the next couple of hours, I showed Jared the Patrol routes he has started to understand his purpose and he has started to get used to being a Spirit Warrior.

'Lucian did you find Jared.' Sam asks after he Phases.

'Yea I did, say hi Jared'

'Hey, Sam.' Jared says.

'Lucian your shift is over be careful tomorrow.' Sam says.

' I will, Jared go home Sam will come to find you for your shift tomorrow.

I go home and find Jake.

'Bella is coming to pick us up tomorrow.

(Jade Cullen POV.)

Alice was moving a glass vase full of red roses.


We all look up and see Alice is having a vision, this one ended fast and with her smiling.

Edward Chuckles

"That's a first," Edward says while smirking my way.

"What is it?" I ask Alice who is grinning my way.

"All I'm gonna say is wear something nice tomorrow," Alice says.

"ALICE," I say annoyed.

"Fine fine, your mate has transferred to our school," Alice says with a smile.

"He must like you a lot, wolves don't normally leave their territory for anything, I hope he likes video games," Emmett says with a grin.

Lucian POV.

I wake up and remember today will be the first day I see her in person, I start to remember her hair and her eyes.

I walk to my dresser and grab some underwear and some jeans and a white shirt tho my clothes make me look a lot more buffer than I am because they are so tight.

I hear a truck pull up outside.

"LUCIAN, hurry up Bella is here." I hear Jake yell from the living room.

"On my way!" I yell back at him.

I grab my bag and walk into the living room and grab 5 pieces of toast that Jake made, I throw the toast down my mouth, the truth is I never get full anymore and I am always hungry.

"Let's go, slowpoke," I say as I sprint past Jake and get throw my bag in the bed of the truck, I then hop in the passenger seat.

Jake groans knowing he has to ride in the bed of the truck.

"Hey, Bella," I say with a big smile.

"Hey Lucian, I hope we have some of the same classes," Bella says

I nod my head in agreement.

"If people start to bully me, do you got my back?" I ask Bella with a sarcastic smile.

"Don't worry I got your back," Bella says with a smile.

'Like anyone would actually dare to mess with him.' Bella thinks to here self.

(10 minutes later)

(I don't know how long it takes to get from the res to the school.)

Bella pulls into the parking lot and parks we hope out Jake tosses me my bag.

I turn around and breathe in as soon as I do I am forced to fight back my instincts, I am smelling multiple vampires, but another smell hits me, and as soon as I smelled it my urge to Phase disappeared all I could smell were flowers, is the best way to explain it. I look up to where the scent was coming from, I immediately found her, she is wearing tight jeans a white shirts with a jean jacket and she had converse on, her hair was down but curls at the tips, she was walking inside the school with her family.

"Dude, what are you looking at." Jake says.

"Nothing lets go." I say while Jake put an arm over Bellas's shoulder.

I had no classes with anyone I knew and I didn't make any friends not that I cared everyone that saw me immediately looked away. I guess I give off a scary vibe.

It was now lunch I found Jake on the way to the cafeteria so we walked in together we grabbed our trays and looked around we see Bella sitting at the table getting surrounded by boys.

I chuckle while Jake and I make our way to the table we are close enough to hear a boy say.

"So you have met my home girl Bella." A random guy says.

Before anyone could say anything Jake and I both sit on opposite sides of her and Jake says.

"You mean my home girl?" Jake says.

"Hey, guys." Bella looks relieved that we are here.

"Who are they," a girl with brown hair asks.

"Jessica, these are my best friends Jake and Lucian," Bella says.

I guess I'm her best friend now. I think to myself.

"Who are they?" Bella asks.

I look toward where she is looking and see the culling walking in.

"That tall guy there is Emmett and the girl next to him is Rosalie, the guy that looks like he is in pain in Jasper and the girl next to him is Alice she's weird like really weird, That guy there is Edward don't try anything because apparently, no one here is good enough for him, I see Edward smile.

I hear Jake whisper something.

"Freaks" Jake whispers.

Then out of nowhere the same scent, I smelled earlier this morning hits my nose again this time the wolf inside of me is screaming at me to grab it and keep it close, I hear Bella ask something.

"Who's that?" Bella asks.

I look to where she is looking and before anyone could respond I cut them off.

"Jade," I say while admiring how she looks.

"Dude, don't try it she's mine." a random dude at the table says while glaring at me.

I turn to him and let out a small growl.


"We will see about that." I say before getting up and walking to the Cullen table.

I hear the boys around the cafeteria talking about how I'm gonna get rejected.

I just laugh and keep walking I look back and see that Jake has a confused look on his face, I just smirk at him.

I arrive at the Cullen table, I see that most of the Cullins have a worried look on their face other than Alice, I can't see Jade's face because her back is to me.

I tap on Jade's shoulder when my fingers touch her it's like electricity is flowing through us. I take a step back.

She turns around and I see that she is smiling.

"Hello, I am Lucian Black," I say while smiling and extending my hand for a handshake.

She grabs my hand and once again I feel the electricity flow through us, I look into her eyes and get lost for a while until I hear her sweet and gentle voice.

"H-Hello I am Jade Cullen," she says still dazed after looking at each other eyes.

'I wonder if she feels this connection like I do.' I think to myself.

'I wonder if he feels the same way I do about him.' Jade thinks to herself.

"Can we go talk somewhere else?" Jade asks.

I just nod my head, she stands up while still holding my hand and leads me out of the cafeteria.

To be continued.


Got busy so couldn't get 2000 words sorry!!!

Word count-1942

AN. How do y'all think Jake will handle it when he finds out of Edward treated Bella?