
Tsk! I am your Grandfather

When he was 5 years old, his mother was taken away, his glorious father was left disfigured making him a mad man. As if all of it weren't enough, Yichen was bullied with no one to save him. While he was on the edge of breaking up, help comes like a ray of sunshine. With this new help, he plans to get back together with his family and return things the way they were but a bigger purpose seems to have been waiting for him.

CosmosGalaxZ · Fantasy
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470 Chs

The mediator

Today's visit to the guild was much profitable and Yichen couldn't help but grin at it.

"Kid looks like this guild was made just for you."

Lord Guotin noted with an amusing sarcasm.

"Heh, if master put it like that then...this disciple, have nothing to say."

Yichen countered it in mischievousness.

Lord Guotin shook his fluffy orange head at it.

'The brat disciple had completely gone even further than him in cheekiness and there's no saving on it.'

He sighed at it in realisation.

On their way back, Yichen took off the illusion mask and store it away in his interspatial pendant.

With it, he returned to his original form.

His silver hair was shining charmingly on his handsome jade face.

It was an incredible visual that was serving right there.

Upon noticing the arrival of their young master, the guards quickly opened the clan's gate and let their young master get in.

Ever since his father had claimed the chief position, things had turned into a drastic change.

The servants of the Lin clan now paid much more attention to Yichen and even paid their respects whenever they saw him.

Not being used to it, Yichen fastened his paced and hurried towards the main house for the chief.

The main house for the chief was separated from the rest of the Lin clan household.

It stayed solemn on the far east side and was uniquely beautiful and enchanting.

After a long stroll, Yichen stood in front of the main house. There, in front of the house stood a clean pond with beautiful lotus and lilies blooming elegantly on it. Surrounding the pond were the tall cherry blossom trees in full bloom.

The cool breeze swifts off the sweet smell of the cherry blossom, carrying its sweet scent everywhere and was incredibly refreshing.

To go to the main house, one had to cross the small bridge above the pond and reach the other side. The wooden bridge adds a remarkable touch to the overall layout of the house.

The house was extremely calm with evidence of springs surrounding all around.

Glimpsing the main house from afar, Yichen recalled a bit of his childhood when he played around with his beautiful mother. He ran around the house in playfulness and his mother would chase after him with a happy laugh on her lovely face.

That serene house was filled with traces of his childhood memories everywhere.

Everything was so beautiful back then.

"Mother, your son will bring you back here."

Yichen said in his breath.

Lord Guotin on the side was left bewildered by the scenic beauty of the main house.

He watched it all in awe and shared quite amazed: "The main house of the chief is indeed different from the rest of the household."

Yichen nodded at it and shared concern: "Master, I am sure you will love this place."

"Well, yeah...this special place is indeed deserving of this Lord's presence."

His master said it with much proudness that Yichen couldn't help but be amused by it.

His master was sure full of himself and cheeky on top of it.

Yichen now realised that all of his cheekiness was coming from his master.

He turned away and sighed: "Heh."

He crossed the bridge with his master sitting on his shoulder and soon went inside the house.

Arriving there, they noticed the servants having completely done cleaning and fixing the house.

The head lady servant that served the chief came up to him and noted humbly: "Young master, we have done cleaning the house and all of the young master's and the chief's belongings have all been shifted here. I hope young master will like the arrangement of this lowly servant."

Yichen nodded his head, giving it a pass and turned to check around.

Indeed, the servants had done much cleaning and all of their stuff had been brought back and well kept in place.

Contented with it, Yichen turned to the servant and brushed them off with his hand: "Good job. You can leave now."


The servants obeyed and left the place.

With the two of them leaving alone in such a clean and breathable place; Yichen couldn't help but grin at it.

It was the best thing he could ever ask. He could now breathes in ease.

He shortly observed around and found his room.

It was spacious with a king-size bed and a table. The servants had cleaned it all neatly.

The windows on the side had brought in the cool spring breeze from outside and added more vibrant to the room.

Liking it, Yichen walked to his bed and sat on it.

There, he took out his interspatial pendant and summoned the red devil yang stone, the black profound beast core of the demon black wolf and the necklace made from the skin of the soul beast.

With it all there, he first put his jade pendant onto the black leather neck chain which was bought from the guild.

The pendant goes well into it and was hanging beautifully.

He was pretty much contented with it.

Yichen quickly wore it on his neck and it fitted him quite good.

"Master, with this I am sure that you won't have any trouble coming in and going out from the pendant?"

He inquired his master with expectancy.

"Mn...sure..sure..it is indeed perfect. The neck chain looks quite good on you."

Lord Guotin praised his disciple without restraint.

"Surely, it will look good on me as this disciple is always good-looking without having to do anything. Master is sure lucky that he get such a smart and handsome disciple. It is all good for Master's glory. Heh...heh."

Yichen praised himself right there, pointing his finger at his handsome jade face that Lord Guotin gaped and looked so done there.

'Why the hell did I ever speak?', was the thought that came into his mind.

He turned away his fluffy orange head unbelievably.

This rascal disciple of his was becoming cockier as days went by and was going beyond repair.

After a so-done sigh, he turned to his disciple and instructed in a somewhat serious tone: "Kid, now that you have both the beast core and the red devil yang stone. Let this master guide you to absorb the beast core first."

"Sure master."

With it, Lord Guotin soon flew up and directed the black core of the profound beast towards himself.

The black core flew up to him and stood in the mid-air.

Lord Guotin soon covered the beast's core with both his wings. Shortly afterwards, his whole body illuminated the orange colour phoenix fire.

Yichen watched through the entire process in awe.

His master was refining the beast core for him using his bloodline phoenix fire.

A while later, with the refining being done, Lord Guotin soon opened up his wings.

As soon as it opened, there it stood the liquid state of the black core instead of the solid marble core.

Since it was refined by the most valuable divine fire, the quality of the beast core would be at an unimaginable grade. As Yichen guessed it, his master quickly notified: "Kid, now quick to consume this."

As his master instructed, Yichen quickly sat in a cross-legged meditative position.

Lord Guotin soon directed the refined black core towards him and made him drink it.

After gulping it down, Yichen felt an extremely hot and extremely cold sensation inside his throat.

Though both the elements were to their extreme; his body didn't feel a bit uncomfortable as he swallowed it all. It was as if the core was refined in such a way that his fragile body would be able to take it.

Lord Guotin then activated his phoenix vision and see through Yichen's blood veins and qi circle.

"Now kid, carefully collect the black core and made it to store in your lower energy centre. It should be located three finger widths below and two finger widths behind the navel."

What Lord Guotin had just mentioned was to store in his lower dantian sea.

Realising it, Yichen heeded his Master's words and carefully collect all of the beast's core little by little.

He then directed it slowly towards the lower sea of qi.

There, he felt a somewhat cooling sensation. The black beast core made itself reshaped into the form of a tiny marble shaped and stayed there in perfection.

It was the perfect place to act as a mediator and make both the yin and yang energy in his body harmonise naturally.