
Tsunade Becomes A Mother

Naruto Arc: 顾染锦 “My family is the Uchiha clan, Konoha’s largest clan!” “Cut, my mother is Hokage! The entire Konoha is my mother’s property!” “I am the one who has the eyes of immortals and writing round eyes!” “Cut, I am the one who owns Hokage’s mother!” Pass through Hokage and become the richest second generation in the world of Hokage. Fighting ninjutsu, spelling magic, fighting physique, fighting family, fighting blood is outdated here, now is the era of fighting mother! ! ! One Piece Arc: Take my mom through the world of One Piece accidentally; What to do if you are unfamiliar in life? It’s okay to have a mother! What if there is no devil fruit? It’s okay to have a mother! What to do if you are not domineering? It’s okay to have a mother! What to do if you have no physical skills? It’s okay, mom! What should I do if I don’t have a famous sword and don’t know how to use swordsmanship? Everything is okay because I have my mom by my side… Let’s see if Lin Yi develops the strongest mother in history! ! !

MoonlightUnivers · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Water and fire are in harmony, blood is like the scorching sun

"It's about to begin." After familiarizing with the simultaneous manipulation of the two nature changes, the plan they had prepared for several years began with the expectant look of Tsunade and Silent's excitement.

"Water and fire work together to temper qi and blood." With a low cry in a ruthless heart, half of the chakra in the body undergoes the change of water properties, and half of the chakra in the body undergoes changes in the nature of fire. Qi and blood, water-like chakras are also injected into the blood when their own blood continues to decrease.

The watery chakra full of mild and moisturizing protects the body from being destroyed by the high temperature fire chakra, and it continues to nourish the qi and blood when the qi and blood are constantly running out. The blood just burned out and immediately rushed to the new one. Just one soft, one yin and one yang, the ruthless use of the body as a test site invisibly discovered that the various methods he had studied before were useless.

Now he can only adapt to circumstances, relying on the changes of blood and body, and instinct to adjust, the chakra of fire and water must always be at a balance point, and a little more will lead to failure and ruthlessness.

Under the continuous tempering of the water and fire chakras, the blood in the ruthless body travels through the whole body, and with the chakras to baptize the whole body up and down and even the internal organs, ruthless only feels that the whole body is reborn, and he feels it first under the forging of the fire chakra. It was incredibly hot, but immediately cooled by the watery chakra moisture.

It can be said that the whole process was uncomfortable. If it hadn't been for the relentless determination of the will, strong spirit, and the exquisite control of Chakra, the experiment would have failed early on.

"It looks like it has succeeded. The first step of tempering qi and blood with the combination of water and fire developed ruthlessly and transforming the body succeeded." Mute said blankly.

"Ninkai is destined to be shocked for him in the future." Tsunade uttered a word in silence for a while.

The water-fire tempering was over after half an hour. It was not that he didn't want to continue, but that his chakra was exhausted. This process required huge chakras and outsiders could not help, so he had to stop.

"Go and wash," Tsunade said.

Looking down mercilessly, he found a peculiar smell coming from him. The whole body was covered by a greasy substance. Obviously, the impurity of the body was forced out by the tempering of water.

When Ruthless came out again, Mute and Tsunade's eyes lit up, because they found Ruthless skin became smoother and whiter and tenderer than before. At the same time, they felt the huge changes in Ruthless's body, and the blood in Ruthless's body wandered. It is like rising up and letting the Buddha go to the Yangtze River. One can imagine how strong and full of the ruthless qi and blood.

Tsunade couldn't help but walked over and checked the ruthless body changes:

"As we imagined, no, it's better than we imagined. Water and fire are in harmony, blood is like a scorching sun. Your current vitality is twice as strong as before. Once you exercise, your vitality and blood are like fire and brave. Horse, your qi and blood are as strong as flames, but they continue to flow like a tide, integrating the characteristics of water and fire into qi and blood."

"Not only that, I found that there are more chakras that can be refined, and the capacity of the body chakras is also more, the chakras are more refined, and even the control of the chakras is more subtle, and I feel that my spirit is also more refined. Stronger."

He smiled ruthlessly and confidently. The benefits of the first water-fire tempering were so many. Although all the chakras have been exhausted, they will soon be able to cultivate back with a strong body and spirit, which is more than the benefits. A piece of cake.

"Sure enough, as I thought, the key to the infinite potential of the human body lies in how to draw it out. For humans, the body is the biggest capital. With strong vitality and blood, the physique is strong, and the body's essence is sufficient to be pregnant with a strong body. Nurturing the spirit, then the spirit will also increase. Facts have proved that the improvement of qi and blood drives the improvement of the body's energy and spirit. It seems that my direction is not wrong and I can go on forever." said ruthlessly.

"Then I'm going to celebrate." Tsunade held the ruthlessly heroic group in one hand and pulled the team into a casino, but the result was a clean loss, but the three of them all looked happy, I don't know. Of people thought they won tens of millions.

After the first water-fired tempering is successful, I will perform water-fired quenching mercilessly every ten days. It is not that I don't want to do this every day, but that there are not so many chakras, and it is necessary to give the body a moment of adaptation, otherwise it will be improved. Fast but will make the body lack, and also unable to control the surge of power, then it will hurt yourself.

So Ruthless has always been seeking stability and not worrying. After all, he needs to sum up his gains and losses through experiments. Water tempering is only his first step, and the next second step is the most critical.

The development of a blood succession boundary is not accomplished overnight. It is accumulated step by step. Of course, the ruthlessness will not be complacent because of his success. He trains hard every day, and his foundation becomes more and more solid. Also getting stronger.

From spring to winter, he unconsciously has grown into a twelve-year-old boy. Because of the tempering of water, the impurities in his body are constantly being discharged. He looks very clean and exquisite, without any blemishes, so from this point of view It's just a middle-to-upper look, but it's very attractive, even a super handsome guy.

Moreover, his physique is as fierce as water and fire, sometimes as fierce as fire, and sometimes as gentle as water. The combination of these two temperaments makes Ruoqing a handsome man.

"My current physique is inferior to me, even a Zhongren who specializes in physical training, and my Chakra has reached the level of elite Zhongren, which is great."

Sitting ruthlessly on the top floor of a building, feeling the powerful power in his body, recalling the past, twelve years have passed in a flash, and it has been twelve years since he came into this world. Growing up to the present point, life is so wonderful that people can't figure out what will happen in the next second, making Ruthless feel a little bit emotional for a while.

"Come down ruthlessly, Tsunade-sama is looking for you for something." The silent voice suddenly passed into Ruthless's ears, and the ruthless figure appeared in front of Silent in a flash.

"What's the matter, mom?" Ruthlessly asked, sitting beside Tsunade casually.

"Tsk tusk you are getting more and more handsome now, especially the ethereal, fresh and natural smell on your body, which makes me a little fascinated." Tsunade didn't answer but said something irrelevant.

But this is also very normal. The ruthless blood is like the scorching sun. All the impurities have been refined. The whole person is clean and clear. Of course, there will be no bad breath on the body. Instead, it has a natural and pure ethereal breath. I like it very much.

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