
Chapter 2

Sierra's head thrummed with pain, as she slowly swam back to consciousness, eyes squinting against the pain, Sierra fought to remove her tongue from the roof of her mouth. It felt like it was full of cotton and was dryer than the Sahara Desert.

Shifting, Sierra moaned as her body pressed against the cold, heavy unforgiving metal floor, her muscles screaming at her just like her head. Forcing her eyelids to separate, Sierra, opened her eyes one by one, her vision blurry and unfocused, blinking several times to try and clear her eyesight, she struggled to roll over into a sitting position.

Succeeding in her mission, Sierra sat up and realized something horribly wrong, she felt the floor on her ass. Her bare naked ass, eyes snapping down to her body, she stared in horror at the fact that all of her clothes were gone and she was stuck in what looked like a cage completely nude.

Whipping her head up, Sierra ignored the ache in her noggin as she surveyed the room she was in. Her assumptions were correct about being in what resembled a cage. It had bars on all four sides, backed up to a concrete wall, and had concrete walls on each side, blocking her view of everything but the front of the cage. Everything else in the room she could see was a stark white, the walls, the floors even the ceiling. It was all devoid of color, it gave off the air of being cold and lifeless.

Shivering, Sierra tucked her legs up against her chest, trying hard to keep her modest and preserve warmth in the cold room, she tried to look for any other sign of life.

Sniffling as the fear and panic began to set in, Sierra struggled hard to keep from crying her eyes out. Her daddy raised a tough girl, someone with their head on straight, and wouldn't balk at the slightest challenge. But then again her daddy never really taught her what to do in case of being abducted and thrown into a strange almost hospital-like room.

Hearing a door opening with a harsh grating, Sierra jolted and scooted backward. Hissing as the cold bars of her cage pressed up against her back. Watching a male wearing a white lab coat into the room, she watched as several other similarly dressed people entered behind him.

Watching as they walked passed her cage, she heard them opening other cage doors and the sounds of whimpering filled the air. Breath stalled in her lungs as she realized she wasn't alone in there. Tears prickled her eyes as she heard screams and shrieks fill the air, breath coming out in short gasps, Sierra bit hard on the inside of her cheek to keep sounds from coming out as the sound of footsteps came close to her cage again.

Seeing the same man that entered the first stop in front of her cage with a clipboard in hand, she shuddered as he smiled down at her quivering form.