

In a world where the boundaries between reality and fantasy are already blurred, the revelation that a game is becoming a reality shakes the very foundations of existence. Cultivators, magical girls, espers, ancient mage hunger games, Them, and extraterrestrial beings coexist in this intricate tapestry of a world. A college student caught up in all of this after an encounter with a girl claiming herself to be his wife from the future, coming back to prevent his death.

Anotoki · Urban
Not enough ratings
59 Chs

That's Alright

"Are you alright?" Airi patted my back with a green magic circle on her palm a few times as my body wrapped in a green glow

"Uhuk, uhuk!" I coughed in an ugly manner as I greedily absorbed the air. My neck throbbed as the pain lingered, gradually fade away. I calmed my rapid breathing as best as I could.

"Thank you for saving me, Airi. He undoubtedly caught me off guard." I grabbed the sword not far from me and looked at the ceiling, his head still inside the ceiling, dangling motionlessly. A bit of debris fell to the ground.

"He's not the same person. A different being is possessing his body." Airi remarked. She swayed her hands to ease the muscle. The guy's skin reminded her of punching a tank.

Without waiting for him to say a word, she immediately warned with a frown "Get ready, here he comes."

I immediately got up and assumed a fighting stance. I didn't forget to bit my thumb, activating the ability for an extra boost in strength and defense. Not only that, armor appeared and covered my body.

I saw my health with full heart. However, the hunger bar was extremely low and I feel slightly sluggish.

"Cover me for a bit." I urged her. She nodded. All of a sudden, something black flashed through the air and it crashed at Airi.

Already prepared, Airi wanted to grab his arm and slam him to the ground. His movements appeared quite slow in her eyes.

Just as her hand was about to touch him, she sensed death and retracted her hand. He got closer.

Forced into a defensive state, she made an x before her chest with her hands and he kicked down her hands. His kick appeared to be more powerful than before.

What is going on? She noticed the boost in strength. She reacted as she took a half step back and performed a spin kick at the speed of a bullet. It arrived at his face and the impact sent him flying.

I couldn't follow Airi's movements, but could see his movements. When he launched an attack, I was about to help but realized she could handle it.

Maybe a second has passed, and the man sent flying across the library. His body crashed through the aisles of binders, making a hole in them and tumbling them down.

Binders collapsed to the ground. Some had their papers torn off of the binders, flying everywhere. His body stopped when he crashed at a wall. The latter caved in.

A sound similar to an explosion echoed throughout the library, sound muffled to the outside of the library. The entire library shook the greatly.

"Good job." I commend her.

"Yeah," she said with her right leg still on the air; standing on one leg. She retracted her leg.

"He is targeting you." I remarked when I ate food I stored in my inventory. I offered it to her, but she denied, claiming she had dinner at Hae Shi's place. I also checked the glass potion on the inventory, it was there. It seemed to be stored automatically.

"Which is strange. Usually, such a person will target the weak first." She stroke her chin and she gasped, realizing something.

She ran while shouting, "Come on, follow me!"

I nodded and followed her from behind. We ran to where he should be. Only an empty crater on the wall. A slightly ajar door could be seen not far from the wall.

We looked at each other and nodded. I entered the door first and looked around cautiously. A white hall entered my vision. After a round of observation, I confirmed the hall to be safe and gestured my hand to let her come.

"My magic has been restored." She aimed her palm at me and my body wrapped in an almost transparent white light. If one didn't observe it closely, one might miss this.

"I put an illusion and concealment on us so people here won't know our true identity." She assured. Those words washed away my worries considerably.

I've been worried about that and was planning to cover my head with the curtain next to me, beside the window.

"Having you is a blessing, Airi. I don't think I can last this long without your help. Is there anything you want? I very much want to repay you, even though we're in a relationship," I inquired gratefully.

"Let's see. Take me on a date then." She responded after a thought.

"Okay, I will take you on a date. I promised." I nodded with the corners of my lips lifted. This would be my first date in my life. Kinda excited.

My mind immediately reminded me of the situation we were in with the hurried footsteps coming our way.

They walked out of the corner and the door on the corner of the hall, also a few people behind us. We were completely surrounded.

I looked at them, they wore a business suit with a neat and tidy hair. All of them would look the same if they wore black sunglasses, but their faces were visible.

Some of them were young, with the majority being in the middle thirties to forties with rough facial features.

Each exuded a powerful supernatural energy. I think I could beat twenty of them, but more than that, my body would collapse in exhaustion.

"I will attract their attention. You go ahead and chase him." Airi made a plan.

"Un!" I had the same thought too, so I accepted her plan with a smile. I calmed myself and closed my eyes. I gathered my focus, reaching a new state.

This was something Zero taught me. By being pretty focused, my five senses increased considerably.

My ears could hear the distance quite clearly as though I was there and I could control the range. The only effect it had; it decreased my stamina quickly. I couldn't maintain this state for long.

Therefore, as soon as my ears picked up a step with long pause in between, traversing through the distance in seconds, I immediately knew it was him.

He seemed to be around 400 meters away from him and running somewhere. I opened my eyes and reported, "I got him."

All of that only took two seconds. Airi grunted in acknowledgement as she flung her hand. A purple magic circle took form on the ground. Immediately afterward, it spewed out purple dots, as small as a firefly.

Those who come in contact with it immediately collapsed with a heavy thud.

I looked at her. She seemed to know what I had in mind as she spoke, "They're only lost their consciousness. They aren't in danger."

"Okay." I shifted my head from her to the door on the edge of the hall. I rushed there with a sword at the ready. They came at me with different powers.

Ice, fire, lightning, water, plasma beam. These attacks bombarded me. I swung Zero's blade at the upcoming attacks. Upon contact, black energy emerged out of Zero's blade and absorbed them!

In an instant, the bombardment of attacks vanished. The sword became a bit heavier. I swung down the sword and the attacks it absorbed unleashed at once.

The attack caused people to be thrown like a ragdoll in video games. Their bodies hit the wall, some flew out of the window.

The window broke with glass breaking noises, became tiny fragments; spreading everywhere. Some shards hit me and scratched my skin. The scratch seemed light as only a bit of blood flowed out.

I revealed the path and left the hall. Simultaneously, their numbers decreased greatly with more people collapsing because of the purple dots attached to their bodies.

They could only watch in silence when everything happened in a few short seconds. Their minds were still comprehending the situation and finally...

"Get away from the purple dots!" Someone yelled.

"How? They're everywhere!" A heavy voice replied.

"Use your powers! You will be alright as long as you–!" He controlled the wind, circulating him.

He controlled the wind precisely so he didn't launch the purple dots to his friends. The dots were almost weightless so it was easily carried by the wind.

However, as he still stood above the magic circle, purple dots came out just between his legs, attached to his feet. He collapsed as the wind slowly faded away.

I ran without turning my eyes back and rushed to where I last saw him. I arrived without trouble. I did find some people, they were easily taken care of.

Around ten minutes later, I found him on a black room with only one light highlighted on an item sealed in thick glasses. He stood before the item with glee.

He seemed to notice my presence as his expression vanished and he turned around to see me. He had a bored expression and I slowly walked in his way.

"Where's the girl? I'm not interested in a weakling like you." His eyes shifted between me and the entrance. His eyes fixed there for a few seconds straight before retracting her gaze away.

It seemed I was underestimated, I made an assumption in my mind and chuckled. When we were fifty meters away from one another, I took a light step forward and covered the entire distance in an instant.

I swung my sword at his chest. He bent his body backward, avoiding the sword at the right moment.

As the sword missed him, he heard the sword whistled through the wind.