
Chapter 43: Fucking Mind-Rape

Chapter 43

Fucking Mind-Rape

If you haven't read Chapter 42 yet, then go read it. This is the second update. Double-update day.

One of my readers, Anello Della Campana, has suggested the wonderful idea of having a fanmade drama CD for The Truth of the Sky. It's a brilliant idea, but we need voices. All you have got to do is record your voice, talk/read their own introduction (so we can figure out what position to give your voice) and tell what character or characters you want to be. And then, you must upload it to SoundCloud (no biggy. Just create an account and it's done.). PM me or her the link once you're done! Later those will be discussed and we'll choose what character you'll become. If you have questions, PM her or me and we'll do our best to clarify things for you.

The same message is shown at the bottom.

To: Ran-Ran-Byakuran

From: ProdigiousPokemonMaster


This is a message from the Boss of the Giglio Nero, Yuni of the Sky, Tenth Boss of the Giglio Nero, Sky Arcobaleno, Princess of Knowing.

I have chose to contact you concerning the idea of negotiations. On the 1st of December, I shall be arriving at your base, with guards. My guards shall be under strict orders not to attack, unless I, or they, are attacked first. If our negotiations are rejected, then we shall exit the building, without any type of struggle.

I am hoping to make peace with the Gesso Famiglia, and hopefully work together to take down the Vongola; they have attacked one of my men and injured him. I take it that you also would like to get the Vongola out of the way, so this shall benefit us both.

I expect a reply immediately.



To: ProdigiousPokemonMaster

From: Ran-Ran-Byakuran


I'd be glad to see you about negotations! On the 1st of December? That's so far away, almost a week! Come immediately, whenever you'd like! I promise that there will be marshmallows :D

Lots of smiley faces,

Byakuran :)

...okay, I admit, I felt a little creeped out after reading that email. I had written out a professional email, expecting a professional email back and got...Byakuran-trolled. WELL. I feel stupid.

To: Ran-Ran-Byakuran

From: ProdigiousPokemonMaster


I will arrive at two in the afternoon.

Be ready.



Gamma adjusted the giant hat on my head, giving me a sad look. "I'm sorry that it had to come to this, Princess."

I shrugged, trying to get used to the weight of the thing. "If it can't be helped, then I gotta do what I gotta do."

He sighed, patting my head. "You're a good kid, Princess."

"I feel like you're marching me off to my death." I deadpanned, swatting his hand away. "I'd rather die in my sleep when I'm one thousand and fourty-eight, thank you very much-"


I blinked, glancing around. Was that who I thought it was...?

"Yuni! Stop!" Fran, of all the freaking people in the fucking world, came running in, the guards that had been previously stationed at the door unconscious.

Gamma pulled out his box weapon, preparing to attack, but I held up my hand, stopping him. "Give me a moment."

Gamma made to protest, but I shook my head. "He wouldn't dare. I'd snap his freaking arm before that happened."

He frowned at me, before exiting the room.

"How did you get in here?" I turned my attention back to Fran. "I thought I secured the building."

Fran shrugged. "Top magician."

"You bitch." I accused. "Illusions? Really? What a cowardly way out."

"I'm here for a reason and don't have time for your bullshit." he informed me, shifting his weight.

I rolled my eyes. "My bullshit? I admit, I am quite the asshole, but I haven't bullshit you since..."

"Since you went through my mind?" he completed my thoughts, knowingly.

I sighed. "I'm sorry, okay? I've apologized tons of times, but you always-"

"I know." he said, cutting me off. "I know what you're doing."

"Enlighten me." I drawled. "What am I doing?"

He sighed. "You're causing a war with the Vongola-"

"Actually, that's Squ-chan dearest- I mean, Squalo's fault." I corrected.

"-joining up with the Gesso-"

"It's the only way." I protested.

"-and running away." he finished, with a scowl. "And why are you doing this?"

"To save the freaking world?" I offered, tired.

"No." he frowned. "You suck at this game."

"You're destroying the mood here."

"The only thing that's been destroyed is the bonds between the Giglio Nero and Vongola." Fran corrected. "Are you that stupid?"

"Yes." I nodded.

He ignored me, going on. "Are you so stupid that you would betray that Tuna-sempai - who, let me remind you, was completely livid when he couldn't get in contact with you - the long-haired shark captain - who has been shot by Boss at least fifty-eight times - Bel-sempai - actually, I don't mind if you betray him - and Shishou?"

"Squalo attacked my men." I pointed out.

Fran let out an exaggerated sigh. "You're over-complicating things-"

"I'm over-complicating things?" I repeated, incredulously. "What about you?"

"What do you mean me-"

"You haven't talked to me for a year, Fran." I began ranting. "And then when you do, all you do is call me stupid and point fingers. I know that I was wrong, and I apologized, but now... now you're just pulling at loose ends."

He gave me a blank look. "You're blowing things out of proportion-"

"What do mean I'm blowing things out of proportion?" I demanded. "Squalo beat up one of my men! The Vongola have betrayed the freaking Alliance!"

"So you start a war?" he deadpanned.

"Yes!" I promptly started yelling at him. "I've spent the past year in war, Fran, and I've seen a lot-"

"I've seen more." Fran commented, dryly.

"-and seen my friends die." I finished, breezing over him. "And I'm just trying to keep you safe-"

"Keep up safe?" he said, in disbelief. Fran was mad, which was not a good sign. "Keep us safe?! How the hell is starting a war keeping us safe, Yuni?"

I cringed, as if burned by his words. "You don't get it-"

"No, I don't." he agreed, angry. "I don't get it, because you never take the time to explain it to me, or Shishou, or anyone!"

"That's because you don't listen!" I cried, tears springing to my eyes. "You never listen, Fran!"

"You keep everything bottled up," he accused. "and you don't tell people the things that matter."

"I tried, but you wouldn't talk to me!" I shouted back. "For a year, I was alone, in Hell! I had the Giglio Nero, but that was it, Fran. What kind of best friend abandons a girl?!"

"This kind." Fran snapped. "And if that isn't good enough-"

"It isn't!" I hissed.

"-then I'm gone." he finished, snarling by the end of it.

I bit my lip, to prevent myself from bursting into tears. "I've wanted you gone for a year, Fran, but your shadow has been lurking around the entire fucking time."

He shook his head, turning away and walking to the door. Fran spared me a glance. "Goodbye, Yuni."

"Get out, Fran." I wiped at my eyes.

The door closed.

Well, see you tomorrow!

A small promise, exchanging smiles

Occasionally I feel depressed, and there are also things that ares about to break me

Instead of complaining, I just grip my fist

No need to say anything because I'll understand

There is also that kind of days but it's all right, that's why it's okay to run, roll and climb over it

The sinking setting sun, piercing my heart, the usual way back home

Well, see you tomorrow!

A small promise, exchanging smiles

Always reckless, I just live honestly

My happiness is about meeting friends I want to protect and think of

Overreach myself, endure myself, until I shape my form

Accepting myself as is, that's why it's okay to smile more or cry

In the twilight city, walking side by side, the usual way back home

Well, see you tomorrow!

A small promise, exchanging smiles

Because I don't want to see the crying faces of my family, friends and important people

I'll become stronger, stronger than today

The gentle wind, grazing my cheek, the usual way back home

Well, see you tomorrow!

A small promise, because I will always be here waiting

Always always always

Surely surely surely

Always always always

-See You Tomorrow by Sasagawa Ryohei

After cleaning myself up (every meeting with that boy ends in tears), I walked out to the car with Gamma.

"You alright?" he glanced sideways at me.

I didn't answer.

It was necessary, Yuni, no matter how much it hurt.

I know.

And I did know. If Fran had pulled an Uzumaki Naruto, and refused to believe that I was evil (Sasuke), and kept coming after me during my Millefiore-time, then I would have had to have him killed.

So I had to pull an Itachi (except, ya know, less extreme), and remove the bonds.

That didn't mean that it didn't hurt, though.

I focused my attention back onto the negotiations. I had to be ready. The fate of the world hung in the freaking balance.

I had traveled to the point in time, where Yuni heard (in mind-rape form) exactly what she had been drugged with.

Lithium, and a lot of it.

Lithium is used as a mood-stabilizer, to treat bipolar disorder. It completely dulls the senses, for a set amount of time depending on the dosage.

When Canon-Yuni had been drugged, with lithium, Byakuran had spent the rest of the negotation time convincing her that she should follow his every order. She believed it because A, her soul was in an entirely different time and B, she had no control over her emotions, thanks to the drug. So her husk of a body (with no soul) believed him and went along with his every command.

I had had Verde construct a drug (I have no idea what the fuck is in it) that would counteract the lithium. The drug would modify itself to the amount of lithium is comes in contact with.

Now, it was all up to the timing.

Gamma got out of the car first. He spoke, briefly, with a Gesso soldier, before returning to the car and helping me out.

I was the image of professional, aside from my mushroom hat of badass, of coruse, head held higher than any fucking Disney princess.

Fuck, I could have had 'I'll Make a Man Out of You' from Mulan playing in the background, I was that fucking awesome.

I nodded, acknowledging, at the Gesso soldier/doorman.

Mafia bosses don't thank people. We're too freaking awesome.

Byakuran stood in the lobby. I had to look up at him, he was so freaking tall. With his spiky white hair and purple eyes, if I hadn't known about him previously, I would have had him shoved into a mental facility for senile senior citizens. There was a purple tattoo under his left eye, looking like an upside-down crown. I wondered if that had anything to do with parallel, like a mirror, where in the reflection he was royalty.

Maybe I was looking too deep into things, but that was probably just me.

He smiled, seemingly warmly, at me, but I knew what was hiding behind that smile. A ruthless, manipulative and cruel personality, with no respect for his comrades and a willingness to destroy even the closest of friends just to get what he desired: the Seven Arcobaleno Pacifiers, the Vongola Rings and the Mare Rings.

"Hello, Yuni-chan!" he squatted down in front of me, hands on his knees. I noticed his gaze flicker to the Sky Pacifier that rested around my neck (either that or the sick pervert was perversing on me, fucking weirdo), but he mostly focused on me. "Nice to meet you! I'm Byakuran."

I held out my hand, stiffly. "I'm Yuni. Hi."

He laughed, shaking my hand. "Oh, don't be so distant, Yuni-chan! I'll be your Uncle Byakuran, alright?"

"No." I deadpanned, suddenly feeling bold. "We have been at war for years, there is no way that I'll suddenly treat you like family, just because I wanted to arrange peace negotiations."

Byakuran's smile dipped, significantly. Clearly, he wasn't prepared for my personality, as he was probably used to Canon-Yuni in parallel worlds. "Of course, Yuni-chan! You can just call me 'Byakuran', then, okay?"

"Sure." I shrugged. "Got any marshmallows?"

Hey, just in case Verde's drug didn't work, I wanted a marshmallow before my mind-raping happened.

He chuckled, as if we had shared some type of inside joke, but whipped a marshmallow bag and offered me one.

Gamma eyed it suspiciously. "Princess, you shouldn't-"

I waved him off, popping it in my mouth.

My guards watched me, nervously.

I promptly started choking. "Keh, keh!"

Gamma snarled, turning on Byakuran. "You bastard-!"

I coughed, before swallowing the marshmallow. "Down, Gamma. I choked, like the No-Good person I am."

My right-hand man frowned, stepping back.

My eyes shined, brightly, amused. If I was going out, I was going out on top. "But the No-Good people are the best kind of people. Wouldn't you agree, Byakuran?"

He seemed disgruntled, but shrugged. "Whatever you say, Yuni-chan."

"Now, let's get to negotiations!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands together.

Byakuran blinked. "Oh, yes, of course, Yuni-chan!"

I decided that I didn't like Byakuran.

We were led to a room. "Now, Yuni-chan," Byakuran glanced at my entourage. "I'm afraid I may have to ask Gamma-kun and the others to wait here, while we...chat."

Gamma made to protest. "There ain't no way we're leaving our Princess alone with you, you slimy bastar-"

"Gamma, no insults." I frowned. I walked up to him and gave him an awkward hug. "I'll be fine."

Hehe, no I won't, I'm about to be fucking mind-raped.

He gave me a squeeze. "You sure?"

I leaned back, my expression knowing. "You're like my dad, Gamma. Your fatherly senses should be going off, since you're letting your little girl go off with some sketchy fellow."

Gamma blinked, surprised, but by the time he was ready to answer, the door had closed behind me.

And there was no way that I was getting out unharmed.

"So, Yuni-chan, how did you know about the marshmallows?" Byakuran inquired, once we were alone.

Inside of my cape, hidden in a secret pocket, my hand gripped a syringe, ready to inject once needed. "You smell like them." I said, honestly.

And that was true. The mafia boss in front of me smelled like a freaking campfire, he completely reeked of marshmallows.

Byakuran laughed, eyeing me, in amusement. "You're a strange one, Yuni-chan."

"Can we get to the negotiations?" I asked, politely, but pointedly.

The man let out an exasperated sigh. "Yuni-chan, Yuni-chan, Yuni-chan," he said, as if disappointed. "I'm trying to give you as much time as possible."

"Time for what?" I deadpanned.

He smirked, his darker side slipping through his facade. "Time left for your spirit to exist.

I swallowed down my nervousness. "What do you mean by that?"

"Why, you should have known." he said, stepping mockingly in front of me. "I'm going to kill your spirit and you knew that, did you not?"

"I did." I admitted, taking a step back. "But why are you telling me this?"

Byakuran shrugged. "It's what all the villains do before they defeat the hero."

"But the hero always beats the villain." I pointed out.

He jabbed me in the arm with a syringe that I hadn't seen coming. I stabbed myself with my own syringe in the same moment, before pocketing the evidence, so he couldn't see that I nullified his drug. "Not this time."






I've heard that a thousand times. But the hero always wins. Always.

Second chapter in a freaking day, dammit.

Doing review replies next chapter.

One of my readers, Anello Della Campana, has suggested the wonderful idea of having a fanmade drama CD for The Truth of the Sky. It's a brilliant idea, but we need voices. All you have got to do is record your voice, talk/read their own introduction (so we can figure out what position to give your voice) and tell what character or characters you want to be. And then, you must upload it to SoundCloud (no biggy. Just create an account and it's done.). PM me or her the link once you're done! Later those will be discussed and we'll choose what character you'll become. If you have questions, PM her or me and we'll do our best to clarify things for you.
