
Twenty Five Year Quest

Zen a lone man, searching for justice of those who died at the hands of the corrupted government. After they refused to aid them, when they most needed it. The only survivor of the attack Zen lived on the streets, later joining a guild and building a reputation. Finding a quest that just might kill him if he fails, he takes it on anyways. Needing the power to defeat the very government that abandoned his once loving home. Shocking truths reaveal themselves to Zen, leaving him confused and trapped. Will he be able to find out the real reason why the government is so corrupted? Stayed tuned to this new adventure. _____________ Cover pic not mine, monsters portrayed 8n my book qre not myne, credit goes to the artists and creators.

Storymamma · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter Four.

The entrance to the outside world, vanished like a wisp of smoke, sealing them all within. Panic began to set in. "Were trapped!" A dark skinned healer yelled.

The others began to trembled hearing the girls words. "Now, now there is no need to panic, I'm sure there ia another way out" The slender man, tired to clam them down.

"Leo, how can you be sure of that?" A red head sword welder spoke. Leo remained cool, as he was also panicking a bit.

Far behind them, something began to stir, causes large boulders to roll down, making loud noises, they all looked to see where or what was making the noise. A large pile crystals moved, fright them all.

The pile of crystals unraveled, the monster blinked, its slumbered disturbed by the nosies the adventurers were making.

"I-i-i Is that m-m-monster!" A small fire user trembled out. The monsters head looked down, cyrstals in the shape of horns curved upwards, it gave a might shake of its head, letting all the dust and small debries fall to the moss coverd floor.

"I-i-i Impossible, d-d-dragons haven't been seen in years. How is it that one is still alive?" They froze in fear hearing Leo's words.

Zen studied the monster, with wonder. He had never seen a dragon before and so beautiful, it fascinated him.

"Leo! Fo you think its possible for a way out, since your confidance has wavered?" The dark skinned healer pointed out to him. "Because we are stuck, with a twenty five foot dragon!"

Leo scanned the area tying to find a solution to their impending situation that lay before them. "Now I'm sure there has to be a way out..." He tried to swallow the lump in his throat. "its probably behind the dragon."

The dragon let out a mighty roar, causing them to cover their ears. Shards of crystal fell to the ground from above, scratching the adventurers below.

Leo puffed up his chest. "Come on guy, we've faced more larger monster before, I say we fight our way out of this cave!" Shouts of cheers range trough out the hallow cavern, bouncing of the walls.

Zen stood there, hearing what the golden blond had said, this wasn't like any monster he had faced before. The monster observed the intuders beanth it, wondering what they were all shouting about.

"Attack!" The all began forming spells of water, air, earth, fire, lightning and ice. Their strongest spells were thrown into the dragons direction. With the haze impairing their vision, not seeing crystals scales that formed to protect the area closest to it's chest.

The spells bounced back like rubber, being sent straight towards their direction, they barely had time to protect themselves, forming shields all around them. "NO!, how did we miss, I was sure we'd hit the dragon?" Reality struck Leo like lightning as the dragon opened its month, baring it's fangs showing its displeasure towards those who attacked it without cuase or fear.

Leo's eyes widened, not sure if they would be able to defeat the dragon before them. The dragon unfirled it's wings, preparing its own attack. "RUN!" Warned Zen streaching out his hand, seeing the dragons rage from where he stood. The warning came to late, as the dragon blasted them with sharp crystals from its mouth.

Zen was surprised at this, dragons he had heard stories of spat fire or lava, but not crystals! Dust and debries clouded his vision from the group that stood meters away.

The dragon finally stopping it's attack, waiting for the cloud of dust to settle, for now his focused turned to the one that remained. Deep red eyes boared into Zen's very soul, making him shiver out of fear.

The dragon waited, seeing what he would do. Sweat began to form on his skin, what would he do?

He was the only one left to fight the dragon, he trembled, his legs felt like led. He felt so useless, as the others got mercilessly attacked, was he next.

His heart pounded like hammer in his chest, what was he going to do, he was alone. How could he defeat it alone, the dragon reared onto its hind legs, it spread its wings. They glimmered like a thousand stars.

The dragon flapped its wings, blowing back the dust and Zen in the process, revealing the adventurers trapped under a dome like prison of crystals. Zen recived scratches over his face, he managed to block most of the debries sent his way as he was blown back by the sheer winds the dragon gave.

Zen lay there thinking, he had to get out, he needed to leave. The others were dead, there was no possible way to defeat the dragon that stood before him, alone. Zen searched for a way out, there was only one and the dragons left paw stood over it, sharp talons digging deep into the ground.

"I need to move, or I'm dead."

'Coward!' His inner voice called. 'You faced many more monsters like this, now why are you turning tail and running like a coward! Have you already forgotten why you came here for, not just for that but for her too.'

Zen's hand went and clasped around the silver pendant that hung around his neck. How could he, after all she saved his life. Tears began to form in his eyes. 'Yes her, the one who cared the most about you.'

Zen tried to push out the memories of her, as the dragon gave another mighty roar, shaking the whole cavern even the crystals that hung from roof.

Zen stood up, wiping away the stray tears that fell, he would dare not forget about the person who saved him, and he would dare not forget those rotten people.

The dargon observed Zen, ready to turn him into a living crystal like the others, they were both ready for a good fight. Neither of them wanting to give up easily.

Zen took off his bow, notching an arrow. The dragon lowering his head ready to send another blast of deadly crystals to his opponent. The dragon swished its massive tail, sharp crystals lining it's tip.

The dragon flicked its tail towards Zen, ready to kill him mercilessly, he who managed to fall flat to the ground and roll behind meadium sized rock. "That was close." Zen got up, he gave a loud hiss, some.how he had sprained his right foot. "This is going to become a difficult fight, with this injury."

Zen aimed his bow toward the dragons eye, like he did the other monster not to long ago. Zen closed his eyes taking a deep breath, calming himself. He let go of the tight bow string, the arrow silently flew through the air.

The dragon raised his front paw and swatted the arrow away like a presinsitant fly, it let out a low deep growl, the dragon wasn't going to allow a cheap shot to his eye. The dragon blasted crystals towards Zen's direction. "Shit!"

Zen ran for cover to a rock close by him, limping as fast as.he could. He narrowly escaped the blast, he panted heavily while gripping the bow tightly.

Zen looked up slightly, seeing sharp spikes above his head, this dragon wasn't going to make it an easy fight. There had to be another way a weakness, but the haze wasn't making it easy.

Zen rolled out from behi.d the crystallized rock, looking towards the dragon, it eyes showed a great displeasureof missing its target yet again. Zen notching another arrow, aiming between its eyes.

The arrow sailing, the dragon just moved its head to the side effortlessly. Its roar more menacing, shaking the very core of the dungeon, not caring for the other inhabitants that lived beanth it.

Zen surveyed his opponent, what was he missing, he needed to think, while dodging a swipe of the dragons tail, that could impal a whole army if needed.

Zen landing on his injured foot, causing him to hiss loudly thia time. He limmped towards a rock, he needed to steady himself if he was going to take down this monster.

Zen glancing back into his quiver, five arrows remaing, looking towards the dragon, the haze seemingly beginning to clear up a little.

Zen getting a better look at the dragon.

Five vital spots, the legs and its neck. Zen notched an arrow aiming for the dragons right hind leg, crystals scales forming quickly in that area, making the arrow bonce off.

It had not work, the scales would form and protect thw dragon no matter which spot he aimed for. Zen firing a quick arrow towards the dragons neck, only confirming his theory.

Zen limmped towards a large rock, as he knew the dragon would blast more crystals soon at him. The dragon did, Zen now knew the attack pattern of the dragon. He just needed a way to defeat it next.

Zen peeked around the rock, the dragon raising its head high, shaking off all the dust that flew back towards it. Zen then spotted something he had missed in his previous attacks, the only problem was. "I need to get close enough without it spotting me."