
Trying to love

Laila Evans, a high schooler is finding it hard to love because she still has a crush on Kevin Russell who she hasn't seen for more than half a decade. Will she be able to love again or will she keep on hoping that he'll come back to her?

Kim_Vallie · Teen
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18 Chs

What just happened?!

"My mom's best friend recently opened a coffee shop, why don't we go there after school?" Eve said to Tony who was making a paper plane.

"Why don't we go on Saturday?" Tony suggested fully concentrated on what he was making.

"No we can't, I promised her that I'll come today plus I'll finally get to show you off" she said snatching the paper plane from him so he can pay more attention to her.

"Hey, give it back! I was almost through with it"

"No. Why can't we go today?"

"If i miss my after school math lesson today, I might actually get into big trouble with Mr Kingston and Laila can't keep on telling lies to him because of me. I actually owe Laila an apology because she joined the lessons for me so that I won't be lonely but she's all alone now during lessons".

"So you're trying to tell me that you're bailing on our date because of Laila?!".

"Did you even hear anything I just said?"

"I did, loud and clear. I guess Laila is more important than me" she said standing up to leave.

"Eve, that's not what I meant, seriously I'll be in trouble if I don't go today".

"Whatever, I don't care" she said and stormed off.

I saw Eve coming towards me, she looked really angry.

"What's your deal?!" She said loudly making the whole class to turn and look at us. I chose to ignore her and continued reading.

"Am I talking to a wall?!" She said in a louder voice and closed the book I was reading. I took a deep breath and opened it back up.

"Are you going to keep on ignoring me like a coward?!".

"What do you want me to say? You're the one who stormed here and started raising your voice at me" I said calmly trying to ignore the fact that she just called me a coward.

"Why do you keep coming in between Tony and I?!"

"You and Tony? I'd be a big liar if I told you that I understood what you just said"

"Then you're already a big liar if you're going to play dumb. I always knew there was something off about you but I didn't expect... You know what I don't even care. I came here to tell you to quit the after school math lessons".

"Quit? Who are you to tell me what to do?" I said with a little scoff.

"You joined the lessons because of Tony, didn't you? Now I'm telling you as his girlfriend to quit. I don't like how you keep on finding reasons to hang on to him. He doesn't like you and never will!". I stood up in anger, I was ready to pull out every single strand of hair on her head.

"What are you going to do? Beat me? Obviously the truth hurts. Best friend? What a joke!" She said and left. I sank into my seat. I could swear that I've never been insulted this much in my life.