
Chapter 102: Shutdown command

John felt a very real chill down his spine. Overpopulation and water scarcity was a bullet Earth had only recently dodged. If they hadn't decided to put every effort into halting global warming and to keep the population growth under strict control, after all the epidemics in the twenty-first century decimated their numbers, maybe they'd be erecting cloning temples, as well.

"You need to think of any weakness they have that we can exploit."

Balthazar thought for a moment, then said, "Anatu told me that whenever the lugal came to see her owner - that clone I'm going to kill when I see her?"

"If I don't kill her first," John interrupted grimly.

Balthazar's lips moved in a tight smile. "Well, she'd give the shutdown command for Anatu."

There was a shutdown command? For all of them? He was careful not to react outwardly. He almost moaned with disappointment. If they were going to be allies, he'd have to make sure they were purged of that weakness.