
TWD: A New Beginning From the End of the World

"I only know what will happen in this world." One day like any other in the madness inside Arion's head, he wakes up and learns he is in the world of The Walking Dead. After a heavy sleep, he discovers he doesn't have depersonalization disorder and all that stuff he felt was just his inner self warning that something wasn't right. What does he do to survive? In a world plagued by walkers and danger everywhere. His power? He knows the plot well enough to know the ending. Because he was one of the many fans who finished watching it. Read Arion Darcy's story to see how he survives and takes advantage of his knowledge according to his abilities. At least, you should know that this is not the first world he wakes up in. You can read more chapters in my P_treon: SrCuervo. Note: This is a sort of prequel to my latest fanfiction Infinite Worlds: Attack On Titan. The MC doesn't know much about his other lives, but that won't stop him from living a new one. Read the auxiliary chapter before reading the story, thanks for your support.

SrCuervo · TV
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593 Chs

Take Responsibility

"What did you say, she went out on her own, you just let her go?" Shane's face darkened when he heard Richard's words, he really hadn't expected Lori to be so impatient. 

He knew exactly what Lori was trying to do, so this situation worried him even more. 

"Richard, right, did Lori tell you where the hell she's going?" Shane held Richard's shoulders anxiously, he didn't want to wait for his friend Rick to come back and find out his wife was out of prison! 

"Hu... She told me she was just going to get something nearby, I thought she had clearance, after all she was traveling in a van. However, I didn't see her return after waiting for a long time, so I came to tell you about this..." 

Richard was a little scared about the situation, he had good intentions, but ended up doing something that hurt the whole group. 


Shane was getting more and more anxious, the only way he could solve this problem now was to find a tracker to go out and find her all together. 

"What's wrong Shane?" Sam Valdez approached as he saw that something wasn't right about this place, his gaze drifted to Richard who at this point should have been guarding the door. 

He was a little uneasy seeing that van leave half an hour ago, but as he had been informed a person should have been scheduled to leave to look around the prison. Therefore, he didn't move immediately, but it seems that something was indeed happening. 

Shane, who was thinking what he was doing, turned to Sam Valdez and said, "It's Lori, she got out of prison and doesn't seem to know what she's doing." 

"So, what do you want to do?" Sam Valdez wouldn't waste time looking for a person who got out on her own, there are plenty of things to do in this place. 

"I'm going to look for her, I'll take a group with me to bring her back." Shane handed the radio in his waistband to Sam, he now planned to move as fast as possible. 

Sam Valdez on his side was very angry about this situation that would waste everyone's time, manpower is too needy to set out to look for brainless people outside the prison. 

"You know what this is outside of our job? Not only will you be leaving your post to chase a stupid woman, but you'll be able to endanger other people as well." 

After accepting the radio, Shane looked slightly at Sam, he accepts that his words are correct, if it was someone else he doesn't know very well he would also think about it, but the person who went outside is his best friend's wife, Shane nodded and said, "I have to go get her, I'll take care of that." 

"Well, don't take more than five people, if they don't find her in a day leave her for dead." Sam Valdez paused and said, "You're a good leader, I think you understand my words." 

"Got it!" Shane paid no more attention to Sam Valdez, even though he was angry at this man's words, he had to admit that he was telling only the truth. 

Who should he take to search for Lori? Search... Yes, Daryl, he had to take Daryl to find Lori. 

Shane slipped a pistol into his waistband, then grabbed a shotgun from his side, turned and walked off at a brisk pace, asking as he walked, "Did you see where Daryl was just now?" 

Richard nodded, motioning for Shane to follow him, and the two of them took off running at a brisk pace. 

From a great distance, Shane spotted Daryl and hurried over, yelling as he ran, "Daryl! Daryl!" 

"Come with me buddy, Lori ran off by herself! I need your help to find her!" Shane spoke quickly, and long before Daryl could speak, he ran to the people next to him. 

"What?" Daryl looked at Richard, who ran up beside Shane inexplicably. 

Seeing that Drryl didn't understand, Richard explained, "I was guarding the entrance, but Rick's wife came up and said she was going out to get something and would be back in a little while, so I let her out. It was very confusing due to the fact that she was driving a car and wasn't stopped earlier, so I decided to go to Shane to tell him what had happened." 

"Stupid woman, what the fuck is she thinking?" 

After hearing this, Daryl couldn't help but curse. He also walked quickly to Shane's side, Richard hesitated for a moment and followed them. 

Shane ran to the side and called out to some people casually, intending to go out and look for Lori, and soon Daryl and Shane arrived as well. 

"Shane! I'll come with you too. After all, I was the one to blame for this whole situation!" Richard also approached, expressing some remorse. 

"Alright then, me, Daryl, Richard, Morgan and Glenn will go! Everyone hurry up and grab your weapons, we'll meet you at the entrance in five minutes!" Shane trotted to a car after sharing the plan.

The rest of the people also rushed into the prison to pack their things, grabbed some food, picked up some useful weapons and then ran to the gate, at which point, Shane was already waiting there. 

There were people in a car and they were headed towards downtown Atlanta in a flash. 

"Won't we support them? It should be noted that most of them are civilians, they will die if they meet another group of survivors." Marco said next to Sam Valdez. 

"No, they will take care of what happened. Now we have to cancel the sorties and create a stricter command so that no civilians take anything and repeat this situation." Sam Valdez said with a cold expression. 

He promised that he would take care of this shelter while Airon is gone, now he had already caused a lot of trouble and this would not be repeated. 


At that very moment, Lori was not far from the prison. After leaving the prison, she drove all the way forward. Being unfamiliar with road conditions or established routes, she drove on a side road at all times. 

Airon had also thought that the mentality of all the survivors of his community must learn to value the privileges in which they live, so that in this situation they are fully aware of the consequences.

Fortunately, Lori found the main road soon after, but this also caused her to lose her way completely. She continued all the way forward and finally came to a small town. 

Instead of an inhabited town, this town looked adequate, apparently there weren't many residents so there were only two streets. 

The van drove through the town and a lonely atmosphere took over the surroundings. 

The whole town seemed to be covered by a layer of dirt. There was a thick layer of dust in the air, the van was stained by dust on its doors and windows. 

After driving for over ten yards, Lori saw a bar that didn't even have a name, and the sign simply said bar. 

Lori knew that if she wanted to keep moving forward, she needed to find a map, at least to know what the town she was in was called and then figure out what she should do. 

Now she also realized that it was irrational for her to give up now, so she hurried to find a map. 

"Maybe there will be a map in that bar?" Lori couldn't help but wonder, so she could only try her luck, she pulled out her gun and that she took the safety off as she had learned earlier, got out of the van and walked carefully to the main entrance of the bar. 

"Crack!" The sound of opening the door was particularly loud in this bar. Before looking closely at the furniture in the room, she felt choked by an unpleasant odor in the air. 

Lori quickly backed up a few steps, feeling her stomach churn and a nauseous feeling quickly arose, and she began to vomit as she clutched the door handle. 

"Ouch, cough!" 

Lori lowered her head, but didn't notice the numerous walkers lying motionless in different places outside the bar slowly approaching. 

One walker with a rotten face walked a few steps and kicked a wine bottle with his clumsy feet, the bottle rolled out of the bar's main entrance and generated a striking sound. 

Lori, who was panting with her head down, also heard the sound, she suddenly looked up and saw some walkers walking towards her. 

"Ah!" Lori sat down on the ground in fright. She covered all the sounds generated by her mouth, she had never dealt with a single walker in all this time. 

As she saw the walkers getting closer and closer, many things came to her mind as if she was a product of a movie. She remembered Rick as he was saying goodbye to her, Shane advising her to wait quietly by Carl's side and then Richard's face hesitating to let her go. 

At the thought of Carl, Lori seemed to instantly wake up - she couldn't allow her son to lose his mother at such a young age! Even now, she wants to give birth to her and Rick's child in her womb. 

Lori, who was sitting stupefied on the ground, suddenly moved, she crawled on the ground, then turned around and was able to stand up, running quickly to the car she came in. 

However, this world is full of surprises and evidently misfortunes. 

At that moment, a walker appeared out of nowhere behind the truck, Lori's heart raced wildly at the sight of it and she couldn't help but curse.

Turning and looking around, Lori ran towards a row of residential buildings across the street, when she arrived she tried to open the door but it was locked. Just as Lori kept trying to open doors, one clicked indicating to her that it was open.

Lori is excited! She quickly entered the room and closed the door. 

Panting heavily, Lori leaned her whole body behind the door and slowly crouched down, tears in her eyes, she really regretted now the decision to leave the prison! 

However, just as she was about to hug her head and cry, the roar of a walker was also heard in the living room, and a male walker came out from the other corner of the house. 

Lori stood up scared again, she raised the gun shaking in her hand, Lori pointed it at the walker as it approached. 


As she pulled that trigger, Lori missed the first shot and it only hit the walker's body. Lori's hand was still shaking, she struggled to do everything she could to take out this walker that was coming towards her. 

"Bang Bang Bang!" 

After three shots in a row, she was lucky enough to finally hit the walker's head, and the corpse fell to the ground. 

At this moment, there was a knock at the door, and Lori sat on the floor not understanding what she had heard a moment ago, staring in Shock at the walker she had just killed.

Every 200 power stones there will be an extra chapter, this will help the novel reach more people. Your comments and reviews are welcome, thank you for your support. If you want to support me and by the way read more than 40 chapters, you can subscribe to my P_treon: SrCuervo

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