
Heart in chaos

Liu Sumeng's heart was a mess. And so was his mind. He was trying hard to focus on meditating but his relaxed appearance was a mere facade.

Was he concerned about Peng Jipei and the havoc he managed to wreak in a second lifetime? Well yes.

Was he worried about the Demon King and the tiangou's presence at the Hidden Mist? Most definitely.

Was he troubled by Zhao Fanyu's still missing status? That was a given.

But none of those reasons made up even half of his distress.

He was much more worried about Xuelan…

After a lifetime at this man's side, Liu Sumeng was familiar with the tells. Many people had howled in complaint over Emperor Taixu's dramatic mood swings. Liu Sumeng was not one of those people.

He'd learn to recognize it now, whether it was the nail biting impatience that had Xuelan rage on impulse or worse the veil of calm and smiles that hearkened a violent outburst of madness.