
True Inheritor [MHA]

Choosing to be Transmigrated into a fantasy world of his choosing, Damian becomes the new Izuku Midoriya and sets out to experience a life of his own. One that he wished he could've had in his previous life. DISCLAIMER!! The story, "True Explosion" will continue to be released on allotted days. This story will be released whenever I get to it... So if chapter updates are unstable, it's because there is no set schedule for it. Anyways, it's something I've been brainstorming on for a while and I finally decided to give it a shot. NO HAREM. Dont even ask.

3Point · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Target [3]

After school ended, Izuku went straight home. Avoiding the inevitable interaction between him and Katsuki Bakugo. Even though he avoided one problem, Izuku still had another.

'Inko probably got a call since I'll be spending the next day in I.S.S again. Dealing with that is going to be annoying…' Groaning mentally, Izuku was beginning to regret recklessly trying out his quirk.

But then again, he remembered why he did it. He could've tested it on anyone, but he never really liked that guy ever since he saw him in his past life.

So he chopped it up to him just letting off some steam.




Once he got home, Izuku was greeted with the sight of his mother, Inko Midoriya waiting for him on the couch. The TV was off even though she was seemingly staring at it.

Izuku sighed quietly and kicked off his shoes.

"Hey mom." He called out but didn't get a response in return. Her lack of reaction confirmed his suspicions about his school calling her.

'Great.' he mused, making his way to the same couch. Plopping down next to her, he sat with her in silence while she just gazed at him with a mix of worry and disappointment.

"Izuku, why did I get a call from your school saying that you spoke badly to your teacher? What happened?" Izuku resisted the urge to roll his eyes; Although he had the original Izuku' memories, he didn't get is sentimentalities.

"…Well, he antagonized me first. Was I supposed to just take it and not stand up for myself?" With a tilt of his head, Izuku questioned.

Inko was a little stunned; 'His teacher started it? I get the kids, but the teacher…?' With a small frown adorning her rounded face, it was obvious she was skeptical.

Izuku frowned a bit himself- "You don't believe me? When have I ever caused trouble on my own volition? I thought you'd be on my side at least…" Muttering that last bit just loud enough for her to hear, he shifted in his seat as his face feigned sadness.

Inko felt her chest tighten. Her gaze lightened and her mind was left wandering. 'He's right. He's my son- He hasn't gotten into any trouble since his early years in elementary school. For him to just start now…'

Sighing, she shook her head lightly.

"I'm sorry, Izuku… I'm just a little stressed right now and I don't know how to handle it all. Getting a call from your school saying you've been acting up certainly didn't help." With a thin lipped but emotional smile, Inko pulled Izuku into an embrace.

The boy accepted it without hesitation.

'Wow… She's more gullible than I thought. I guess having a 'good boy record' does come in handy.' Lifting his eyebrows lightly, they soon separated and Izuku departed to his room.

Shutting and locking the door behind him, Izuku visibly recoiled seeing the shiny, untouched and perfectly polished All-Might merchandise hanging all around his room.

His sheets? All-Might.

His pillows? All-Might..

His rug? All-fuckin-Might. It was the most painful thing he had ever laid eyes upon. 'H-How can you live like this…' In his opinion, this was like trying to live in a dirty room with piles and piles of trash stacked on top of each other.

Shaking his head, he put it all behind him as he mentally noted to clear everything out and redecorate. First things first, 'I need funds. If I want Jin Bubaigawara to make a clone take my place for a couple of years, I need resources to live off of.'

He had a couple ideas; He read an MHA fanfiction in his past life where a transmigrator, much like himself, corrected patents and created his own and sold them for money.

As well as abusing the stock market.

He liked the latter, but realistically he could do both. So that's what he did.

And so. for the next couple of weeks, Izuku stayed locked up in his room, occasionally coming out to eat and go to school of course.

It took him a minute to get it all set up and operable, but he actually liked messing with mechanics more than he expected. It tickled a certain part of his brain that he didn't know needed scratching.

It was something he could definitely get addicted to.

Months passed by, and not much had changed. Except for the workout routine he had started weeks prior to his first sale, which earned him a good couple million yen, and the resignation of his homeroom teacher.

MARCH 4TH, 2147.

Today was like every other Saturday. It started off with Izuku doing his routine workouts, stock market stalking and patent rebranding/fixing, his morning quickly went by.

However, as he was free in the evening, he created an elaborate excuse with his mother for him to be excused for the evening while she was at work.

"Hey mom? Is it alright if I go to the movies with my friend? We'll probably be going to the mall afterwards too, so I won't be home till later in the day." Practically already dressed, Izuku left Inko with little choice.

Stuttering with a sigh, she reluctantly nodded her head. "…Yeah, that's fine, Izuku… Who's the friend? Is it a girl?" She questioned with a knowing, but tired smile. Izuku smiled slightly and brought a finger to his mouth.

"Secret. Anyways, thanks mom!" He exclaimed, running and giving her a hug. The woman accepted it with a bright smile.

Once back in his room, Izuku' smile dropped instantly as he sighed, sitting at his computer desk as he began to click through different websites and tabs.

Moments later, Izuku' emerald-green eyes lit up, his lips curling slightly with a smile as he muttered- "Found you."

Grabbing his backpack and a jacket, he threw a smile towards Inko and left his apartment. Since he didn't have a license yet, he didn't bother to buy a car with the gracious amount of funds he now holds.

He still remembers how to drive… 'Driving illegally might be the move…' Izuku mused, already disliking the idea of walking to the complete opposite side of town just to get to his target.

But he was determined… And so, he kept his complaints low and focused on the future ahead of him.



A couple hours had passed since Izuku left his house, while he was out however, he had to ease Inko' worries more than once by calling her a talking to her for a couple of minutes at a time.

Even though she was supposed to be busy with work, it seemed quite the opposite.

Eventually the calls died down and so did the worried spam texts- thankfully- and Izuku was left alone with his own thoughts and the bustling city around him.

However, by the time he got to his destination- a run down mediocre set of apartment buildings in a rather shady area of town, the pedestrians and cars he saw lessened.

'It's getting dark too… I need to hurry up. Hopefully this doesn't take too long considering his state of mind.' Izuku hummed mentally, checking his phone's location and reviewing the one he had written in his notes, he squinted as he looked across the street at a particular abandoned building.

Within it? Japan's future S-Class Villain.