
Tuan Chong Guai Guai: The whole family can listen to my voice

A litter of boys in the General's Mansion finally gave birth to a baby girl. Father Lin happily held Lin Baoer, who was soft in his arms. [Daddy is invincible, upright, and good-looking. 】 Dad Lin heard the praise from his little daughter before he even got over it. [Unfortunately, in the end, he ended up collaborating with the enemy and betraying his country, and was divided into pieces. ] [My mother was as gentle as water, virtuous and virtuous, but she was falsely accused of being unchaste. In the end, she fell ill and died of depression. ] [The eldest brother is handsome and talented, and should have a bright future, but he is forced to marry the daughter of the spy prime minister, and ends up in a desperate situation. ] [The second brother was simple by nature, but he was taken advantage of by a treacherous villain. He became the target of the traitor and ended up with thousands of arrows piercing his heart. ] [The third brother is a business genius. He started a business at the age of seven and made a lot of money, but in the end he became a street beggar and his whereabouts are unknown. 】 【My whole family is full of loyal people, but in the end everyone died tragically. Even she died young and was frozen to death in an icy lake. 】 Everyone in the Lin family said: "Someone dares to hurt my baby. I will cut this thief into pieces!" In the end, Lin Baoer saw that the whole family was in harmony and well-being. The eldest brother became the prime minister, the second brother became a general, the third brother controlled the national economy, and the family's small The group pet finally felt at ease. Keywords of the novel: Tuan Chong Guai Guai: The Whole Family Can Hear My Heart No pop-ups, Tuan Chong Guai Guai: The Whole Family Can Hear My Heart txt full set download, Tuan Chong Guai Guai: The Whole Family Can Hear My Heart Latest Chapter Reading

Line_Huang · History
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120 Chs

  Chapter 59 opened the intelligent snake

system: "No need to doubt, he is indeed not dead."

  Lin Baoer was surprised.

  He's really not dead?

  "Mother!" Lin Ruqian raised his head sadly, the ends of his eyes were still red, and his whole body was filled with an aura of sadness.

  "Hey!" Shen Xuelan swallowed, glanced at the pit, and saw that the green snake was motionless and looked like it was dead, so she walked over with confidence.

  She paused and said earnestly: "Ruqian, mother can understand your mood, but the snake can't come back to life, so it's better to get out as soon as possible."

  "If you really want to raise some gadgets, like kittens, small Dogs and rabbits are all fine, right? They're fluffy and cute." She smiled, her eyes wandering.

  These are much better than those raushizi snakes!

  But she didn't dare to say this.

  [Huh? Didn't your mother and third brother find out? So should we save this snake? Wouldn't it be too cruel to let him be buried alive by the third brother like this? ]

  "System, is there any snake medicine?" Lin Baoer asked in his mind.

  System: "Don't ask for ninety-eight, just ninety-eight. I guarantee the medicine will cure the disease!"

  Lin Baoer turned his head expressionlessly.

  Forget it, it's just a snake, if it dies, it will die.

  System: ...

  System: "No, you can get a discount."

  "How much discount?"

  System: "50% off."

  "Forget it, it's just a snake..."

  System: "...30% off!"


  Looking at it Lin Baoer held the small pill in front of him happily in his hand.

  Almost thirty points, not bad.

  On the other side, the two people showed shocked expressions after hearing her voice.

  The only difference is that Lin Ruqian was shocked with surprise and happiness, while Shen Xuelan was shocked with fear and panic.

  Lin Ruqian: My snake is not dead!

  Shen Xuelan: This snake is not dead!

  It's over, it's over! Life is endless!

  Soon enough, after knowing that the green snake was alive, Lin Ruqian quickly dug it out of the soil, then carefully placed it on the clean ground on the other side, and even blew the dust off it thoughtfully.

  Immediately afterwards, he stared at Lin Baoer expectantly with bright eyes.

  [Huh? Why did the third brother dig out the snake again? Did he also find that the snake was not dead? ]

  Although Lin Baoer was surprised, he didn't think much about it. He planned to let Shen Xuelan put her on the ground like he did in Shangchunyuan before, and then crawl over to give the green snake medicine.

  In her opinion, this was safer. After all, seeing her mother in this state, she might not be able to touch this snake until she died.

  Sure enough, after Lin Baoer struggled a little, Shen Xuelan put her on the ground neatly, not caring whether her clothes would be soiled or not, as if she couldn't see her.

  So, the old and the young watched helplessly as the little man slowly crawled to the side of the green snake, then slowly stretched out his hand -

  and then quickly retracted it? ? ?

  Lin Ruqian:?

  Shen Xuelan:?

  Looking at the snake head, Lin Baoer felt a little frightened, and her hands and feet were weak.

  Woohoo, will this snake wake up and bite her?

  What if I wrap my hand around her and won't let go?

  She was fighting crazily in her heart, and the other two pairs of eyes were looking at her anxiously without blinking.     After a long time, Lin Baoer tremblingly touched the snake's head, and then quickly withdrew his hand.

  [嘤嘤嘤, I want my mother to hug me, it's so scary! ]

  After hearing this, Shen Xuelan quickly picked her up and nodded in agreement.

  Yes, she felt the same way, it was really terrifying!

  "Mom! Look! Xiaoqing is really awake!"

  After a while, Lin Ruqian said in genuine surprise.

  I saw the green snake slowly opening its eyes, spitting out the snake letter, and then half stood up.

  Lin Baoer looked at it silently.

  The next second, the cyan figure rushed towards Shen Xuelan quickly.

  "Ah ah ah! Help! Someone is coming!"

  "Bah, bah, bah!"

  [Mom, run! Run! ]

  Lin Baoer screamed crazily and buried her head in Shen Xuelan's arms. She closed her eyes tightly and did not dare to open them.

  The servants outside Fuxiao Garden heard the cry for help inside and rushed in with the things at hand. They hurriedly approached Shen Xuelan who was running around, thinking that their master had encountered some danger.

  "What's wrong, madam?!"

  "What happened, Third Young Master?"

  Shen Xuelan's face turned pale with fright, she hid behind the servant and said tremblingly: "Snake!"

  "Snake?" The servant was confused and searched around for a moment. , only to find the green snake in a bush.

  "Don't be afraid, madam, we will be there soon..."

  "Don't move!" Lin Ruqian stopped them, squatted down and waved, and saw the snake shaking its head, seeming to hesitate for a while, and then crawled towards Lin Ruqian. .

  Then he followed his fingers and wrapped them around his wrist.

  "Mom, Xiaoqing's fangs were pulled out by Hu Tianxun and the others, so they won't bite anyone." Lin Ruqian rubbed the snake's head with his fingertips, looked at Shen Xuelan and the others apologetically, and scratched his head in embarrassment, "I forgot to tell you "Mom, I'm sorry for scaring you."

  [It's scary even without fangs, okay? ]

  Lin Baoer cried silently.

  Her soul was almost scared out of her mind. What was the difference between this and zombies attacking the city?

  And Shen Xuelan wanted to pick up this bastard and beat him up. Is he so scary? !

  "And...Mom, Xiaoqing doesn't seem to want to bite you." Lin Ruqian speculated, "I saw it was just lingering at your feet, maybe it wanted to get close to you."

  "Get close?!" Shen Xuelan almost lost her voice, and retreated silently. One step forward.

  But pull it down! She doesn't want the snake's closeness at all!

  Perhaps because he understood, the green snake climbed down from Lin Ruqian's hand and slowly approached Shen Xuelan with snake steps.

  After being reminded by Lin Ruqian, Shen Xuelan did not panic this time, but still stared at it warily, fearing that it would suddenly rush over.

  The green snake stopped when it was still three steps away from her. It stood upright and waved its body, up and down, like a bow.

  Lin Baoer also came to his senses at this time. After silently glancing at the green snake, he asked about the system in his mind.

  "System, why do I look so weird at this green snake? This medicine of yours can also open up spiritual intelligence?"

  She had read fantasy novels before, but wasn't that kind of animal that opened up spiritual intelligence called Demon?

  Is the world finally as crazy as she imagined?

  System: "I don't deny it, but the probability of developing spiritual wisdom is 0.0001%. The right time, place and people are indispensable. Maybe it is lucky enough."

  "But the system is more biased. It chose the thigh of Lin Ruqian, the third son of Baolin Mansion. , participated in the plot of the main mission, and this changed his fate."