
True love - i meet my soul mate in dream.

this book true love- i meet my soul mate in my dream is about a girl named ember .she is a college girl in his nineteen . one day , she go to sleep and when she wake up she find her in different room and the person standing near her bed was a real gentle man his voice is sweet like honey.he asked me who are you why i found you fainted near my house ? his tensed face seeing me making me curious who is he , his soft attitude towards me make my heart beat fast . i don't know how to answer but i want to say something and reply him but i also don't know what to say .i asked him i don't know about what are you saying iam sleeping in my room and when I wake up i am here ... do you all want to know what happened to her and how she reached at different places ? who is that person? what is happening in her life ? just read this book and you will know about her life ... . .. i write this novel in easy way that you can understand what is happening.. . please give me comments about my writing.. . i want you to love my book as i love with this book.. . #sweetlove ,# love in dream, #real v/s dream, # romantic,# romcom, # pure love ....

The_Mahek_Khan · Fantasy
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138 Chs

"Whispers of Love and Doubt"

"Why are you in my bed?" Ember asked, his shock evident in his voice.


With a playful wink, emir say, "Actually, I'm here to see you and get an answer."


Ember, her nerves betraying her, replied, "I haven't decided on this matter yet. Give me some time."


Emir, his disappointment apparent, sighed, "You're being too cruel to me."


Ember, her gaze intense, pressed on, "Can you give me an honest answer to that question?" She moved to sit on the other side of the bed.


Emir's smile softened, and he confessed, "If you truly wish to know, then I will tell you. I like you and want you to stay by my side forever. I want you to be my girl," his words accompanied by a cute smile.


Blushing with embarrassment, Ember stammered, "Actually, I will need some more time to think."


Emir reassured her, "Okay, I'll give you the time you need, but I hope you won't take too long." He took Ember's hand, tenderly kissing her knuckles.


Ember's heart fluttered, and she urged, "Leave now. I'm tired, and I'm going to sleep." As she settled into bed, she noticed that Emir hadn't moved.


"Anything else?" she asked politely.


Emir replied, "No, you just sleep. I'll go back when you fall asleep."


Ember murmured in agreement, but her mind raced, and sleep eluded her due to Emir's intense gaze. Sensing her restlessness, Emir broke the silence, asking, "Can I ask you something?"


"Sure," Ember replied, her anticipation palpable.


Emir questioned, "What would you do if you found out I'm really a different person from what you expected?"


After a moment's thought, Ember responded, "Honestly, I would try to adapt to your changes and help you improve yourself."


Emir clarified, "No, silly girl. I meant, what would you think about me?"


"In my eyes, you're a kind-hearted person," Ember replied. "If you changed from that and became someone different, I would try to change you back."


Emir's smile deepened, and he asked, "What profession do you want your partner to have?"


"I don't have a specific profession in mind," Ember began, her eyes gleaming. "But their main priority should be me. I want a small, close-knit family, where we're always there for each other."


Feeling that the conversation had become intensely personal, Ember added, "Why are you suddenly asking all these questions?"


"Just curious about your tastes," Emir replied, brushing his hair away from his face.


"Oh, don't take my words too seriously," Ember said with a laugh. "I just want love, respect, and attention from my partner."


"You'll get every single drop of my love," Emir assured her with a shy look. He leaned closer and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead.


Ember whispered, "I love you, Emir."


"I love you too, Ember," Emir whispered back, caressing her face.


With those words, Ember finally fell asleep. Emir noticed and quietly stepped away from the bed. However, he couldn't help but hear Ember's sleep-talk.


"Emir, don't hide anything from me," she murmured. "I love you and trust you. Don't break my trust. And please stay by my side."


A single tear rolled down from her closed eyes. Emir couldn't ignore her plea and sat next to her, whispering softly, "I love you too. I will never leave you. Just have sweet dreams, my baby."


As Emir left the room, he couldn't shake the uneasiness and guilt that came from the lie he had told Ember.

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