
True love - i meet my soul mate in dream.

this book true love- i meet my soul mate in my dream is about a girl named ember .she is a college girl in his nineteen . one day , she go to sleep and when she wake up she find her in different room and the person standing near her bed was a real gentle man his voice is sweet like honey.he asked me who are you why i found you fainted near my house ? his tensed face seeing me making me curious who is he , his soft attitude towards me make my heart beat fast . i don't know how to answer but i want to say something and reply him but i also don't know what to say .i asked him i don't know about what are you saying iam sleeping in my room and when I wake up i am here ... do you all want to know what happened to her and how she reached at different places ? who is that person? what is happening in her life ? just read this book and you will know about her life ... . .. i write this novel in easy way that you can understand what is happening.. . please give me comments about my writing.. . i want you to love my book as i love with this book.. . #sweetlove ,# love in dream, #real v/s dream, # romantic,# romcom, # pure love ....

The_Mahek_Khan · Fantasy
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138 Chs

"Secrets After Dark"

Dylan stood up and returned to his room. As he entered, his smile vanished, and his expression grew more serious. He picked up his phone and called Emir, who sounded annoyed as he answered.

Emir: "What are you doing? It's quite late. Why are you calling me now?"

On the other end of the call, Dylan urgently replied, "Hey, go to the college shooting site and get me the CCTV footage of my dressing room."

Emir: "What's going on? Why do you suddenly need that?"

Dylan: "I'll explain later. Just do as I say."

Emir, in an exhausted tone, said, "I'm so tired. Can I send it to you later?"

Dylan pressed, "Are you going there?"

Emir hesitated, thinking it could wait until tomorrow, but Dylan didn't want any delays.

Dylan: "If you're not going, then send your driver. I'll go there myself."

Emir relented, "Okay, okay. Don't get angry. I'll send someone there, okay?"

Dylan replied, "Okay," indicating his agreement.

Emir bid him goodnight and was about to end the call, but Dylan interrupted, "Wait, tell that person not to watch it, okay?"

Emir, somewhat irritated, responded, "Okay, I will make sure they don't watch. Can I hang up now?"

Dylan replied, "Yeah, sure."

Emir sighed and said, "Goodnight, and don't call me so late again."

Dylan simply replied with a thoughtful "hmm," and they hung up.

Ember had already finished dinner and emerged from the bathroom after changing into her nightdress. She was surprised when she saw Emir lying on her bed.

Ember asked, "What are you doing here on my bed?"

Emir replied with a hesitant smile, "I am just..."

" just because i am awake

- doesnt mean -

i'm ready to do things"


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