
Twilight - The Other Swan

===== What happens If somebody was reborn Into the Twilight universe, except he realised there are a few problems. First. His new sister, Bella and their mother look different. Second. Most characters have become female. Third. He Is extremly lustful. What could go wrong? ===== Tags - N*tori, Threesome, Inc*st, Impregnation, Sadist, R*pe No NTR on the MC =====

Pure_Degeneracy · Movies
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Chapter 6


Hope you enjoy :)

A/N - Check the AUX chapter for the pictures of Cora and her daughter.

Just wanna say that Cora won't be In the 'harem' and that she will be Renee's 'Replacement' for Charlie. Still might make her fuck Roman tho, depends on how I feel.

My bad for not updating, I've been playing Elden Ring and I'm still playing It so updates might slow down lol.


"Sorry I'm late." Bella walked Into the diner where she was supposed to meet Jules 30 minutes ago.

"It's fine, what caught you up?" Jules didn't mind the wait, especially not for Bella, but she was still confused about why It took her 30 more minutes to get there.

"Ah- My, uh, truck. My truck didn't start so It took a while to figure out how to fix It." Bella gave a tight smile and Jules nodded, not thinking anything of It.

Jules looked at Bella's outfit and thought inappropriate thoughts as she admired the clothing.

Bella wore a crop top blouse that lifted her breasts and some tight ripped jeans that showed off her thighs and legs.

As Jules looked at Bella's clothing, Bella did the same thing and she liked what she saw.

Jules simply wore an oversized hoodie and baggy pants.

Bella looked multiple times over and she liked what Jules wore even though it showed very little.

"Do you like It? I don't really have any other clothing and I didn't have time to go shopping for more."

"It's fine, It's completely fine. You looked absolutely ravishing." Bella looked at her with a seductive smile before it turned Into disgust.

"I sound like Roman." Bella shivered at her own words making Jules giggle as she realised that Roman was most likely a 'Playboy' and not the type of person she would like.

"That doesn't sound like a good thing, but you should sit down before your legs give up." Bella nodded and sat opposite of Jules who had food In front of her.

"Hello, welcome to Forks Diner, I am Cora and I'll be your waitress. What would you like to eat?" A beautiful dark skinned woman came up to them.

She wore a tight dress shirt and pencil skirt that shows off her thick thighs and Bella couldn't help but admire her before snapping out of It and realising she was on a date.

'Stop acting like Roman. Stop acting like Roman. Stop acting like Roman.' Bella repeated these words In her mind when the woman spoke again.

"Miss?" Bella looked at the waitress again and thought about what to eat and looked at Jules' food.

"I'll have what she has." Bella pointed down at the steak and fries on Jules' plate and the woman nodded before leaving.

Bella couldn't help but watch the woman's giant ass bounce as he walked away, and she noticed that It wasn't just her.

"She had a nice body huh?" Bella froze as she realised she had been caught as she looked at a smirking Jules.

"I suppose." Jules simply chuckled at Bella's response and Bella was glad she wasn't mad and made a note not too do It again.

A few minutes later, Cora brought over the food and as she placed down Bella's drink, they heard a voice.

"Mom!" Bella looked In the direction of the voice along with Jules and Cora to see a dark-skinned girl, who looked to be around her own age.

She had dark dreadlocks and dark eyes and on the left side of her nose was a piercing.

"Taylor? Why are you here?" Cora let out a sigh as Taylor walked up to the table with a frown.

"I was wondering If I could borrow the van." Cora sighed at Taylor's 'Innocent' look and spoke.

"Why do you want the van?"

"Me, Jess, Angel and Kayla wanted to go to the beach on the res because It's a rare warm day."

Cora thought about It before sighing and giving Taylor the keys, "You better bring It back before my shift Is over." Taylor gave a big smile In thanks.

"Thank youuuu!" Taylor hugged Cora and ran away, outside the diner, to go and get the truck.

"I'm sorry for my daughter, would you two like anything else?" Cora had an apologetic look on her face but Bella didn't care about what just happened.

"We're good, thanks." Cora nodded and walked away as Bella spoke again, "Y'know, we should go to the beach as well." Bella suddenly s


"Why not? I mean, she was right, It Is a warm day and you said that happens very little In Forks."

"But I don't have a swimsuit." She frowned at her words as she had never really been to the beach In a swimsuit before, It was always too cold.

"Then we'll get you one after this." Jules nodded In agreement and started to eat her food that she hadn't finished.

For the next 30 minutes, they talked while they ate and their curiosities allowed them to learn a lot about each other.

After they finished their food, they got In Bella's truck and drove to the nearest place that sold swimsuits/bikini's.

"What do you think?" Jules showed Bella a swimsuit that she found and Bella shook her head.

"What about this one." Bella shook her head once again.


"Nope." Bella didn't even allow Jules to finish her sentence making her frown,

"Fine, you get me a swimsuit." Bella grinned at Jules' words and immediately walked toward a bikini she saw.

"That's too small!" Jules Immediately denied the bikini making Bella sulk and come up with an idea.

"How about you buy the last one you showed me, and I buy this one. That way you have 2 swimsuits that you can wear." Jules thought for a moment and nodded.


Once they were finished buying the two swimsuits, Bella and Jules made a quick stop at Bella's house so that she could put on her swimsuit before heading to the beach.

Once they got to the beach, they saw quite a few people there, but It was still very spacious.

They got out of Bella's truck and Jules took Bella's hand and led her away from all the other people.

When Jules stopped, they were In a secluded part of the beach, but much more beautiful than where they just were.

"This Is the spot that I normally go too when I come here, only a few people know of It and all of them live on the Res.

"It's very beautiful." Bella looked out to the ocean with wonder as she had never been to a beach before.

"Yeah." Jules wasn't agreeing to the ocean view though, but her own view of Bella.

"Do you wanna go In?" Bella turned to Jules with a smile and then took off her top, showing her bikini top.

Jules looked down at Bella's body as she took off her clothes and stood In her bikini.

"That wasn't a question was It?" Jules looked back up at Bella's eyes once she was finished admiring her body.

Bella shook her head and then grabbed the bottom of Jules' hoodie and then pulled It over her head and revealing the two giant mounds hiding beneath It.

She wore a tight full body swimsuit that her breasts threatened to burst out from and It turned out that It was the biggest size that the shop had.

Bella couldn't help but stare, just as Jules had done a moment ago when she was getting undressed.

When Jules took off her pants, she started to walk towards the ocean and swayed her hips to give Bella a good view, and Bella gladly watched as Jules' cheecks bounced up and down and against can other.

Bella quickly followed her In and they both enjoyed the next few hours at the beach, talking, kissing and feeling each others bodies.

After Bella dropped off Jules back at her house at around 9pm, Jules went to her room and almost immediately started to touch her self.

She though of Bella and her beautiful body and how she wanted Bella to touch her at night.

A few minutes later, just as she was about to cum, she heard a knock on the door.

She chose to ignore It and carry on but the person simply kept on knocking and a minute later she gave up, put some pants on and went to open the door.

When she opened the door, her annoyed look became that of surprise as she saw Bella's brother, Roman standing there with a grin.

"What do you want?"


Hope you enjoyed :)

Smut between Renee and Roman next chapter.


I started rushing It at the end cuz of boredom, oh well.

Pure_Degeneracycreators' thoughts