
Undeniable Charm

Orion who was fighting against the 100 clones of Wayne suddenly noticed that the bodies of each of clone had grown in size and turned completely black in colour.

[Looks like someone's become impatient. Seeing Shaya and Roman's strength must've made him anxious in case they decided to join the fight. Since he's in such a rush to end thing's I may as well help him out.]

"Gale Force Melody!"

As he said that, a whistling noise could be heard originating from Orion. Everyone looking at him felt their minds stir as they lost themselves in the sound.

"This sound… It's so beautiful!"

Shaya and Roman were the only ones who were immune to the effects of his technique. Shaya let out a little smile as she said.

"Looks like he's finally taking it seriously!"

Roman nodded as he watched Orion move. Sometimes he was fast sometimes he was slow, the tempo of the melody mirroring his movements. The strange thing was that unlike before where it would take several attacks to break through the defence of each clone, now, each time he struck out his sword would cleave a clone in 2.

Orion couldn't help but get lost in his thoughts as he attacked.

[Gale Force Melody is a technique that my grandad created, by increasing the speed of the wind against my sword a whistling sound can be heard and when I channel my Conqueror's haki into the attack the sounds generated cause those listening to come to become dazed… I can't believe my grandad came up with such a creative way to use conqueror's haki!

Because the speed of the wind needed to generate a friction powerful enough to create the whistling, the difficulty of moving my sword increases exponentially. Thankfully my body has reached the A- Rank and I've reached the peak of the Master Swordsman boundary. Between my body's raw strength and the power of my sword intent, it makes using this technique bearable.

It works best against the unexpecting unless their susceptible to my conqueror's haki anyway, in which case the bewildering effect becomes irresistible.]

Wayne finally managed to break free from the spell created by the melody and the sight he woke to put the fear of god in him.

There were no more clones and Orion was almost directly in front of him. He dodged backwards without hesitation trying to create some distance, but Ori's attack was too fast to dodge completely. His mask was cut off and there was a giant cut running down the right side of his face.

Orion finally got a clear look at the face behind the mask. He had thin lips, a sharp bird like nose, beady ice blue eyes and sat above them were thin barely visible eyebrows.

He tried to steady his breathing as he looked up at Orion in horror.

[How did he do that, what was that sound?! And I couldn't have been dazed for longer than 5 seconds… So how could he be so fast in killing all my clones?!"]

Wayne put his fear to one side and created more clones.

"Thousand Clone Army!"

As he said that 1000 Wayne's suddenly surrounded Orion. Seeing the sudden influx of Wayne's, Orion jumped back with a frown on his face.

As he landed he looked to one of the Wayne's at the rear.

[That pale faced one trying to hide at the back of the pack should be the real one. It looks like 1000 clones is his maximum.

Even if I know which one is the real one, getting to him is going to be a struggle. None of the clones are weak individually and fighting them all at once is going to be troublesome. As he's already suffered through "Gale Force Melody", using it on him again won't work as he was already able to ignore the effects of my conqueror's haki.

I guess I can only try that.]

Orion took a deep breath and closed his eyes completely ignoring the charging clones.

"9 Steps Conquering Heaven"

Suddenly all the wind stopped, not even the slightest breeze could be felt.

"1st step!"

As he said that, Orion suddenly took a step, but he wasn't just moving forward, he was now stood 1 foot above the ground.

As he took that step, the wind that had previously vanished surged forth like a violent tempest. It wasn't only forceful, it was also sharp and terrifyingly so. It took the heads of the closest 10 clones. But as soon as Orion had finished his step the wind vanished once more.

Even though Wayne felt the wind erupting with that step, he felt the wind was carrying a terrifying sword intent that threatened to cut down anything in its path.

"2nd Step!"

Orion took another step by the end of it he was stood 5 feet above the ground. The wind once more returned this time taking the heads of 40 clones.

"3rd Step…

4th Step…

5th Step…"

With each step Ori would end up higher in the sky and the power behind the sword like winds that erupted multiplied with each step. By the end of the 6th step, Orion was stood 100 feet in the air looking down at a lone pale bloody faced figure that was kneeling on the ground.

Wayne was struggling to catch his breath as he looked up at the figure in the sky. The longer he looked at the lone swordsman in the sky, the more he felt himself want to prostrate beneath him.

"7th Step!"

As Orion took that final step Wayne's body was cut an uncountable number of times in an instant. His body was cut into shreds before his remains were carried off by the wind.

Orion took another deep breath before finally opening his eyes. The wind returned to its prior calmness, gently carrying the leaves that fell from the trees.

[That move truly is tiring!]

The 4 conscious on the ground looked up at Orion's figure. With his sword being held by his side, his hair and clothes fluttering behind him with the wind and his black eyes sparkling under the sun, his charm was undeniable to all present.

Shaya shook her head with a helpless smile as she said.

"He really knows how to show off doesn't he!"

Roman didn't say anything he just nodded with a gentle smile.

Bartolomeo looked up at Orion who was stood in the sky in awe.

"Soo strong!"

Tsunade looked at the green haired teen before looking back up at the sky at the handsome swordsman before letting out a gentle smile. What was going through her mind at that moment, only she knew.