
Tuan Chong Guai Guai: The whole family can listen to my voice

A litter of boys in the General's Mansion finally gave birth to a baby girl. Father Lin happily held Lin Baoer, who was soft in his arms. [Daddy is invincible, upright, and good-looking. 】 Dad Lin heard the praise from his little daughter before he even got over it. [Unfortunately, in the end, he ended up collaborating with the enemy and betraying his country, and was divided into pieces. ] [My mother was as gentle as water, virtuous and virtuous, but she was falsely accused of being unchaste. In the end, she fell ill and died of depression. ] [The eldest brother is handsome and talented, and should have a bright future, but he is forced to marry the daughter of the spy prime minister, and ends up in a desperate situation. ] [The second brother was simple by nature, but he was taken advantage of by a treacherous villain. He became the target of the traitor and ended up with thousands of arrows piercing his heart. ] [The third brother is a business genius. He started a business at the age of seven and made a lot of money, but in the end he became a street beggar and his whereabouts are unknown. 】 【My whole family is full of loyal people, but in the end everyone died tragically. Even she died young and was frozen to death in an icy lake. 】 Everyone in the Lin family said: "Someone dares to hurt my baby. I will cut this thief into pieces!" In the end, Lin Baoer saw that the whole family was in harmony and well-being. The eldest brother became the prime minister, the second brother became a general, the third brother controlled the national economy, and the family's small The group pet finally felt at ease. Keywords of the novel: Tuan Chong Guai Guai: The Whole Family Can Hear My Heart No pop-ups, Tuan Chong Guai Guai: The Whole Family Can Hear My Heart txt full set download, Tuan Chong Guai Guai: The Whole Family Can Hear My Heart Latest Chapter Reading

Line_Huang · History
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Chapter 58 Snake is dead?

"Princess..." Lin Zhiyu was startled and seemed to want to say something.

  However, he was interrupted by Song Qingqing before he opened his mouth: "It doesn't matter, if it weren't for Mr. Lin's dangerous move, maybe I would have become a dead soul now."

  She sighed softly, looking lonely and disappointed, and shook her head slightly at the female officer. After shaking his head, he braced himself up and said: "In that case, I would like to trouble Second Young Master Lin. I will teach Aunt Yue about the massage and acupuncture method. I am also a little tired, so I won't accompany you. Over there at Taiye Pond The banquet is not over yet. Leaving without permission is a serious crime. You should go back as soon as possible."

  Lin Mobai agreed, feeling quite uncomfortable.

  After Lin Mobai and the female officer agreed on a time, they returned to Taiye Pond.

  Shen Xuelan, who had been waiting anxiously for a long time, rushed over, took Lin Ruqian's hand and rubbed it repeatedly. Her beautiful eyes were filled with tears, filled with worry and heartache, "Why are you injured? What happened?"

  she asked the second half of the question . At that time, he looked at Lin Zhiyu and Lin Mobai.

  Lin Zhiyu shook his head at her and whispered: "We'll talk after the banquet is over. There are so many people talking here."

  Hearing this, Shen Xuelan had to calm down.

  When Lin Qiming saw them returning safely, his heart dropped.

  On the other hand, Hu and Wen both changed their expressions after hearing what happened to Hu Tianxun and the others. After sweeping past the Lin family without leaving a trace, they walked away with ugly expressions.

  At this point, the Longevity Festival comes to an end.

  It's night, Lin Mansion, Shangchun Garden.

  "I'm afraid you're not just a blind cat that stumbled upon a dead mouse, are you?" Lin Qiming squinted his eyes, and his probing eyes slid from Lin Mobai to the sleeping Lin Baoer.

  Thinking about it, it should be her precious daughter's contribution.

  Lin Mobai lowered his head and sighed, "It's just a pity that such a smart and kind person like the princess..." died young.

  He actually had a little more compassion.

  "Good boy, this is something we can't change." Shen Xuelan patted his shoulder gently, with unbearable expression in her beautiful eyes.

  It was not easy for the Lin family to obtain the variable Lin Baoer, so how could they change the fate of others?

  "Mom, I know." Lin Mobai nodded silently, "By the way, where is the third brother? I didn't seem to see him when I came back."

  "He is at Lao Zhang's place. He said he wanted to save the green snake." Shen Xuelan The expression on his face was indescribable, and goosebumps appeared on his hands. He was tangled in his forehead, "I asked him to send him somewhere else, but he didn't want to, so he just ran away without saying a word."

  A smile flashed across Lin Mobai's eyes when he heard this . He said, "Let him alone. He has liked these little animals since he was a child. Just ask him not to bring snakes to bother his mother."


  In a small yard filled with the scent of medicine, Lin Ruqian looked sadly at the people curled up on the table. The green snake on the bed looked up at the person who was dispensing the medicine, and continued to ask without giving up: "Doctor Zhang, is Xiaoqing really hopeless?"

  "Third Young Master." Doctor Zhang sighed helplessly and shook his head. "This snake was injured seven inches, and seven inches is the fatal part of the snake. The possibility of saving it is not high."

  "Besides, my subordinates don't know much about the body structure of animals, so they can't use medicine..."

  For now However, he could only bandage the snake with topical medicine and try to let it survive on its own.

  "If it can't wake up after tonight, then there is really no way to save it."

  Lin Ruqian lowered his eyes and said nothing, rubbing the green snake's head with his fingertips, feeling secretly sad.

  When he was in the dense forest, he was hiding in the dark and saw that Hu Tianxun's group was extremely cruel. They caught this little green snake that was just born from nowhere, pulled out its fangs and scales, and scratched it with a dagger. There are countless traces, which are both joking and hateful.

  In fact, he later guessed that this might be a trap specifically targeting him, just to take revenge on the Lin family.

  It was precisely because of this that he felt so guilty and blamed himself, thinking that it was him who caused this little green snake to suffer such a disaster.     "Okay, I understand." Lin Ruqian silently put the green snake into his arms and brought it back to Fuxiao Garden.

  A sleepless night.

  When the sun shone on his face through the cracks in the window, Lin Ruqian's eyelashes trembled and he slowly opened his eyes.

  The next second, he rolled out of bed and rushed to the table. He stretched out his fingers and nervously touched the green snake.

  One breath passed...

  Two breaths passed...

  After half a cup of tea, he was still motionless.

  Lin Ruqian was heartbroken.


  "Is the Third Young Master here?" Shen Xuelan sat on a stool and sipped tea, smiling as she watched Lin Baoer crawling around on the ground at her feet.

  As Lin Baoer grows faster and faster, she is now able to crawl simply. However, because of her laziness, she often chooses to collapse on the ground and become a waste every time she crawls.

  So Shen Xuelan directly asked people to cover all the floors in the house with a plush blanket, in order to prevent Lin Baoer from catching cold after bumping into each other.

  However, Shen Xuelan is also worried about this, fearing that she will not exercise enough and will have difficulty walking in the future.

  Qinglian hesitated for a while and then said hesitantly: "Not yet, I heard that the green snake is dead. The third young master is now digging the grave for the green snake and wants to bury it properly."

  It sounds ridiculous, but there is no one in the house. Even if one person laughs at him, everyone can understand the kindness of their third son.

  Lin Baoer, who was playing with a stuffed toy, pricked up his ears, and only later did he remember the little green snake that was dying to die.


  She had seen that Lin Ruqian liked the green snake so much, and she was still considering whether to save it last night. After all, there were plenty of medicines in the system mall, and people who were dying could be saved, let alone a snake.

  However, this idea only remained in her mind for a moment last night, and then she fell asleep.

  Mainly because she was too tired during the Wanshou Festival and wanted to fall asleep when she came back.

  Who would have thought that this green snake would die just like that before she could express her condolences.

  "Then what else did he say?" Shen Xuelan put down the teacup and took Lin Baoer, who was crawling at her feet, into her arms.

  Qinglian shook her head, "No."

  After a little tangle, Shen Xuelan sighed quietly, "In that case, let me go and have a look."

  Her son's pet died, and she had to go because of both emotion and reason . Please comfort me, so as not to say that she is incompetent as a mother.

  But...she is really afraid of snakes!

  A dead snake shouldn't be scary, right?

  With such suspicion in mind, Shen Xuelan came to Fuxiao Garden anxiously.

  Under the flowers in the garden, Lin Ruqian had dug a hole and was carefully putting the little green snake into it.

  "Ruqian." Shen Xuelan called him from afar.

  At this moment, Lin Baoer's eyes were attracted by the little green snake, and she felt weird in her heart.

  This snake... doesn't seem to be dead?

  (End of chapter)