
Distant and unwelcoming

The days turned warm, snow thawed into mud, buds of green hearkening in a blossoming spring. Mornings were still just slightly chilled, the night's frost turned into shiny dew drops that coated grass.

Liu Sumeng didn't know that spring could bring such a visceral and sharp feeling of dread. Birds sang without care as the sun slowly rose to its lofty spot. 

"Do you have everything?" The Ivory Sword Saint's voice was a little distant as he watched the hurried movements of his lover, combing through the nooks and crannies in his room.

The space felt big without Yuan Xuelan's items littered about, too much empty space, too clean, without character.

"I think so…" Yuan Xuelan scratched the back of his neck as he looked over the room a second time, as if he wasn't quite certain.

"..." Liu Sumeng watched in silence, not bothering to confirm with the younger that yes, he had indeed claimed all of his belongings, allowing him to linger just a little longer.