
Chapter 42: Sever the Ties

Chapter 42

Sever the Ties

We've been constantly fighting against something way tougher. A rival called "the future" - Shikamaru Nara

"Alphonse Elric: Who are you kidnapping?

Kidnapper 1: You, Alphonse Elric. I'm sorry but you're going to have to come with us now.

Alphonse Elric: But, my teacher taught me never to go anywhere with strangers.

Kidnapper 2: Don't be ridiculous. How old are you?

Alphonse Elric: Fourteen.

Kidnapper 2: If you're that old, you should be able to think and act for yourself by now, am I right? Listen kid, if you ever want to be a man, then you gotta act

like one. You can't let your teacher run your life forever, right?

Alphonse Elric: Right, I should think for myself.

Kidnapper 2: Now you're talking. Then we're clear, you're gonna come with...

[Al interrupts by hitting Kidnapper 2 over the head, knocking him unconscious]

Alphonse Elric: I decided not to go with strangers. That's my decision and mine alone." - Alphonse Elric (I had to. Even though it was really long. I had to.)

Today's Reviewer Quote Thing!

if you really think about it, she technically was born as Yuni so she is Yuni... Stop judging her because of that! *rage table flip* It's not like she chose to end up as Yuni! D: - NAO-chan33 (I found this hilarious, I dunno why...)

It'd be really cool if someone like this Yuni became Kyoko-then she could be all like, *sparkly-smile-sparkle* one moment and *I'll-kill-you-murderous* the next. And poor Tsuna would never know how scheming and evil and awesome she really is. - CC

We - Verde and I - stared at the orange box.

"Nothing's happening." I commented, pointedly.

Verde scrunched up his face. "Perhaps there's something wrong with your ring."

I huffed, but glanced at my ring. The Cloud Mare Ring seemed to be perfectly fine, sparkling innocently.

The Cloud Mare Ring.

I facepalmed. "I'm so stupid. The colors don't match up!"

Verde stared at me. "What?"

I gestured to the box. "What kind of box is this?"

He crossed his arms, preparing to brag. "This is a rare, top-of-the-notch Sky Box that will release a powerful-"

"This is the Cloud Ring." I deadpanned, holding out my hand.

He blinked. "...what?"

"This. Is. The. Cloud. Ring." I waved it around. "Clean your glasses, you old-timer!"

"But you're the Sky Arcobaleno." he pointed out. "Why don't you have the Sky Ring?"

I shifted, uneasy. If he figured out that I gave it to Byakuran... "My mom had the Sky Ring, when I was given the Cloud Ring. I dunno why I, of all people, was chosen to be a Guardian. I can't even fight."

It was the truth, just not the entire truth.

Verde sighed, digging around in his coat.

If this is the Cloud Ring, why did Sky Flames light up?

Remember how in canon, Yuni lit up her entire body - and Gamma's, too - with Sky Flames? That's how strong her Flames were. You're in her body, so you have more Sky Flames than any Cloud Flames. The Sky overpowered the Cloud Ring.

So, because Yuni's Sky Flames are so freaking badass, it kicked the Cloud Flames' ass?

...sure, I guess you could put it like that.


I'd imagine that in order to light up Sky Flames, you have to desire to protect someone. But with Cloud Flames, remember what Dino-san told Hibari-san?

That irritation powers the Dying Will? Sometimes, my dearest Hibari-sama cannot tell truth from lie.


I have to get irritated? How the fuck'll I do that?

I do not know.

What the fuck irritates me? Fran irritates me, Squ-chan dearest irritates me, Mukuro-dearest irritates me (when he's not being adorable, of course), Verde irritates me, and so does the future.

A tiny cloud flame, smaller than the Sky Flame that had been there, glowed on my ring, but I kept thinking.

But out of all the things that irritate me, Byakuran irritates me the most.

The cloud flame grew, until it resembled one of Yamamoto's flames, instead of little match flames. I stared at it, in awe. I feel like Hibari-sama!

"Into the box." Verde snapped, annoyed with my spacey-out-ness.

I jumped slamming my fist into the purple box, and yanking it back just as quickly.

The little lid on the box opened, two metal things shooting out. "SONOFA-" I squeaked, diving under my chair to dodge them.

Verde rolled his eyes at me. "It works."

Two metal tonfas lay, seemingly harmlessly, on the floor.

I stared at them. "...was that supposed to happen?"

He facepalmed. "Yes, it was supposed to happen! Pick them up."

"...will they bite me to death?"

"What the hell?" he asked, disbelieving. "No, they will not bite you to death, now pick them up."

I hesitantly poked one with the toe of my Adidas sneaker (basketball kind, mmhmmm). Nothing bad was happening... I picked one up, holding it out in front of me.

It burst into flames.

"AHHH!" I screeched, flinging it away from me, the tonfa clattering to the floor in front of I-Pin.

Verde sweatdropped, picking it up himself. "Hmm... no flames?"

He handed me it. "Don't drop it."

I didn't, feeling nervous as the flames sparked along the metal.

Fun fact: Cloud Flames are fucking cold.

I shivered as the flames licked at my arms, the icy feeling coating the metal, freezing it. "It's cold, dammit..."

He ignored me, scribbling something down on a clipboard (that really appeared out of nowhere). "It was a success."

I blinked. "What?"

Verde smirked, clearly proud of his achievement. "It was a success!" His smirk soon changed into a grin of insanity and he began cackling like the mad scientist we all knew he was.

What was I doing? I was waiting for the typical lightning to begin crackling in the background.

"So..." I rocked on my heels, after Verde had finished his evil laughter. "About me buying those boxes..."

He zoned back into sanity. "Yes, one thousand yen a box. Fair price, I believe."

One thousand yen is about one hundred American dollars. "You're evil."

Verde sneered. "Do you want them or not?"

I crossed my arms, digging through my pockets to pull out my fat wallet. After becoming boss, my amount of cash kind of escalated into crazy levels.

He led me out of the interrogation room into another room full of boxes. "Sky Boxes are to the left, Cloud Boxes are to the left of that, and I think you can figure out the rest."

I walked around the circular room, inspecting the Boxes. They were all labeled, like 'Sistema Cambio Arma Istantaneo' and 'Leone di Cielo'.

I plucked out the Vongola Boxes, the Varia Boxes, Dino's Horses (and Turtle) Boxes, Tazaru and Nosaru's Boxes, Bianchi's Scorpion Boxes, Yamamoto's Box of Water, Basil's Dolphin Box, Ryohei's Scalpel Box and Rope Box, Gamma's Shot Plasma Box and his Foxy Boxes, Colulu and Widget, Lal Mirch's Balloon Box and Cloud Centipedes Box, Genkishi's Boxes, Hibari-sama's Cloud Tonfas and Hedgehog Boxes, Gamma's Battery Box, Ryohei's Shoe Boxes (hehe), Tazaru and Nosaru's Shoe Boxes and a little Cloud Box for myself.

Sixty boxes. That's 6000 American Dollars and 600, 000 Japanese Yen.

I handed the money to Verde, trying not to cringe when he smirked and pocketed it. There goes my next Pokemon Rangers...

"Would you like to purchase rings while you're at it?" he offered, pressing a button (on some controller that he randomly pulled from his pocket), a pedestal rising from the floor, with rings on display. "One thousand yen a ring."

I bought an A-Rank Sky Ring for Dino (the Varia could supply their own fucking rings, godfucking dammit), three Storm Rings for Tazaru, Nosaru and Bianchi, five Cloud A-Rank Rings for Future Hibari-sama (remember? They had their Vongola Rings destroyed...), five Rain A-Rank Rings for Future Yamamoto, five Sun A-Rank Rings for Future Ryohei, five Sky A-Rank Rings for Future Tsuna, five Cloud, Storm, Lightning, Rain and Sun Rings for Gokudera's Sistema C. A. I., five A-Rank Rain Rings for Basil, two Rain and Cloud Rings for Lal Mirch and an A-Rank Cloud Ring for myself.

Thirty-seven rings. That's 3700 American Dollars and 370, 000 Japanese Yen.

I died a little on the inside, giving Verde all that money. Mammon would have had a field day.

I-Pin shifted, awakening. "...Yu...ni?"

"Sup?" I glanced back at her. We were outside, after I had dragged her unconscious body away from Verde's laboratory. I had bought another Cloud Storage Box (1, 000 Yen...) and put all the other boxes and rings inside of it, to make storage more easy.

"W-Where are we?" she asked, suddenly alert. "What happened?"

I shrugged. "You fell asleep. I didn't want to bother you, so I had you sleep while I...chatted with Verde."

I-Pin frowned. "Did he...hurt you?"

I snorted. "He wouldn't dare."

"Why not?" she inquired, curiously.

"Reborn'd kill him." I nodded, sagely.

"I see..." I-Pin gave me a weird look. "What did he want to talk about?"

I had spent the past hour thinking up a story. "My Arcobaleno-ness."

"Your...Arcobaleno-ness?" she repeated, unsure.


After that, we ended up swimming back to shore (let me assure you, I-Pin spent like an hour beforehand teaching me how to swim, but all I mastered was the freaking doggie-paddle).

I wrung out my shirt, unhappily. "I hate swimming."

I-Pin laughed. "Is that because you are not skilled at it?"

"Shut up." I sniffed, shivering. "It's freaking cold."

She shrugged. "We did just swim across Namimori Harbor."

"Wanna go steal towels from kindergartners?" I offered, hopeful.

I-Pin shot me a disapproving look. "A long time ago, Lambo was one of those kindergartners who had their towels stolen."

"That just makes me want to do it more." I deadpanned.

She smiled. "No, let's not steal towels. Lets go find bus, now."

I groaned, following her up the sandy beach, attracting weird looks. Then again, two girls - one in a Chinese Kung-Fu outfit and the other in a Naruto t-shirt - emerging from the freaking ocean does seem pretty weird.

"I think I'm going home." I told I-Pin, while we were in the taxi that would take us back to Fon's shop.

I-Pin blinked. "We are going home. To Master's...?"

"No, I think I'm going home to Italy." I said, not meeting her eyes.

"Why?" she questioned, innocently, with no hidden motive or anything.

I paused for a second, wondering why exactly I wanted to return home.

"Because it's... I think it's time that I stop running away from the things that have been happening and step up to the plate and mature a little." I said, seriously. "I need to prepare for the future that is inevitable, a future that has me in it, not anyone else in my place, and for what will come after me."

I-Pin smiled, sweetly. "Are you talking about the war between your family and the Gesso?"

More like the war between my family and yours.

"Kind of." I admitted. "I don't want this to go on. I think that I'm going to schedule negotiations soon."

Her smile slipped, turning into an expression of horror. "But Yuni, if you go to negotiations, they'll kill you!"

No, just fucking mind-rape me. No biggie.

"I'm going to try and put it off as long as I can," I promised. "but if this fighting doesn't settle on its own, then I'm going to have to talk to the Gesso myself."

She frowned. "Should I talk to Sawada-san about assisting you-"

"No." I said, quickly. "Don't tell anyone. I don't want Tsunayoshi-chan getting involved."

"But Sawada-san's friends are strong-" she started, but I cut her off.

"Lambo would be fighting." I said, pointedly. "And he could get hurt."

I-Pin faltered for a moment, concerned for her childhood friend. "If anything goes wrong, tell me immediately."

I smiled, feeling a sting of pain for the girl that trusted me entirely. I'd end up betraying I-Pin's trust, just to save her in the end. "I'll do my best."

She hugged me.

I gave an unsure squeeze back.

I'm sorry.

I was on a plane back to Italy immediately. Gamma, of course, was waiting for me at the airport and to say he was pissed would be a fucking understatement.

"Where the hell have you been?" he demanded, his face red in anger.

I gave him a blank stare back. "Japan."

"What the fuck were you doing in Japan?" he hissed, expecting some smart-ass answer.

"Getting weapons." I said, honestly. "And responding to a summons from one of my other Arcobaleno members."

He cringed at the term 'Arcobaleno', knowing the full-brunt of the Curse. "Are you alright?"

I shrugged. "Fine as ever. Maybe slightly less emotionally unstable as I previously was. Now, let us return!"






One Year Later






One Week Before Negotiations






"Princess!" someone called from the outside. "Hurry! Genkishi has arrived!"

I looked up from my desk, bags under my eyes. It had been a year of war for the Giglio Nero. Dozens of lives had been lost, but Gamma had been insistent on having no negotiations. While I was thirteen and was living through a war, I felt as if I was fifty-four and had lived through thousands. The weight of all those deaths hung over my shoulder, haunting me, forcing me awake at night.

In canon, Gamma had protected Yuni from the horrors of war, allowing her to live a seemingly-innocent, carefree life. But in this world, when Gamma had tried to shield me, I had shoved him out of the way, taking war in, straight in the face.

Months ago, I had delivered the Boxes, as a token of friendship between families, and the Rings. I gave them to the Vongola after the Gesso began using them in battle.

When I had given Genkishi his Hell Ring, Spettrale Spada and Nebbia Numero Due, he had a look akin to horror, pain and fear on his face. I had simply smiled and waved him off.

I had re-named Gamma's Volpi 'Colulu' and 'Widget', mainly because those were like the perfect names. They were so freaking adorable.

I had emailed Reborn Irie Shoichi's information. I'd imagine that he would be using it soon.

All in all, I had gotten a lot done.

I stood up from my desk, running out the door.

But I hadn't spoken to Fran in a year, Squ-chan dearest was still off beating up 100 men and Skull had already died. I wasn't sure who was next.

When I came upon Genkishi, along with Gamma and a bunch of other men surrounding him, the first thing I noticed was his injuries.

Real or fake?

Fake, I decided, closing my eyes for a moment, my expression horrified but my thoughts blank, before opening them and the injuries disappearing. Illusions.

"What happened?" I cried, kneeling beside him, as if concerned.

Genkishi coughed (it was so fake that even Yamamoto wouldn't have believed it). "I was attacked, m'lady... by..."

"By...?" I encouraged.

"Superbi Squalo." he said.

Let me assure you, I didn't doubt that he was attacked by Squ-chan dearest. I had told the Varia shark captain all about my loathing for Genkishi, and he informed me that he hated Genkishi as much as I did. So if Squ-chan had attacked Genkishi, it was partially my fault.

I gasped, trying not to crack up. "Squalo? He would never!"

Genkishi nodded, pretending to be sad for me. "It- It's true, m'lady."

His hand started to rise, sneakily, preparing to strike us all down and take our Mare Rings.

I touched his fingers, lightly, warningly. "I know, Genkishi."

The swordsman froze, unsure of what to do.

"I know." I repeated, smiling at him. "So you can cut the bullshit."

He swallowed.

Gamma poked me, confused. "What are you talking about, Princess?"

I stood, turning away from Genkishi. "I shall travel to the Gesso Headquarters next week and arrange for negotiations to be made. Genkishi shall be treated for his injuries. Gamma, will you accompany me to the Gesso?"

"Princess, you can't-" he began, strongly.

I held up my hand, before giving him a sad, tired smile that I had only seen my mother wear. "The Vongola have betrayed us, it seems. I shall need the Gesso's assistance in order to take them on."

Gamma closed his eyes, rubbing his forehead. "I will accompany you, Princess."

"Thank you, Gamma."

To: Tunayoshi Sawada

From: ProdigiousPokemonMaster

Squalo attacked one of my men.

As much as this pains me to say it, this means war, Sawada Tsunayoshi.

I will be teaming up with the Gesso if all goes right. If it does not, then I shall be dead by next week.

-Yuni of the Sky

P. S. I promise, on the name of the Lord, that I will not abuse my knowledge of your Box Weapons. I will not reveal these to the Gesso and the only one who knows of this is me. I will never reveal them, going by the laws of Omerta. You have my word, as Sky

Confirm: Would you like to block and delete all of the 'Vongola Family' Contacts?



All of the 'Vongola Family' Contacts have been deleted, blocked and permanently stripped from the Giglio Nero Systems. Have a nice day.

As easy as that, I had severed my ties to the Vongola Family.






And easy as that, I went to bed, crying.

AH. It feels like this is almost over, but it's like the Future arc hasn't even started yet. 0.0

Reviews :D

Kufufu no Fu - Because This is the Rule of Love, dammit!

coldgazeproduction - Kiara? Lol, I don't remember. I know you've mentioned starlightfoxninja though.

FreeWeirdGal - Haru and Yamamoto? CRACK PAIRING. I love it.

Paigecat - The orange box that Verde handed her was just a test box, it wasn't her official box. Yuni didn't have a Box. So I gave her a Cloud one, you'll notice I mentioned that I got her two, one for storage and another for ... secret things. *Yuni consumes icecream* I think Bitch-Haru with Bitch-Gokudera (don't fight it.) would be fun to write.

ResyaAfhirsa - Verde...as a good guy? *dies* I love watching Haru and Gokudera fight. It's freaking hilarious.

Khorale - Maybe I should write a Bitch-Haru and then a Bitch-Kyoko story. TWO FREAKING STORIES. *nods*

MeWubFranxx - THANKS FOR THE KISSES. *Alphonse-sama and I eat them, happily*

CuteDork - If you find the Old-KHR! then you have got to PM the link or I may die. No, I will die, dammit! Getting drunk on Faygo...? *nods, approvingly*

a simple fan - I am a major fan of crack pairings, if you've been wondering (Yuni and Mukuro was one of the choices for this story, originally, before I changed it to Yuni and Fran).

CC - WHO YOU CALLING VERTICALLY CHALLENGED?! Verde may be called the second DaVinci, but maybe he just doesn't want to remember Yuni's... uniqueness. *sparkly-smile-sparkly* and then *RUN, BITCH, RUN look* lol, emotionally unstable Kyoko.

NAO-chan33 - The Sky Box mixup was meant to demonstrate the sheer power of Real-Yuni's Sky Flames. Riza - "I'd never punch you in the face!" *hugs* The reason that I did this whole thing with Verde is because I had a question. 'How did the Vongola get awesome boxes, like Natsu and Roll if the Millefiore got their paws on the Box Weapons first?' So Yuni gave them to the Vongola after the Gesso learned to use them. You're Team Kyoko? *creeped out*

MeLikesROFL - I don't have a Beta Reader for this story. Is that weird?

CrimsonSkyTamer - I'll take the canned Mukuro, boxed-Verde and Fran off your hands. XD

Memory25 - I think I explained that in this chapter :D

anyandeveryanime - I liked your Hibari idea, but I don't think I'd be good at writing for a boy. 0.0

Nazo-san - You're Team Haru, I see. I think that doing Haru would be fun, because she's usually polite (other than the times when she's bitch-slapping poor Tunafish), and doing Kyoko would be fun too, because she'd be all sparkles and then all murderous the next second. *inner turmoil*

The Ice Sorceress - When this story ends, and I begin my OC-into-Haru-or-Kyoko story, I hope you follow that one too :D

Lanaught - Or...she fails at opening the box, lol. The whole insecurities thing only applies to the Sky, I think, and not the Cloud.

Rd - I'll gladly take those Hershey bars off your hands.


What do you think should be inside Yuni-sama's Cloud Box?

Leave a review, desu~

Leave me uni-ball pens (I saw them in Wal-Mart and bought like 13 boxes of them because they had the other spelling of 'Yuni' in it. Then I felt stupid, yet awesome, for doing that)

Expect an update soon.
