
Trying to love

Laila Evans, a high schooler is finding it hard to love because she still has a crush on Kevin Russell who she hasn't seen for more than half a decade. Will she be able to love again or will she keep on hoping that he'll come back to her?

Kim_Vallie · Teen
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Slowly drifting apart

Tony, Tony, wake up!" I whispered tapping him gently.

"No" he said and turned to the other side.

"You have to wake up, you'll be in big trouble if Mr Kingston notices". He took a deep breath and lazily took his body off the locker.

"Are you okay? You look so worn out" I asked him with a concerned look on my face.

"I'm fine" he replied trying so hard not to fall asleep again.

"You don't look fine. Tell me what the problem is?".

"There's no problem. I just didn't get enough sleep last night, that's all".

"What? Why? Was something bothering you?"

"No. I stayed up late chatting with Eve". I could feel my facial expression slowly changing. Before I could even react, Tony held my palm.

"It's warm and soft. That's nice" he said slowly closing his eyes. I didn't bother waking him up this time, he obviously needed all the rest he could get.

During break time, I brought out my lunch from my bag so that Tony and I could eat together but he wasn't by my side. He was already at Eve's side eating together. 

"That's fine, there's no reason to feel sad or angry. Eve is his girlfriend now so it's only normal that they eat together" I thought as I took a bite of my sandwich. I felt like spitting it out when I saw her feeding him. No I can't watch this. I stood up and took my lunch outside outside. I bit into my apple trying to get the picture of Eve feeding Tony out of my head.

"What are you doing here alone?" Tony asked me snatching the apple and taking a bite out of it.

"Hey! That's mine"

"I know now it's mine. So why are you here?" He asked coming closer to seat near me.

"Nothing, the classroom felt stuffy".

"It did? Why?" He asked taking the last sandwich from my lunch pack.

"No reason. It just did".

"Okay, I thought you left because I was with Eve". I was dumbfounded by the accuracy of that sentence.

"What? Why will you think that?".

He shrugged and answered "I don't know, maybe you were jealous?". I stared at him, not knowing how to answer that question.

"Don't mind me I was just joking. There's no way you'll feel jealous". I scoffed and took my lunch bag and started walking towards the class.

"Wait for me!" He said running to meet up with me. "You walk really fast" he said smiling putting his arm on my shoulder.

When it was dismissal, I was looking for Tony so that we could go home together but I couldn't find him.

"Maya, have you seen Tony?" I asked, she shook her head and continued writing whatever she was writing.

"Hey Jake, have you seen Tony?" I asked Jacob Keith, one of Tony's guy friends.

"Yes, he left some minutes ago with Eve" he replied.

"Eve?! Did he say where he was going?" I asked holding my anger.

"No, but he said I should give this to you" he said and handed me a slightly open folded paper. I opened it, it was a roughly drawn map. I turned to the other side, Tony wrote something, it read:

"Sorry Laila. I can't walk you home today. Eve said she wanted to go on a date after school. I drew a map to your house. it's not as pretty as you but I promise to draw a nicer one next time.          

P.S. Don't lose it and if you can't understand it, I asked Jacob to walk you home. I know it'll be lonely without me but imagine I'm the one walking you home instead of Jacob and please can you cover for me in after school math lesson. Thanks I owe you one, no I owe you two".

 "You promised to walk me home everyday" I said as I folded the paper and put in my bag.

"Evans, where's Anthony?" Mr Kingston asked me during after school math lesson.

"Uh... He was feeling a bit unwell so he decided to go home early today" I lied. He nodded and turned to face the board. It was funny how the person I decided to join the after school math lessons for wasn't even around for the lesson.