
Turned By Doctor Vampire

Can a vampire be a Doctor? Can any of us even imagine a scenario like that? Lilly's happy life went into turmoil when she found out that she has turned into a blood sucking vampire. One night, she found herself in great pain and the next moment when she opened her eyes, she had turned into a vampire, with no memories of how she became one. She had memories of her past and her life but she lost memories for the last week. Slowly she realised that turning a vampire was a blessing in disguise. . Being a smart girl, she quickly accepted her reality and tried her best to overcome it. While getting used to her new life, she found out that the man who helped her was a doctor and that he was ready to help her. While spending some time, Lilly realised that something was off about him but she never said anything as she was also hiding a huge secret from him which could destroy their lives. But what would happen when she would get to know that the more she was trying, the more of her dark past was getting revealed? What is the secret she is hiding? What about the life she had led till now and what happened to her family? Exactly what could be dark in the past of a young girl, whose happy life suddenly turned into tragic? What is off about him? Does he also has a secret? If yes, then what is it? Can there love be possible even after their secrets are revealed? Read more to find the answers to all your questions. "What? You mean that you never loved me. Not even once? ", Lilly said with tears in her eyes. She could she that his eyes are also filled with tears but his face remains unreadable. " No. Not even once. ", he replied with an unreadable expression and teary eyes. " So, you just wanted me to get in your trap and use me because of my past? " "Yes", he replied. " But why? I thought we loved each other. Didn't you love me? " "I just needed you. I used you for my purpose because you were the one I could make use of." and then he took out a sword. Was her love a lie too? What exactly happened between them? Was she betrayed or..... is there something else? Read to find out the answers of these questions.

Ash_Stay · Fantasy
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93 Chs

Chapter-5 I Turned Into A Vampire


The moment Lilly heard these words, her mind went blank and her body froze. She was not able to utter a single word as her eyes started losing focus.

Alex also did not know what else to say to the girl he had just met. He knew that the damage he had done was not replaceable and would remain for lifetime but, it did not seems that he regret his actions.

" You are joking, right? ", she asked, not able to believe her ears. " I don't like these kinds of jokes so stop it. "

" Lilly... "

" NO. ", she interrupted without letting him complete his sentence. " I know you helped me and I am really grateful for that but it does not mean that I will tolerate this kind of jokes. "

She was not able to accept that and was trying to take it as a joke but, her expression changed on seeing Alex's face as his serious expression didn't appear as a joke.

" Lilly, it is true. I have turned you into a vampire and that is the main reason you have been feeling so thirsty since yesterday. ", he said with a stern expression.

How did he know that I was thirsty? She wondered in surprise.

" Vampires don't exist. Stop joking. I don't know how you know that I was thirsty but my thirst is not because of that. ", she argued, not ready to even hear him out.

Having left with no other choice, Alex came to the conclusion that she would not believe him without seeing with her own eyes.

" See. ", he said, as he closed his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, Lilly could see him change right in front of her eyes.

His skin and body remained same but his face started changing. His eyes turned red and his mouth seemed somewhat different. To Lilly's horror, when he opened his mouth, she could see sharp, white fangs in his mouth.

" This is who I am. ", he said but Lilly just stared at him blankly, frozen in bewilderment.

She tried speaking but it was as if words were not ready to come out of her mouth as she stood there frozen like a statue.

" You are still not able to believe me? Wait, let me show you something else. ", he said, as he tried to reach her hand, which immediately made her flinch in fear.

He got surprised when he saw her flinch like that but he remained calm.

" Don't worry, I am not going to hurt you. ", he said, as he gently grabbed her hand.

He took her to a mirror and made her see herself.

To Lilly's horror, on seeing her reflection, she could see that her black eyes and turned red but when she opened her mouth, there was no sign of fangs unlike Alex. She looked at him with questioning eyes, full of tears and Alex understood what she wanted to ask.

" Your fangs will also appear when you will need. It will take some time for you to get used to it. ", he explained.

" I have really turned into a vampire. "

She finally said what she was not able to say but it was as if she was telling herself instead of asking.

" I am sorry. "

Those were the only thing that Alex could say as Lilly burst crying falling on the floor. Her body became numb and her legs were not able to support her anymore, making her fall down, crying.

Alex had no idea what to do. He wanted to call Emma in but she had strictly said that he has to deal with this by himself so, there was nothing he could do.

" I am sorry. ", he said, lightly patting her back.

Lilly sat there crying till her body became dehydrated making her feel dizzy and she lost her balance, surprising Alex.

" Ge... Get me some water. ", she said as Emma burst in the room with water in her hands, as if waiting for the chance to enter.

" Feeling better now? ", she asked after some time, pushing Alex aside who was still feeling bad for her.

" Yes and Alex told me that he turned me. Did you also know about that? ", Lilly asked.

" Yes, I knew it. "

" Why didn't you tell me before? ", she asked, upset.

" I am sorry. I thought it would be better for you to hear it from Alex only. "

" Are you also a va... va... ? ", she tried asking if she was also a vampire but it was still hard for her to say that.

" Yes, I am also a vampire. ", Emma replied.

" Now, what will happen to me? ", she asked Alex. " Will I never be able to see my family again? What about my life, my career, my college? Will I have to give up on everything? "

" No way Lilly. Nothing will change. You will live the same way you have been living till now. It is just that your lifestyle will be a little different now. ", Alex replied as Emma hugged Lilly, letting her cry in her arms.

" Will I have to live on human blood now? ", she asked, sobbing. " Will I have to kill them? "

" No Lilly no. You don't have to kill anyone. Vampires are not monsters that kill others, nothing like that will happen. You will still be living a normal life and do whatever you want to do. It is just that you will need some time to adjust. ", Emma said, hugging her tightly.

" I am sorry for turning you, Lilly but that was the only way to save you. I had no other choice beside that. ", Alex said, making her furious.

" Can I just spend some time alone? It would be better to leave me alone for some time. ", she said, trying her best to control her anger.

" Alright, we are leaving but take care of yourself and don't let your emotions take control of yourself. ", Emma said as she pulled Alex out who was not ready to leave her alone.

Alone in her room, Lilly again went to the mirror to take a look at herself. Her eyes had turned red but there was no change in her vision. Had she not seen the colour of her eyes in the mirror, she would not have even known that her eyes had changed colours.

Turning her head around, she found a syringe near the IV drip, Emma removed.

" Can I also heal myself now? ", she wondered thinking about all the things she had read, heard or seen in fantasy stories.

The stories which had now became her reality.

Wondering that she grabbed the syringe and took out the needle from it. Using the pointed needle, without any hesitation, she suddenly slashed her palm causing blood to flow out of the cut.

Just the way she expected, the cut on her palm healed instantly, right in front of her eyes.

" Is that the reason there were no injuries on my body even though my clothes were covered in blood? "

She finally realised the reason which Emma already knew. That was the reason she was given only a sedative.

Suddenly her eyes fell on the needle with which she had slashed her palm. There was a single dop of blood on the tip on the needle but that was enough to make her go crazy.

Her red eyes started glowing as her thirst for blood increased and the drop of blood right in front of her eyes had a very sweet scent which was attracting her to itself.

She slowly brought the needle near her mouth and she took out her tongue to lick the blood until she was able to snap herself out of it.

" NOO. ", she screamed throwing the needle away.

" How could I even think like that? ", she said as she burst crying. " I have really become a vampire. A blood sucking vampire. "