
Turning Lives (On Hiatus)

Steve is a middle-aged man with a decent paying job, but he works tirelessly everyday just to get by. One morning on his way to work his life takes a turn and his life ends in an accident. However, he wakes up. Not only does he wake up but he is now a baby in completely new world. How will his new life be in this world? Will he be able to live in a new world at all?

Cylo227 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

Semone opened his eyes but couldn't see anything, he was in a dark room. He tried to get up but he was tied up tightly, he rolled around until he found a door. He tried banging the door down but it had a strong lock. Then he heard a loud yell, "Hey! Stop that bangin' or I'll come give you a bangin' yourself!"

He gulped and stopped, laying back to think. He noticed the kitten, and thought maybe it will be able to do something. He rolled to it, bit the rope and asked the kitten to try something. The kitten stretched and then a white glowing light surrounded it, slowly growing then it disappeared and a figure of a human boy remained. "Who are you?! Where did you come from??" Semone asked the boy.

"Ain't it clear? I be da one you asked for some helps." He responded.

"Huh, you mean your.."

"Yep! I ams the kitty!"

"R-right… anyways, try getting us out of here will ya?"

"Yes, sir!"

The figure slashed at him and his ropes came undone.

The boy went to the door and picked the lock with what seemed like a claw on his finger.

They snuck out of the shed and went around the back and ran in to the forest, the sun was coming up so Semeone guessed it must have been pretty early morning.

"Wait. What about my family? Do you know where they are?"

"'Course I do! I saw dem with ma bro!"

"Where are they? We gotta save them!"

"Aw nah, don't worry bout em. My bro saved em already."

"What? And they left us??"

"Nah. They didn't know we here."

"Ok.. then which way did they go?"

"Follow me!"

The two walked into the forest and eventually ended up at a cave. The boy walked into the cave and turned to see if Semone was inside, then checked outside.

"Why are we in this cave?"

"Oooh, you boutta see mate!"

"See? See wh-"

The boy pressed his hand-paw to the center of the wall, the cave shook then the front closed. There was a bright blue glow and they were suddenly in a tube sliding down. Semone was speechless and didn't know what to do so he just let himself slide down behind the cat-boy.