
True Pirate

Pirat vanabe. Look at his journey to the top.

Gaspart · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs


I don't know how long it has been, but it was just a second for me. The next moment after the power was turned off and my brain fried up, I looked at the crystal clear sky without any clouds. I could smell the salt of the ocean and hear falls breaking over a small boat that I was at.

"What the fuck! Is that how the afterlife was supposed to be? No fucking way."

'Okay, let's calm down. You were trained for this.'

I take a look around me. What I saw wasn't really filling me with optimism. Currently, I am sitting on the bench in a small boat. Wherever I turned, the only thing I could see was the ocean.

'Well, I'm fucked. I need to find land or a ship. Oh, maybe I can find some flares in the boat.'

As I didn't have anything better to do, I searched the boat for valuable resources that would help me survive on the open ocean.

"At least there is something, right?" I asked in the air with a blank look on my face. I couldn't force myself to show my overbearing happiness. That was because of the fact that, at the moment, I didn't feel any of it. I would like a map, compass, or food rations. Well, I found neither of them.

I sat down and looked at the four items I found on the boat.

The first one was a ring with weird markings on them. He looked like some odd but cheap present. Next to the ring was one of the items I was the most familiar with before the machine accident. I looked at two hidden blades made from sturdy-looking alloys with designs I needed to familiarize myself with. The third one was a shroud. That was a shroud with signs looking similar to the one on the ring. The last one was the box. Normal wooden box.

Yes, that's all I got in here.

'Hidden blades look neat.' I tried it on my forearm, and it fitted perfectly. It was made for me. I tried to make the blade move out as I was always doing, but it didn't even budge. I remembered that in ancient times hidden blades had different mechanisms. "I hope I won't lose my middle finger." In the past, losing a finger was an indication ritual. But with the flow of time, the order moved on from that custom.

'Come on, open, open, OPEN!!' I flipped my wrist, and the blade moved out from his sheath without sound. "I'm in love again~~!." They looked even more superb than my last one. After playing with my newly obtained weapon, I realized I needed to command it in my mind for it to work correctly. I will have to take some time to adjust to it. But still, did anyone ever control his weapon only by thought? Well, at least not from what I know. I looked at the remaining items, still playing with my blades.

I reached for the box, and I turned it around in my hands. This box is made from one block of wood. There also aren't any slots for a key. 'Okay, let's try this.' I focused just like I did when using my blade and commanded it in my mind. 'OPEN!!!' Smoke started moving from the box. I could hear a weird clicking sound, and then blue slots showed on the box's surface. I took a step back. I am not a moron to get under a crossfire willingly. Box opened up, and from inside, started playing a hologram. It looked like coded messages in droids from Star Wars. 'Well, that was unexpected.' I commented on this weird site.

In the next moment, the box started scanning its surroundings. A blue strike of light began to move from the front of the boat to my sitting position. I let the box work its way and do whatever it was doing.

After the scan ended, the hologram showed information it had gathered from his scan. All the information was segregated and easy to understand. 'So it's some database. Interesting.' All nearby items were listed in alphabetic order and had the option to show more information about them. I focused on names that I needed to recognize.

"Ring of Eden, hmm, such a profound name for an ordinary ring, ridiculous," I commented. With just a thought opened a page about Eden's ring.

Rings of Eden project an electromagnetic field that deflects projectiles and energy-based weapons discharges. The Rings do not grant the wearer complete immunity.

'That will become an excellent last resort trick.' I slipped the ring on my index finger on my left hand, and just as before, I focused my mind on the ring, and a magnetic field showed around me. That wasn't some bubble; no, the field adjusted shape to my body. I had a feeling as if I was behind glass in a zoo. I tried to move around, open the blade in this state, and throw punches there, but the power field didn't limit my moves. I turned off the ring. 'I need to test it in a fight to better understand this force field.'

I realized that the ring force shared many features with the rings of Neodymium magnets. That is used in some motors and also gives a solid magnetic field. 'THE MORE YOU KNOW.' I chuckled at that thought.

My eyes focused on the next item on the list.

Shroud of Eden - nanotech matter regenerator. The Shroud can heal wounds of varying severity, mending injuries ranging from stab wounds to congenital disabilities. When worn, Shroud gave enhanced healing abilities. A person wearing a shroud can also regenerate from wounds that would be considered fatal almost instantaneously. The Shroud also granted enhanced strength. It could not be used to bring a being back to life. When a Shroud is wrapped around a body, it scans it for damage, then reconstructs it on a cellular level, enabling potential reconstruction of decomposed organisms.

'Okay, that is high-level shit. I can keep it as an emergency heal factor or try and wear it. I already have a few ideas. Also, it gives a boost in strength. I must remember to not become addicted to it. If in some way, the enemy stole it from me, I would become easy prey without the strength of a shroud.'

A Precursor box - also known as an Isu Data Cache- is a device created by the Isu to store vast knowledge on any subject. For example, an artifact can decipher and translate any language. The boxes also demonstrated the ability to imprint the memories of someone into another individual. What can bolster the power of the user if it is used correctly? Box has DNA recording capability. It would mean anyone touching the box could imprint his knowledge onto another person.

'This one is dangerous. I don't want to become someone else. Imprinting memories sounds like HAX, but I could lose myself. Translating languages, tho…... ye, I hope will become handy eventually. Also, an artifact made by Isu. Better be careful than sorry.'

I was thinking about how this artifact could affect ME when the hologram changed. There was only a blue ball of energy inside the box for a second, and then the hologram reappeared.

Current holder: Casper Tnaleiz

Title: Former Novice Assassin

Occupation: NONE

Age: 23

Height/Weight: 173cm/75kg

Bloodline: Isu (unawakened)

Body condition: Peak Earthling

"Well, and there goes my self-esteem." I looked again at the display of achievement in 23 years. 'Isu bloodline, wait a minute. How the hell could I have an ISU bloodline? I know they were from civilization before us, and we mix with each other to some extent. But I never got to use any traits that legends talked about. So that must mean that. Nah, that's not it. Hold your horses, Casper.' I was abusing the memory machine. And if I remember correctly, few people get crazy after using it for extended periods. That is called a bleeding effect. After that, people like that can use eagle vision. Let's stick with that. Thinking about that doesn't change anything. Let's hope that I will not go nuts.

I commanded the box to turn off and sat in silence for a minute. Yes, I get to know new things. And usually, I would brush it off as some witches talk. But I know that I died, and yet I am still alive. So, let's say that box tells the truth.

I still need to get answers about my current circumstances. I am still determining where I am. Am I still on earth? Am I in the future or the past? Am I in a new world, or is it just a test from my mentor? Also, what if I am still in a machine at the training center? I am still trying to figure out what is happening right now.

On top of it, oh yea, middle of the ocean. I moved my hand to my face when something hit my vehicle from behind, and I was sent flying into the side of my boat.

"I'm gonna kill motherfucker who just bumped into me," I said, standing up and looking over my shoulder. A bit bigger bout with a mast was crushed onto my vessel. Water started purring in gallons. I quickly grabbed my treasures and jumped over the other boat railing.

I scanned the deck and found a green-haired man sleeping while still holding a bottle of sake in his hand and three swords lying near him. I quickly moved towards him, grabbed him by his hair, and lifted him up.

I forcefully moved his head to meet with my flying knee when he opened his eyes. The sound of breaking a nose and screams of pain finally woke him up. I lose my grip and let him fall down. He was holding his hand on his broken nose, trying to stop his blood loss. With a kick into his ribs, I got his full attention.

"Dear sir, I hope you can explain WHY THE HELL YOU JUST DECIDED TO DROWN MY BOAT!!!!" I started my speech slowly, but at the end of my first sentence, I was screaming at the top of my lungs.

"I did nothing!" He spits blood from his mouth. "But now I'm gonna beat you up." He stood up and straightened himself, then looked into my eyes.

"I want to see that," I retorted and stepped forward to meet Moshead in close quarters.

I redirect his right hook and land on him quick straight. A mocking smile crawled on my face. He stumbled back and finally focused on me.

"You motherfucker" He said, stepping forward to meet my readied fists.

It would have been better to answer with something more diplomatic, but I didn't. "Stop barking like a little bitch". I participated in more than my fair share of fights. It could prove that I was better than everyone in all things, fighting included. Perhaps because, in my own way, I was upholding the family name. A drinker I might have been. A seducer. Arrogant. Unreliable. But not a coward. Oh no. Never one to shrink from a fight. I am proud of the battle prowess that I cultivated to this day. What is more, right now, I was really pissed.

The now half-empty sake mug was lying on the side, looking at his last owner getting beaten shit out of him. I immediately continued my assault with a front kick on his stomach which threw him off balance.

I stepped forward to get more force from my movement and followed him with a stream of punches. He was always on the move; even after direct hits, he moved to counter my assault.

He showed me his wide grin in a brief moment of catching air. His battle awareness was lower than mine, but I didn't do any damage to him.

I can smell his fighting spirit.

It pours out of him; it reaches up and stuffs itself into my nose.

I could see how excited he was about this fight; in his eyes, I saw a reflection of a blonde man with sparkling blue eyes also desiring battle.

I couldn't have left him waiting.

I grinned back, and we started to talk with our fists.

Pivot, left into the jaw, right into the stomach, another one left hook landing on his temple, followed by a kick into the balls. He bowed his upper body in front of me after my last hit. The back of his head was open; I pulled my right arm back and unleashed my blow with the force of my whole body behind it. But my hand was abruptly stopped. My opponent grabbed my fist with his hand at the last moment.

"You are good" He grinned, showing white teeth covered with his blood. "But now is my turn." He refined his hold of my arm and pulled me closer to him, hitting my stomach with another fist-closed hand.

I lost my breath and stumbled two steps. The next hit landed on my temple. Blood started to flow right into my right eye, blinding me. I felt more than I saw next hit. I sidestepped it and answered with my own.

Our fight becomes a bloodbath. Both of us were covered with a red liquid substance with a metallic scent. The limited space on the boat also did not give any of us room to move more widely.

I was fighting, relying only on the instinct I developed in my years of training as an assassin. 'How long has it been since I fought with a worthy opponent? Okay, Gasper, let's stop pulling punches.'

My eyes focused. I saw every movement of my opponent, his breath, the beating of his heart, the twitching of his muscle. The world moved around me in slow motion when all my senses focused and became clean.

Now, I understand that he will win in an open brawl. His body is just in a league higher than mine. I also only have a little time to end this fight. My strength started to leave my body, and my moves became sluggish.

My mind became clear. All colors faded back, leaving only shades of grey. I focused only on my opponent and then knew what to do.

Bait him inside, sidestep his attack, and hopefully deliver a finishing move. I took a deep breath.

I crunched, lifted my arms in grappling positions, and then charged, looking provocatively into my opponent's eyes. He smiled and took a similar stance. We both set straight forward.

At the last moment before impact, I moved to the right, placed my right foot on the edge of the boat side, and jumped up. His arms missed my torso by millimeters. I pulled a fast right hook. With the proper position, it was a very effective hit. That hit landed where I wanted it, on his lower jaw. With a smooth movement, I turned over my left shoulder, and my next punch connected after a spin around my axis. Left backhand and right hook right into the jaw. Three consecutive hits in the same spot on the jaw. Perfect KO move. I looked at him, knowing I would not be able to move a finger if he was still standing after my move.

He staggered, fighting for balance. A roar of a wild animal escaped his mouth. His jaw muscle bulged under his skin, and his saliva spread from his mouth.

Slowly and with a very unce of his energy still left, the green-haired man straightened up with a cry of victory. I was standing still and observing how he slowly moved toward me. I again gathered all my strength. It was enough to put my guard on.

My enemy moved in slow moves toward me. His steps were heavy, but his eyes were locked with mine, showing determination to end this fight victoriously.

He hit fast, and he hit strong.

I wasn't able to react to his attack.

I was launched on my back and painfully hit one side of the boat.

While lying on the bottom of the shaking boat, I saw him standing over me with a look of satisfaction after a good fight. Waiting to deliver the finishing blow.

"Good fight," I said with harsh breathing, taking a punch to my face and losing consciousness.


3p POV

"Yea, this was a good fight," Zoro admitted after knocking the blond guy out. He was looking at a blond-haired man lying in front of him in a pool of blood and didn't really know what he should think about him. "His moves were good. A lot of them I saw for the first time. If only his body was stronger…" the green-haired man concluded, shaking his head.

'I almost lost. I can't be so careless in the future. The blonde one was the type of guy that would take advantage of every opening in the fight you would make.'

Zoro massaged the side of his broken jaw and couldn't help but admire his opponent's last move. "I don't remember when someone in a straight fight took me by surprise." He said with respect. 'From now on, I will give each fight 100%.' He decided in his mind.

'I will not be worth fighting HIM if I let my guard down ever again. It doesn't matter how weak my future opponents will be. I will go on them with all my strength.'

He walked to the side of the boat and looked over at the second boat, which was slowly drawing under a wild ocean flood. "I wonder why he chose this broken boat," He scratched his hand, thinking over what to do with the blond guy, and shrugged. "I can take him with me. He seems decent," concluded Zoro and wisely nodded his head.

Normal human beings would never reach that conclusion after being attacked out of the blue. But Zoro never was normal.

He often could tell more about a person after fighting with them than after a long talk. He was a person who mainly communicated with his fists well swords.

He walked towards him and grabbed him like a sack of potatoes. "Come here. I can't let you die on me, right?"

Zoro started to take care of the wounds that he had inflicted. What ended up being a blond guy bandaged all over his body. "And finished. I never was good at this," He mumbled under his breath.

'What else can I do?' He focused on the luggage that this particular intruder moved with him from his destroyed boat.

Unfortunately for Zoro, there was no sake in there.

After checking this guy's possessions, Zoro covered a blonde guy with a weird-looking shroud.

He took a few steps back to look at his masterpiece and dusted his hands off. 'I'm sure that soon he will become better. After all, how long could he be healing after such a bit down? Few hours?'

He moved towards his sleep spot and let his boat drift without any direction again. He gives his guest one last look.

'I wonder if he is also lost.'


POV Casper

When I opened my eyes, I was ready for a massive pain to hit me viciously.

But after a moment of concentration, I discovered I was fully healed. "Oh man, how long have I been out?"

"Well, the sun is still up, so I would say two hours," someone said next to me.

I jumped from my covers and took a stance; that was when I saw the talking man was my oppressor, killer of innocents, and destroyer of boats. I was ready for another beating, but he didn't move from his place. He gives me a look and gets a massive sip of sake. I relaxed and moved to sit next to him.

"I'm Caspar," I said, reaching and taking the bottle from his hand.

"Zoro," he said.

"So what happened when I was out?" I asked, looking over my bandaged body and taking a sip of the nectar of the gods. "Ahhh, good shit," I gave the bottle back.

"I rescued you" was the answer that I got. Zoro was nodding his head. "and then covered you with your blanket. You're welcome."

"You did what!!!" I screamed, blinking back to my resting place, and grabbed all my stuff.

Ring, check. Shroud, check. My blades, check. My box, check.

"Jez, you were so quiet when you were sleeping."

"I wasn't sleeping; I was knocked out by you!!"

"Yea, who gets on my boat and wakes me up with a punch in the face?!!!"

"Don't start this shit; you were the one who decided to sink my boat!!!"

After a few minutes of screaming at each other's faces, we finally lost our breath and sat down in different corners of the boat.

'Okay, why am I so jumpy? Stop it.' I looked over my gear. All of the artifacts looked in one piece. They look fine, and I also feel alright. I moved a few times. I wake up so fast, probably because of shroud healing abilities.

"You wake quite fast. I thought you would have to lie down for a few days," Zoro interrupted my flow of thoughts.

"Thanks for the help," I mustered my answer. "I always was fast to heal, but if you did nothing, it would take longer to fully recover" I will not reveal the powers of my artifacts.

'Okey, let's start with gab.'

"So, what are you doing in the middle of the ocean on this small boat?" I started the conversation.

"I am looking for the strongest swordsman in the world, Dracule Mihawk, to challenge him for his title," He said with passion.

"That's some huge ambition, man" I chuckled at his answer. "But I feel that if it is you, you can pull it off," I grinned. "After all, you defeated me," I added with a smile.

He snorted, "Yea, whatever you say," but I could see a slight smile on his face. "And what about you? Alone in this small boat?" Zoro changed the subject.

With a poker face, I looked him straight in the eyes and said, "I'm lost."

He nodded, and I heard him whisper, "So I'm not the only one." The corners of my lips twitched a little, but I pretended to not hear the wisper.

After a few deep inhales, I decided to ask him some questions.