
Chapter 46: Deemed 'Not Worth It'

Chapter 46

Deemed 'Not Worth It'

I'm tired of wasting letters when punctuation will do, period. - Steve Martin

I've got to keep breathing. It'll be my worst business mistake if I don't. - Steve Martin

Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. - Joseph Addison

Top Reviewer Quote :D

A beta? Isn't that a fish? I think I had one... and he died. - catrinebatrine

Xanxus, Squ-chan and Hibari-sama were all for killing everyone in the area, but Gokudera-kun, of all people, was against it. "We have to get Juudaime medical attention immediately!"

Xanxus crossed his arms, looking away from Tsuna. "I knew that this kind of bullshit would happen to weak trash like him."

Gokudera snarled. "If we don't hurry, then he's going to...he's going to die!"

Hibari-sama, ever so kindly, lifted Tsuna's body up with his foot, before kicking it (him) into the air, landing on Hibari-sama's back. "Hurry up, herbivores. The second Sawada Tsunayoshi dies, he's just dead weight."

Someone, White Spell, I think, started for them, yelling something about 'not letting the Vongola go', but Squ-chan slashed through his throat immediately, blood splattering against the clean white uniforms. "VOIII! Hurry up, you scum!"

Fran was still staring at me.

I was staring at my hands, in relative horror, terrified. What if Shoichi didn't put the special bullet in there? What if Tsunayoshi is really dead? What if I've doomed us all?

Shoichi glanced at Byakuran, as the Vongola representatives started for the exit. "Byakuran-san, should we just let them...go?"

Byakuran laughed. "They will die sooner or later. Later will simply make things more interesting!"

Nodding, Shoichi turned back to the Millefiore fighters. "Let them go!"

Fran hadn't moved from his spot, still watching me, as if expecting some sort of reaction.

"VOIIII! FRAN! HURRY THE FUCK UP!" Squalo roared, before glancing at me. "She's not worth it."

I inhaled, my breath sharp at those words. I wasn't worth it, I'm a killer, I'm not even human, I've been lying, I'm not who you think I am.

My eyes met green ones, through tears that I didn't want to cry - not yet, Riza, not yet - and Fran smiled.

It was the cruel, mean kind of smile, the sarcastic kind that he only gave to Belphegor, or to people he strongly disliked. "No. She isn't worth it."

The Vongola (including Fran) fled the building, Hibari-sama's back becoming damp with blood - Tsuna's blood, dammit - that I, myself, had spilled.

Byakuran smirked at me. "Good job, Yuni-chan. You really tugged at Tsunayoshi-kun's heartstrings, dropping his guard. I'm impressed."

I nodded, trying to pretend like I didn't care - everything is becoming so complicated, why can't it be easier? - trying to pretend like I wasn't me. "Yes, Byakuran."

"You are dismissed."

As I walked, through the crowd of Millefiore fighters, mafioso, human beings, they all parted for me. They shoved each other out of the way, out of the way of the girl who killed the Boss of the Vongola Famiglia. Out of the way of me.

Then the applauding began.

I don't think that I've ever heard a darker, more evil sound than that of people congratulating me for having another person's death on my hands. They were all clapping, cheering, proud of Vongola Decimo's fall, proud of me, proud of what I had done.

I kept my head held high, keeping my expression as serious, as blank as possible, like 'Hey, I kill people on a daily freaking basis!' when on the inside, I was more like 'OH SHIT, I DON'T KILL PEOPLE ON A DAILY FREAKING BASIS!'.

A month passed.

Over the next month, I successfully kidnapped Yamamoto Tsuyoshi, father of the Rain Guardian, and put him in a medicine-induced coma. It was better if he wasn't trying to escape, and if he didn't know what was going on. I had saved him from death at the Millefiore's hands. With one command to the doctor, they could wake him up, and I had gone through a lot of work to insure his safety.

He would live.

I also kidnapped Sawada Nana. Nana wasn't that hard to convince, I had gone to her house (usually she was protected by Lambo and I-Pin, but I knew that Lambo was off at some restaurant and I-Pin was at work) and asked her to accompany me to a private physician I knew. Delighted to see me after so long, she immediately agreed. Once we got to the doctor's office, I had the doctor sedate her (through a fuck lot of bribing) and also put her into a coma.

She would be safe.

I had had them transferred from a hospital in Japan to a hospital in America, on a private plane. They would be safe there.

Two people were safe, out of the entire world.

Great, just you know, 6, 999, 998 more people to go, I guess.

The number one princess in the world

Know how to treat me that way, okay?

First thing, notice when I have a different hair style from usual

Second thing, be sure to go as far as looking down at my shoes properly, do I make myself clear?

Third thing, for every single world I say, reply with three words

If you understand that there is nothing in my right hand, then do something!

I'm not really saying anything selfish

I want you to think from your heart that I'm cute

The number one princess in the world

Realize that, hey, hey

Keeping me waiting is out of the question

Who do you think I am?

Somehow I would already like to eat something sweet!

Go get it immediately

My fault? Let's call it a cute mistake

Complaints are not permitted

Well? Are you clearly hearing what I am saying? Come on

Ah, and what about this? A white horse, isn't that needless to say?

Come and take me away

If you understand that, take my hand and say "Princess"

I'm not really saying anything selfish

But you know, it's alright to scold me a little?

My very own prince in the world

Realize that, look, look

Our hands are empty

Reticent and blunt prince

Come one, why! Just notice it soon

You definitely don't understand! Don't understand...

Shortcake with a strawberry placed on top

Pudding made with well-selected eggs

Everything, everything, I will hold myself back from it

Don't think that I'm a selfish girl

Even I will be able to do it if I try

You will regret this afterwards

It's natural! Even for me

The number one princess in the world

See me clearly okay, shall I go somewhere?

Suddenly I was held tightly, it was so abrupt, eh?

"It's dangerous, you'll be hit" So saying that you turn away

...I think this person is dangerous though

-The World is Mine by Hatsune Miku

"Yuni-sama!" a soldier came rushing into my throne-room one day.

I gave him a blank bored look (I was so freaking bored).

He fidgeted. No one had been comfortable with my blank stares. I was known, throughout the Mafia as 'the Princess Who Never Smiles'. Just another stupid name to add to my list. "Tazaru-san of the Black Spell, under Captain Gamma of the Third Squad, stationed in Japan has encountered a boy!"

Congratulations, I thought, dryly, it seems that dear Tazaru has become a pedophile.

I didn't say anything like that, though. "About the boy?"

The soldier seemed to be trying to remember something. "He...appeared to be a middle-school student with light brown, spiky hair and a Sky Flame!"

I sat up, now listening intently. "Sky Flame?" It's already that time?

"Y-Yes!" he confirmed, a little nervously. "Tazaru-san says that he could use the same technique as the legendary Vongola Decimo: Zero Point Breakthrough: First Edition."

Tsunayoshi-chan, you're as amazing as I remember you to be.

Another man came running in. "Yuni-sama! Nosaru-san of the Black Spell, under Captain Gamma of the Third Squad, stationed in Japan has encountered a boy!"

Oh my god, is...Nosaru coming to terms with his sexuality?

"The boy appeared to be a middle-school student with silver-grey hair shaped like an... 'octopus', as Nosaru-san put it! The boy also had a Storm Flame and the Boxes of Gokudera Hayato, the feared right-hand of the Vongola Decimo! Reports say that the revered Rain Guardian of Vongola Decimo, Yamamoto Takeshi, was there as well, but was defeated by Nosaru-san!"

I sucked in a breath. So that means... Tsuna is here, in the future, with Gokudera-kun. Yamamoto-kun must have been defeated when he switched with his younger self. And when Yamamoto-kun came, so did Lambo, I-Pin, Haru and Kyoko.

"At the scene, there was also the Lightning Guardian, Bovino Lambo, and the Student of the Storm Arcobaleno, Fon, I-Pin." the second man finished.

"Thank you." I nodded, slightly. "You are dismissed."

The men bowed, stiffly, before shuffling silently out of the room.

I gave a dramatic sigh, once they left. Tsunayoshi-chan... stirring up trouble as always, I see.

From: Yei Venezia

To: Superbi Squalo of the Vongola

Hello, Squalo-san.

You don't know me, at least, not by this name, but you've probably heard of me. I'm not going to tell you who I am, because then you wouldn't trust me. I will be giving you this false name, but real information. I assure you that I am an ally.

Before the Vongola attack all the Millefiore on the day of the Raid of the Melone Base (yes, I know of that), send the Boss of the Cavallone to Japan. He will be needed there, but not during the raid. He needs to arrive after the Raid in order to be truly useful.

Also, when the Varia take back the Vongola Manor, the leader of the Millefiore force will die almost immediately. After he dies, a self-proclaimed 'king', who goes by the name of Rasiel will take control of the Millefiore army.

Rasiel's weapon are Storm Bats, Pipistrelli Tempesta, and they can release invisible Storm Flames to injure his opponents. The Bats would use 'Onde Super Fiamma'. The Flames would disintegrate their opponents. 80% of the Flames would stick to the opponent. Besta, the Ligre Tempesta di Cieli, would defeat it with relative ease.

Rasiel will be accompanied by a butler by the name of Olgert. He has a Heavy Rain Elephant (more than one, I believe) and a Rain Pelican. I believe that Belphegor-sama and Fran-san working together (good luck with that, by the way) would be able to take him down.

Rasiel will have a Mare Ring, the Storm Ring. But he will not be the Real Funeral Wreath. He is simply a fake. The real Mare Rings would not be entrusted to someone as weak as Rasiel.

Ask Belphegor-sama about him, if you must. They are brothers, after all.

I suggest Lussuria-san and Levi-san stay at the Headquarters, Belphegor-sama and Fran-san cover the south passage and that you, Squalo-san cover the east passage. I don't think that Xanxus-sama would end up doing any work, and will most likely just recline somewhere within the Manor.

-Yei Venezia

P. S. If you choose to believe or trust in me, then I will tell you the names of all the Funeral Wreaths, both Real and Fake.

Squalo, Third Person P. O. V.

Squalo re-read the letter he had received in the mail. Yes, mail. Someone had gotten a hold of their address and sent a fucking letter to them. A fucking letter.

After he had decapitated the mail-man, Squalo had picked up the letter and read it.

This 'Yei Venezia' person showed up in records, he noted, after he had researched her. She had gone to the strangest of places, a small town in China (somewhere in the back of Squalo's mind, he recognized it as the Storm Arcobaleno's birthplace), Monte Bianco in the Alps (where the Vindice Headquarters was located), Mafia Island (that just simply couldn't be a coincidence...could it?), and Namimori, Japan.

'Yei Venezia' was eighteen years old, a dual-citizen of Italy and Japan and a millionaire orphan. She had half-a-billion dollars to her name, and appeared to have an awful gambling habit.

She had an agent named Tsukioka Shizuka, who arranged her flight plans, but when Squalo had called her, the woman had no idea where Yei lived.

Overall, just another piece of scum in the dumpster of life.

Except, she was a mysterious piece of scum in the dumpster of life, who happened to know all of the Millefiore's plans; that made her a little more than important.

He decided to ask Bel about this 'Rasiel' fellow. If Rasiel was the brother that Belphegor had been gloating over for so many years, then some of the information provided may prove to be true.

"VOIIIIIIIIIIIII!" Squalo roared, storming into the living room.

The prince didn't even look up from his game of the NEW! Super Mario Bros. Belphegor was being Mario and Fran was being the blue Toad, at the prince's insistence.

Mario kept trying to kill Toad, by throwing him off of cliffs and throwing little turtle shells at the mushroom-hatted boy. But Toad was persistent, dodging with ease and collecting all the coins and power-ups in the area.

Despite not cooperating with each other, Bel and Fran were effortlessly winning the game.

"Dammit, Fran!" Bel cursed, completely ignoring Squalo's existence. Again. "Give the prince the damn mushroom! No prince should be smaller than a peasant!"

Fran didn't even glance at the self-proclaimed prince. "No way, Bel-sempai. If you take the mushroom, then you'll throw me off another cliff. And I'm not talking about the game anymore."

"Why you-!" Bel shouted, as Fran snatched up the Fire Flower thing, and started throwing fireballs at the Goompas. "That belonged to the prince, you un-cute kohai!"

"Not my fault, you fake prince." Fran drawled, narrowly missing death-by-Goompa. "Maybe if you weren't such a fat Italian, then you'd be faster."

"STOP IGNORING ME!" Squalo shouted, more than ticked off with their annoying squabbling.

"I'd die first." Bel and Fran chorused together, just as Mario fell to his death. "Dammit, Fran! You just threw the prince off a cliff!"

"I did not." Fran deadpanned, dodging Mario so he wouldn't have to bring his sempai back into the game. "I just didn't help you when you were dying."

"Bel." Squalo tried to calm down. Like that's going to happen. "Do you know anyone called Rasiel?"

Bel suddenly started laughing so hard that he fell off the couch. "Ushishishishishi~ Does the prince know a peasant named Rasiel? In fact, he does."

Fran raised an eyebrow. "Squalo-taichou...I think you made Bel-sempai more insane than he already was."

Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. Three knives planted themselves into Fran's hat.

"Ow." he said, in a complete monotone. "Bel-sempai, maybe we should invest in an anger issues book for you."

"VOIIIIIIIII!" Squalo yelled, trying to get control over the conversation again. "Tell me about this Rasiel scum."

Lussuria danced out, holding a tray of cookies. "Squ-chan~ Want some? I made them with love for youuuu~"

Bel sneered, his white teeth ridiculously bright. "Rasiel is my older brother."

Lussuria, who had completely missed the rest of the conversation let out a loud gasp. "Really?!"

Fran gasped too, but it was more of a sarcastic type of surprise. "Not another fake-prince."

Squalo mulled it over, thinking about the letter. If that much of it was true, then how much of it is? How did Venezia Yei know about Rasiel? And about Besta? Or, better yet, how the fuck did that bitch know about the Varia taking back the Vongola Manor and Melone Base?

Back in her room, Yuni let out a creepy cackle. "Fucking with minds is the best way to pass time!"

Then she shivered. "Stupid Byakuran is making me lose my freaking mind."






The clam had been buried in sand, under the seemingly endless ocean. But the moon drags in the tide, and the clam along with it.

If anyone is looking for a really, really awesome fanfiction to read, might I suggest, 'Adoption' by Memory25. It's only nine chapters so far, but its updated a lot, and I really, really love it. So go check it out.


ResyaAfhirsa - I can't exactly add in romance when Yuni is at war with Fran... -_- If I extend it to manga, I'll have it that Yuni used the Arcobaleno Miracle, instead of being reborn again, I think.


Almendra del sol - I have no idea what you said, because it was in a different language, but I think it was a compliment, lol.

anyandeveryanime - I've never seen Hunter X Hunter... P. S. Your email still didn't show up, lol.

coldgazeproduction - Have fun in Florida! Watch out for those... sharks.

CuteDork - Was the message in all that shit up there 'Update soon'?

SophieQueenOfTheWorld - I don't have a beta. BE SURPRISED. I'll consider doing a Naruto universe one like this. Like into Temari and she like is over-protective of Gaara-dearest and CUE PLOT BUNNYYYY.

NAO-chan33 - Byakuran is a child-starving abusive dude. *shrug* Maybe Yuni eats a lot at lunch so she doesn't have to worry about dinner, lol.

sync94 - Manga? Okay...I'll consider it.

Caellum - I've killed your feelings. -_- It was completely unintentional, I swear.

shirokuromokona - DON'T CRY. I hate it when people cry. D: Except Yuni tends to cry a lot. She's emotionally unstable, ahaha. See You Tomorrow by Sasagawa Ryohei? Look up 'Mata Ashita'. There is 100% one on .

Paigecat - Dino's Scuderia fucks up all your plans, lol. A UNI-corn? Lol, yes. And the Magikarp/Gyarados. Okay. And Tsuna is like my brother! My wittle bro-bro! Alphonse-sama can understand that since he is Edward-san's brother. I love Alphonse-sama. I'd marry him if he would let me. *nods*

akuma-chan25300 - Bad-turned-good Byakuran would be all 'BWAHAHA- wait, what?' when she started evil-laughing with him. Sounds fun :)

DNAngel512 - Astronaut by Simple Plan? OMG WHY DID I NOT THINK OF IT YET.

palmtoptiger-san - Fuck. Now.

Vanessa Celestine Blanchette - I miss Tsunayoshi-san already.

Autore Reita - My only law is 'no-revealing-Mao's-identity'. That is all.

MeLikesROFL - I really like 88. I think that's going to be next chapter's song, unless I forget, lol.


CrimsonSkyTamer - And then when you're giving a presentation and suddenly (thanks to the braces) spit flies out of your mouth and actually hits the teacher. Thankfully, however, your presentation was so awesome, that it still gets you an 'A'.

Anello Della Campana - Fran's a douche and didn't reply to her scream at all. Byakuran beating Daemon's pedo-ness? Unheard of.

Rd - You're only eight years old?! I feel like you shouldn't be reading my incredibly swear-word-ful work...

The Ice Sorceress - Fran's a fucking bastard, he ain't gonna apologize. It wouldn't be as angsty, lol.

xXMissOtakuXx - THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE FANART, REALLY, AHHHH. Today's update was late, so I apologize! If I did go through the manga, i don't think that Yuni would be reborn again, I think that Yuni would just use her Arcobaleno Miracle to travel to Tsuna's time. Since Yuni is such a techie person, she just edits around their everyday voice into a song. However, I bet that someone like Mukuro (lol, NO) would gladly sing for her.

Rebi-chan - If you looked up Hitler or Napoleon in a Mafia dictionary, you'd see Byakuran's face. I loved that song for Yuni, so I used it :)

FurionKnight - More shall be coming.

Maso-chan - I liked the song in this chapter for Yuni-chan too.

a simple fan - A Sky Darkrai. This shall happen.

Lily-chann - I bounce around when it comes to this story. It was written for 'shits and giggles' as one of my favorite authors puts it.

Eulphy Whitlock-Lupin - I think that they're still doing the video, I just was to post the advertisement, lol.

catrinebatrine - A beta, lol, is not a fish. It's like an editor for a story.


What would you think of an OC-insert into Temari from Naruto, just like Yuni-chan? And she totally loves Gaara, as a brother?

I listened to 'World is Mine' by Hatsune Miku and it really reminded me of Yuni and Fran when I read the lyrics. It's basically about a girl being really really demanding of a boy and she expects him to be perfect, but he isn't. But he will pull through when she really needs him. I found this perfect for Yuni and Fran. It's perfect. 'Blunt prince' is like the definition of Fran. It's really their song.

Sorry for the late update, I had a lot of shit happening lately. And I think my friend is trying to get me to be an all-out Christian Catholic. 0_o

Leave a review!

And, as always, some M AND MS.

Expect an update really soon (I'm on spring break :D)