
Tsunade Becomes A Mother

Naruto Arc: 顾染锦 “My family is the Uchiha clan, Konoha’s largest clan!” “Cut, my mother is Hokage! The entire Konoha is my mother’s property!” “I am the one who has the eyes of immortals and writing round eyes!” “Cut, I am the one who owns Hokage’s mother!” Pass through Hokage and become the richest second generation in the world of Hokage. Fighting ninjutsu, spelling magic, fighting physique, fighting family, fighting blood is outdated here, now is the era of fighting mother! ! ! One Piece Arc: Take my mom through the world of One Piece accidentally; What to do if you are unfamiliar in life? It’s okay to have a mother! What if there is no devil fruit? It’s okay to have a mother! What to do if you are not domineering? It’s okay to have a mother! What to do if you have no physical skills? It’s okay, mom! What should I do if I don’t have a famous sword and don’t know how to use swordsmanship? Everything is okay because I have my mom by my side… Let’s see if Lin Yi develops the strongest mother in history! ! !

MoonlightUnivers · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Assassination is not cut?

"Be careful I sue you for sexual harassment." said ruthlessly.

"Cut, I don't know who is sexually harassing who." Tsunade curled his lips, putting away the female gangster, and returning to the original graceful and luxurious princess Thousand Hands:

"There are two things. The first is to test your limits. I have spent the past two years in hard training. The water tempering has reached the limit. It is difficult to improve in a short time, and the best thing for your age is Contact with different ninjas is not the trash rebels, but the elite genius ninjas of the major ninja villages.

They are either talented or cultivated by a large family, but they are not comparable to those who are rebellious. They are either possessing forbidden art, secret art, or the owner of the blood inheritance boundary. Go and see what it is for you. Good thing. "

"How to see?" said ruthlessly with a little expectation. Tsunade was right. He also wanted to see all kinds of secret techniques, forbidden techniques, and blood inheritance limits. The owner is very good at developing blood inheritance limits by himself. Helping.

"Ninbo Ninja exam." Tsunade said every word: "This time the Ninbo Ninja exam will be held in the village of Konoha, the head of the five Ninja villages. People from all major Ninja villages will take part in it. As far as I know, before Gaara will also go to the one who fights with you. I think you will be interested."

"Central Ninja exam? I heard, but didn't you say that people from Ninja village can go?" After speaking ruthlessly, he whispered himself an idiot.

Although Tsunade left Konoha for many years, as the head of the Senju clan, Konoha Sannin, founded the Konoha medical class and saved the lives of countless ninjas in Konoha.

Konoha's prestige is almost one of the most supreme beings. It is not easy to arrange herself to take the Zhongnin exam with her ability. In addition, it is not to let Konoha cheat for herself, but let him get the right to participate. It can be done without much effort.

"Humph!" Tsunade snorted. He was obviously dissatisfied with ruthlessly asking such an idiot question. Isn't this a serious doubt about your mother's ability?

"Then there is one more thing?" If you change the subject ruthlessly, you will be "punished". Although this punishment is not for him, it is better not to talk about business now.

"The second thing is specifically to test your level, you see." Tsunade took out a scroll, opened it mercilessly, and his face changed slightly, but his eyes burst out with dazzling fighting intent.

Because Tsunade helped ruthlessly accepted a mission, that is, any means at all costs can be used, just kill it without killing it. This task is to assassinate without killing it.

"No longer is the master of assassination, he himself is also one of the seven Ninja swords. I don't need to say more about the strength of the veteran." Tsunade said: "You have a lot of cards. Although you are an elite Ninja, but It can threaten Shang Ren, and the battle is not necessarily head-on. This time you have to defeat the strong with the weak, and learn to use all external conditions to help you solve it and never cut."

"If I don't kill or kill me, I can understand it as a test for me, so why is it written to solve Cardo?" said ruthlessly.

"Of course it's for the people." Tsunade said awe-inspiringly.

"I'll help you donate the money from the card to the poor people," said ruthlessly.

"Dare you, if you lose a dime, the old lady won't let you sleep on it." Tsuna said, pointing his finger at his stalwart breast.

The corners of the ruthless mouth twitched. He now seriously doubts whether Tsunade asked him to take this task to test him, or if he recently lost money and lost too ridiculously, and the living expenses are seriously insufficient. After all, the three ninjas especially ruthlessly train every day, eat and drink. They are all the best things that Tsunade deploys. These all require money.

And Tsunade spends a lot of money, especially when gambling money is at least tens of millions in a month. As a result, the money earned by the ruthless assassination of Rebels in these years is not enough. He suspects that this mission is simply useless to get him to clean up the card. Duo, brought back all the money of the unscrupulous businessman called Carduo, and unfortunately he was hired by Carduo again, so it became a pass and he would not clean it up again.

After all, he will not be cut in the Ninja world for many years, and he will kill countless strong people, many of whom are Shang Ren. His head is very valuable, if he brings it back, it will be enough for Tsunade to be cool for a while.

Silent couldn't help covering his mouth and chuckled while watching.

"Then I'm leaving." Ruthlessly worried that Tsunade would leave after sitting down like this.

"Mute, take it out." Tsunade said with a solemn expression after leaving mercilessly.

"Does Tsunade-sama really want it?" Silent asked nervously.

"The strength of Ruthless is getting stronger and stronger, and I will surely provoke some powerful enemies in the future. If I don't overcome the panicemia, it is likely that one day I can only watch him fall when Ruthless needs my help. Third, I will never allow Ruthlessness to die before it grows up." Tsunade said firmly.

"Relentless, Tsunade-sama took the initiative to face the blood for you, and you must treat her well in the future." A trace of worry passed through Silent's eyes, but he still took out a bowl of blood, and Tsunade suddenly lost his original demeanor. , The whole person looked pale and weak, and her eyes were filled with fear, but when she thought that she could not help Tsunade when facing threats in the future, she forced herself to look.

"Mute, go out, I will definitely be able to overcome it. I will get back everything that belongs to my Senju Tsunade." Tsunade waved weakly, and silently walked to the door to guard Tsunade. At this time Tsunade The hand is the most vulnerable time, of course, she needs her protection.

Ruthlessly did not think that Tsunade would take the initiative to face the blood she feared most while he was away in order to protect him in the future. It has become the fear of the shadow, just to protect him in the future. All this is the source of the whole body. Because of her ruthless love.

It can be said that for so many years, she has grown up ruthlessly from holding a baby in her hand and being taken care of by her. Lang Gangshou regards him as his most precious person early in the morning, and absolutely does not allow him to have trouble. Whoever dares to touch his child is her. Tsunade's enemies, for the sake of being ruthless, she muster the courage to face the shadow of this fear again, and for the ruthlessness of her regaining confidence, she will once again be the strongest female ninja who smashed the ninja world.

"Ms. Kakashi." On the way from the Land of Fire to the Land of Waves, Uzumaki Naruto and others, who had only accepted a very ordinary **** task, were accidentally involved in the battle between Shangren. , Such a task has risen to the point where it almost reaches the most common s-level task.

However, at the request of Naruto Uzumaki, who did not know the heights of the sky, the task that could have been given up was continued, and now one of the Seven Ninja Swords, No Slash, has already been attacked. Under the influence of Shangnin's murderous aura, it was only Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and Sakura Haruno, who are in the end, almost collapsed.

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