
Chapter 3

Trying so hard to shrink in on herself and become invisible, Sierra flinched away from the man as he opened the door to the cage and reached for her. Scuttling away from him as he reached in to grab her arm, Sierra tried to dodge him and dart towards the cage opening.

Screaming as he blocked her path and grabbed her, she fought against his hold as hard as she could. Scratching at any exposed skin, trying to bite him, she thrashed hard against his hold. Her voice breaking as she screeched as loud as possible.

"Now now Sierra, everything is going to be okay if you cooperate with me. We just want to run some tests okay? I need you to be still so we can get you strapped in and get started."

The man said as he continued to drag her protesting body towards the chairs.

"Fuck your tests! let me go!" She bit out, kicking her leg backward, she felt her heel make contact with the man's leg. A quick feeling of satisfaction soared through her as she heard him swear in pain. The feeling quickly died down as he jerked her upright and slapped her face.

Whimpering as her head jerked to the side from the force of his slap, she quickly blinked back tears as her cheek stung.

"I told you to behave Sierra. If you don't start to listen to me, it's going to hurt more than this. I will put you through hell if you don't let me put you in this chair understand?" He bit out.

Sniffling wetly, she nodded her head as he jerked her body into the chair. Forcing her to sit into it.

Sobbing softly as she watched him loop the straps tightly over her wrists, Sierra pulled against them, watching as he did the same with her ankles.

"Wh-why are you people doing this?" She asked, her voice quivering.

"We've been studying you for a very long time Sierra, the things you can do with animals it is a scientific anomaly. You see, there is much more to this world than you would think. What do you know of werewolves?"

Stupefied by his question, Sierra blinked in response.

"They...they aren't real? What does this have to do with the fact that you people kidnapped me in public and are holding me hostage in some creepy fucking facility?"

She bit out, anger surged through her as the reality of her situation came raining down on her.

Tsking in response, he stood up and studied her, a look of pity flashed through his eyes.

"They want you to think they aren't real to preserve their numbers and to be safe. But I assure you, dear Sierra, werewolves are real, just like vampires and a whole plethora of creatures you think are all fake. We're going to turn you into one of them, and I have a very very good feeling you are going to be our successful test subject." He said with a proud smile on his face.

Frowning, Sierra glared at him while he walked away from the chair he strapped her into.

"See, the first thing I'm going to do is start dosing you with this serum. And what that is going to do my dear is begin the alterations in your very own DNA to allow changes to be made. You'll receive multiple of these shots, followed up by the chemical factor that I believe will begin your turning process into a werewolf."

He said from behind her chair.

"You...you can't do that! Why do you think you can do this?!" She yelled out while violently jerking at the straps that held her hostage to the chair.

"Why not? Science is a wonderful thing, to experiment with to find answers and solutions to problems. If I can manufacture a living werewolf, I can make many other things from this very lab." He said as he came back around to face her. A syringe filled with a cloudy purplish liquid floated in it.

Paling at the length of the needle, Sierra stopped struggling and tried to press herself as far into the seat and away from the needle as possible.

"You keep that thing away from me you fucking psycho!" She bit out, eyes squeezing shut as it got closer to her.

"Now, now Sierra, you'll only feel a pinch and a sting okay? It's the after you should be more worried about, usually, most of my subjects have experienced severe fatal side effects from the first dose. But I feel you'll pull through just fine." He said with a smug smirk on his face.

Gaping at him, Sierra stared at him with eyes wide with fear. "You! You FEEL like I'm going to be fine when you know all your other victims have DIED from this?! Get that away from me!" She yelled, her voice rising in octave as he grabbed onto her thigh, his fingers squeezing the thicker part of her leg to get it ready to receive the needle.

"I've run this test too many times Sierra, I know the fatality risks, but you are much more than the other subjects, you're already different, to begin with." He said calmly.

"Now be quiet and let me do my job."

Yelping as he jabbed the needle into her thigh and pushed the plunger down, she squirmed as she felt a burning sensation spread out from the injection area.

"Stop, please! I don't want to die!" She begged, her voice hiccupping with her cries.

Withdrawing the needle, the man straightened up, disposed of the syringe, came back to her, and began to undo her straps.

"You aren't going to...at least I don't feel like you will die. Quit being a little baby. Back to your cell." He said. Waving his hand dismissively in her direction, Sierra stared in shock at him as two of his lackeys grabbed her and dragged her back toward her cage.

Too shocked to fight back, she dropped unceremoniously to the cold metal floor of her cage and watched as the cage door swung close and lock.

Hot tears dripped down her face as she stared numbly at the people that walked out of the room.