
Turn Into Thousand Hands Buddha Into God Valley Battle

Luo Mu crossed into the world in one piece and cut off the devil fruit that Admiral Green Bull had during the Rocks D. Xebec Era, giving him the ability to control plants, Overspeed self-healing, etc. He also has the terrifying ability to absorb the life essence of the people strong and feedback it to himself. When the Battle of the God Valley broke out, the Rocks Pirates were in danger of being overthrown as Garp, Roger, Sengoku, and Zephyr joined forces to defeat Rocks while Luo Mu stood calmly on the top of the mountain watching the battle. ----- For advance chapters: Pat - Reon . Com/Lucifer123 Thank you for supporting!

Daoist1005 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs


"Yes! Luo Mu!"

The voice over there on the phone bug was very heavy.

"Which pirate group leader is he? How many people did he bring?"

Steel Skeleton was taken aback, and it wasn't at the hands of the Rocks Pirates.

Lou Mu never heard of it before, is it possible that another big pirate crew is forming nearby?

Dare to openly demolish the navy installation while simultaneously have the strength to assassinate the branch's lieutenant general.

This.... at least a thousand people.

It's a real headache.

"No one, just him!!"

The voice of the phone bug was much louder and seems to be a little excited.


Steel Skeleton "mountain" beard trembled.

He was shocked and indignant, but he didn't anticipate the agony to continue.

"According to the report of the surviving soldiers present, this person is very young, maybe not even twenty years old. He is a devil fruit person."

"A fruit capable person?"

"Yes! The category is unknown. Now it seems that the ability is to manipulate plants. It can summon fast-growing trees and destroy the entire base in an instant. After that, a black rattan is summoned, which will destroy dozens of soldiers and officers present. Pierced and sucked into a human!"

He destroyed the entire base in an instant. A single rattan killed hundreds of troops in an instant, including the schoolmaster. The capacity to manage plants is rare, although there are some on naval bases.

However, it is nothing more than the ability to do light and function without eating, greening, or whatever.

Basically, no fighting abilities but why is Luo Mu's plant fruit so potent?

Only a few people on the entire continent have achieved the fruit awakening! Boo Kong couldn't help but pout and ponder.

"General Kong, are you listening?"

"Yes, continue to report."

Kong took a deep breath and adjusted his sitting posture.


"Those trees are extremely hard, and the bullets of the soldiers can't penetrate them. Only Lieutenant General Ethan can cut them off with his armed color and entanglement, but they are only struggling to support them. But Luo Mu actually put away the fruit ability, and chose and Lieutenant General Ethan performs physical combat!"

The intelligence officer's tone became more serious.

Kong rubbed his ears in disbelief.

After confirming that there are no hallucinations and can't help but ask.


Except for a few strong individuals, most fruit ability people are a waste of physical skills. However, this Luo Mu genuinely gave up his edge in order to battle melee, select and master the armed and dominating branch lieutenant general.

"Yes, hand-to-hand combat! And just one punch made Lieutenant General Ethan incapacitated, collapsed to the ground, and was finally pierced by black thorns to his death."

The phone bug's expression looked very scary.


Zefa smacked the table and stood up quickly while seeing the other four's dubious eyes, he dropped his voice and tried to explain.

"I know this Ethan."

"When I was training in the headquarters, my grades were very good."

"Especially proficient in the shaving of the six styles, its ultimate move is to use the extreme speed of shaving and the strength of the armed arrogance to complete the instant kill."

"It is absolutely impossible to be crushed by a fruit capable person!"

The voice fell.

Garp and the others nodded, while Kong asked with a frown.

"Are you sure it was a blowout?"

The phone bug's expression was very solemn.

"As bizarre as it sounds, it's true."

"According to the descriptions of the survivors, Lieutenant General Ethan did use the instant kill trick and also hit the target, but Luo Mu was unharmed, but the official sword was broken!!"

"Then Luo Mu counterattacked and defeated Lieutenant General Ethan with one punch."

"And according to the latest autopsy report, Lieutenant General Ethan has no trauma except for the wound penetrated by the thorns, but all the bones in his body are shattered..."

Garp's and Warring States' eyes became larger than the copper bell, and Boo Kong's skin became so thick that water might flow!

As a seasoned practitioner of armed color dominance. They were all aware of the capacity to pierce through the shell. High-level means that are armed and commanding.

"I see."

"Restore the base as soon as possible and report the latest news at any time."

In a faint voice, the steel bone conveyed a command. He then looked around at Garp and the others and remained mute. The overall ambiance in the office was drab.

"Lou's trouble has not been resolved yet, and has appeared."

"It's a headache..."

Sengoku used his pointer finger to touch his frog spectacles and must be the first to break the silence.

"Actually mastering the high-level tactics of armed and domineering, it is indeed a headache..."

Garp scratched his head too.

The rough face showed a strong sense of caution.

"Armed and domineering advanced techniques?"

Lieutenant General Crane and Zefa asked suspiciously.

Kong rested his chin in his hands.

"In addition to the most basic winding and hardening of the armed color, there are two high-level usages, one is domineering, which can be released by gathering the armed color on the hand or on the weapon. This Garp, Sengoku and I will."

Steel Bone paused for a while, then glanced at Garp and Sengoku who were on the side and continued.

"There is no fixed name for the last usage. It is said that the samurai of Wano country called it Ryuzakura."

"This method allows the armed arrogance to penetrate the surface of the object and directly destroy the interior of the object."

"Extremely difficult to practice!"

"But after the successful cultivation, the destructive power is extremely strong, and the attack method is strange, which makes it hard to prevent. Even Garp, Sengoku and I can't fully grasp it now."

"This Luo Mu."

"In the control of the domineering of the armed color, it has surpassed us..."

The revelation obviously stunned Zefa and He Zhongjian, who shrank their eyes.

"The fruit ability is abnormal, and in terms of physical skills, he controls Luo Mu, who is difficult for generals to reach. Isn't this more abnormal than the Rocks cadres like Golden Lion, Whitebeard, and Charlotte Lin Lin?"

Zefa clenched his fists tightly.


Lieutenant General Crane took a long breath.

She's a wise general, and she recovers fast from the shock.

Begin a calm analysis.

"His talent is definitely more monster than those monsters in Rocks, there is no doubt about that."

"But from the intelligence point of view."

"This person is less than twenty years old, and his current combat power should be no better than Whitebeard and others."

"But it must not be allowed to grow any longer!"

Hear Crane's analysis.

Several people present nodded in agreement.

The hollow mountain character Hu Yi moved and asked out loud.

"Lieutenant General Crane."

"In your opinion, what should we do with this Luo Mu now?"

Crane spoke directly and without hesitancy.

"Immediately send a major general and above from the headquarters to arrest!"

"The worst has to be avoided."

"Luo Mu joins the Rocks Pirates!!"

This statement came out.

Steel Bone and Kong was stunned for a moment.


Luo Mu has grown so fast by himself, if he joins Rocks, who is known for absorbing monsters.

"That's great"

If there is another dominant character like Rocks and it's scary to think about and Zefa immediately stepped forward and said solemnly.

"Let me go."

"I will definitely kill Luo Mu in the bud!!"


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Advance 30 chapters are now available.

Pat - Reon . Com/Lucifer123