

In a world where the boundaries between reality and fantasy are already blurred, the revelation that a game is becoming a reality shakes the very foundations of existence. Cultivators, magical girls, espers, ancient mage hunger games, Them, and extraterrestrial beings coexist in this intricate tapestry of a world. A college student caught up in all of this after an encounter with a girl claiming herself to be his wife from the future, coming back to prevent his death.

Anotoki · Urban
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59 Chs

Earth New Update: Added New Metal!

Zero scanned his changed environment. He stood between tall trees and bushes. Soon, he heard noises of people not far away from him. He concealed his presence and hid in the bushes, spying on them.

Two people in a business suit standing on the tunnel entrance. For convenience sake, let's call them NPC A and B.

"Man, this sucks. Why do we have to guard this place? It's not like foreigners will dumb enough to go here and claim this place as their own. That will be another war." NPC A complained.

"Just do your job and shut up." NPC B responded coldly, taking his words poorly.

"Okay, chill man, no need to use that kind of voice." NPC A tried to calm him down. He then sighed with eyes closed, feeling unlucky to be paired with this guy.

As his mind wandered, the next thing he heard was a heavy thud coming from his left.

He furrowed his brows and turned his head at his collapsed friend. Chill spread from his body. His mind fluttered but he kept his cool as much as possible. ETC training was designed to have their personnel to have a cool-headed attitude in every situation.

As his mind calmly assessed the situation, he felt a cold steel against his neck and blood trickle down his skin. His pupils shook. His body froze.

"I'm not going to kill you if you answer me a few questions. How many people knew about this place and what's inside?" Zero's threatening voice entered his words. It sounds like a grim reaper whispering.

NPC A wanted to use his powers, but the cold steel on his neck forced him to refrain from doing so.

"The government tries their best to control the flow of information, but major countries already know about the new metal. The news reached the public, but they remain skeptical, seeing it as a hoax." He replied honestly with trembling lips.

"Thank you." Zero slapped the back of his neck and NPC A groaned in pain with eyes rolled up. He collapsed to the ground with butt first.

Zero bit his thumb, stomp his feet and the environment changed to blocks. Next, he deactivated the ability, everything return to normal. Zero entered the tunnel and reached the edge. He still saw the cave. It seemed his only option was to destroy it.

A message notification from Divinity rang inside his head. He checked it out.

[ -Ruler- Overseer: Whatever you are doing, don't destroy the cave. I know what you're thinking, but destroying it won't change anything. The government will still turn the entire area into a mining spot.]

[ -Survivor- Zero: You think I don't know that? At least it will slow them from retrieving the new metal. I get a notion this will cause a sensation in the world and cause another conflict in the world.]

Zero looked at the displayed name, slightly frowned. It didn't show Ryuta's usual name, 007.

[ -Ruler- Overseer: I know you're worried, but I want you to trust me. I will give you something that might be useful to you.]

[Tell me your plan and I might reconsider.] Zero gave a condition.

[To lure the person you've been looking for. That guy loves to make chaos. I doubt he would let a new source of conflict between nations untouched.]

[Then what? We can't kill him. What's the point of luring him here if we can't do anything about him?] Zero typed after some thought. Overseer's plan looked wonderful, but still, far from perfect.

[I have an item from a thousand years ago that can seal him.]

Zero tapped his chin a few times. Should such an item exist, he had no qualms about the plan, yet, something about his words bugged his mind.

[What are the price to activate the seal?]

Zero knew one rule in the universe pretty well. Everything had a price. An item which can seal an incredibly vague thing such as concept, let alone a concept that became real and sentient like Jahil, should have a steep price.

[An innocent and pure soul with an incredible amount of superstitious energy inside of them.] Overseer replied after a brief silence.

[There is no one like that in this world.]

[Maybe, or maybe not. However, Ryuta can make anything and everything. I believe he can make a homunculi with that amount of energy.] He suggested.

[You sicken me.] Zero's expression turn into disgust.

[I know deep inside you want to do it. What's stopping you? Moral compass? This is the person that has been giving you all the suffering. Isn't what you want in this world is his death?] Overseer seemed to taunt Zero with his message.

Zero stared at his message for the next few seconds. No one knew what was inside his mind.

[Fine. I'll let Ryuta know and ask him if he wants to create a homunculi.] Zero finally responded.

[I'm waiting for your answer.]

Zero withdrew his focus from the chat message and swap body with Ryuta.




I opened my eyes. Cold sensation penetrated my skin and I had a hard time breathing. I immediately went up to the surface. Once I left the tunnel, four soldiers with rifles in their arms welcomed me.

As soon as they saw me, they raised their rifles at me. The flashlight attached to their guns blind my vision. I had to cover my eyes with my hands.

"Drop your weapon and raise your hands to the air!" One of them shouted. I scanned them one by one, predicting the distance between us and finding an efficient way of finishing them in an instant.

I raised my hands to the air. The black katana vanished as it turned into particles of light.

"He's an esper! Be careful!" One of them yelled.

As soon as he yelled that, I saw glint of light from the corner of my eyes. My brows make a v shape as my eyes focus.

In the next instant, my figure vanished from the spot and one by one, followed by a dull thud, the soldiers collapsed to the ground.

At the same time, where I stood earlier, a bullet drilled into the ground and dug a small hole. Smoke wafted out of it.

I grabbed a stone from the ground and threw it at the source of light. The stone pierced through the air, producing a soft whistle.

A moment later, an extremely dull thud could be heard. If it was anyone else, no way they could hear it.

"There you are." A grin spread in my face.

On a small hill, people would see a soldier wearing a bush suit if they tried hard enough. The bright moon helped that considerably. If not, one wouldn't be able to spot him in the pitch darkness of the forest.

Right now, he groaned in pain after a stone hit his head. Blood flowed down. Abruptly, the air seemed to change and he sensed someone behind him. His eyes widened.

He turned around, only to be greeted with a punch on the face. Blood came out of his nose as his vision blurred. Next, I perform an uppercut aiming for his chin. Upon impact, his body lift to the air briefly before falling to the ground.