

In a world where the boundaries between reality and fantasy are already blurred, the revelation that a game is becoming a reality shakes the very foundations of existence. Cultivators, magical girls, espers, ancient mage hunger games, Them, and extraterrestrial beings coexist in this intricate tapestry of a world. A college student caught up in all of this after an encounter with a girl claiming herself to be his wife from the future, coming back to prevent his death.

Anotoki · Urban
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59 Chs

Oh F**k, It's You.

Zero disabled the All-Craft realm Ryuta activated earlier. The stacked five blocks returned to normal and it changed into a stone pillar.

Airi didn't stay idle either as she healed Rangda. She confirmed Rangda's consciousness has vanished and the body returned to Captain's control. The latter was still sleeping.

Looking at the heavily injured body, she felt somewhat guilty. This shouldn't have happened, but what could she do?

Even though she possessed vast knowledge, the world still hid many mysteries she had no knowledge of.

She never expected the youth would have another soul inside of him. She had a few speculations about this, either the youth's body had a unique constitution or Rangda possessed excellent concealing technique. Regardless, she couldn't afford to let her guard down next time.

Following this line of thought, a spark of realization flashed through her eyes.

"So it was because Rangda is inside his body I feel the young man connected to that thing." Her words came out of the blue, which stumped Zero for a moment. He understood after a brief contemplation.

Rangda became a medium which connected directly to that thing, instead of a part of the youth, like an organ, connected to that thing.

"That makes sense." Zero grunted in acknowledgement and watched the youth's body to recover.

Airi exuded an exhausted sigh when she completely finished healing him. Her healing magic failed to get rid of critical injuries completely as they became scars. Erasing those scars seemed impossible, especially the cut on his chest.

Zero cut Captain's wrist softly and let blood flowed into the bottle glass. Once the blood filled the bottle to the brim, Airi used healing magic to close the wound. Zero sealed the glass.

He looked at the red bottle briefly before storing it inside Ryuta's inventory.

"Are you okay, Airi?" He asked, removing the inventory panel from his sight.

"To tell you the truth, I only recovered 50% of my strength. My magic cost too much mana for my current mana capacity and recovery," she responded honestly.

Her true strength hasn't recovered yet and it took time. Zero didn't speak a word as though he was thinking of something.

"So that's why you are troubled when you fight Hanazaki but easily defeat the black dude in that cave." Zero connected the dots and made interesting connections.

"Yes, exactly. I'm not surprised you can make an assumption like that." She nodded with a smile and casted a spell after straightening out her right hand.

Two magic circles appeared on top and below us.

Without warning, a loud alarm echoed throughout the area and hurried steps got closer. Airi looked up when she noticed something coming from the air.

She casted a powerful barrier. As soon as that happened, a laser beam pierced through the roof and hit them! At the same, the magic circles only wrapped Zero from the two of them.

"Don't move or the teleportation magic won't be able to teleport you!" Zero prepared to fight when Airi stopped him.

He halted his body and looked at her, "Then so be it! I won't leave you alone."

Airi aimed her left hand at Zero. His body won't move as though she petrified him with magic.

"Why...?" He wondered in confusion and betayal mixed in it before the two magic circles crushed him, teleported him somewhere else.

When the magic circle vanished, a blue light flashed, blinding those nearby. This happened the same time when ETC personnel entered the room, blinding them briefly.

Airi made a plan in a short few seconds. She imbued the rest of mana into her body, receiving incredible speed, agility and strength. The barrier flickered and turned into millions of fragments because it couldn't hold the laser beam any longer.

Airi made a move. Her figure became black silhouette as she traveled across the area at a speed five times faster than the speed of sound. Her movement would be followed by the whistle of the wind and wind behind her. Anything she passed through would fly to the front.

ETC personnel were akin to sitting ducks. They couldn't do anything about her and before they realized it, they lost consciousness. In seconds, ETC personnel numbers went down faster than a normal countdown!

In a minute, no one was still standing. They lied on the ground. Airi stopped moving as she shifted her head to the figure in the air, illuminated by the moonlight coming through the roof

A man in his twenties, black hair. He was a Korean wearing black shirt with a long black robe fluttering in the wind.

He wore long black pants and black shoes. His clothes accentuate his chest muscles and biceps.

He looked extremely handsome and tall. Any woman would fall over heels to him, including Airi. Thankfully, her heart belongs to Ryuta now. Her mind went blank but for an extremely short period of time, 0.5 seconds to be exact.

"Surrender." He demanded flatly with his hands in his pocket. His eyes looked cold, detached from any emotion. His hair and robe danced gracefully as wind blew from somewhere.

"Why does it has to be you?" The corners of Airi's lips twitched uncontrollably and her head hurt. She recognized the person before her extremely well.

"Have we met before?" He asked without making an expression.

"No, we haven't." She shook her head while simultaneously suppressing unpleasant memories about him. She didn't realize it, but sadness and pity flashed through her eyes.

He noticed it and felt a bit uncomfortable. Her expression also reminded him of someone in the distant past. This caused his cold heart to tremble with unknown emotions. He suppressed these emotions.

These feelings are... unnecessary. He said to himself, half closed his eyes.

"Emo boy! Edgy dude like a character written by a 14 years old boy! Your feelings are necessary! It's not your fault she's dead! You know that!" She shouted out of the blue and with no context whatsoever. Anyone who heard her words would deem her insane.

His expression froze and immediately changed to anger, "Who are you?! Why did you know about her! Don't say those words like you know me!"

He left a shockwave boom as he dived at Airi like an eagle catching its prey.