
True Inherithor Of The Rinnegan

First time Writing a fanfic, so if you find some errors in the chapter, please don't hesitate to tell me. Read the prologue first , and then read the Auxiliary chapter (volume 0) to knows what you're getting into and not waste your time if it's not to your liking. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis A boy with suicidal agenda get saved by a dying entity ( you'll probably be surprised ;D) and got a chance to live in Another world. What he didn't know though, was how his fate will bring him to face unimaginable circumstances. ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ This is a two worlds fanfic Meaning that the mc will go to two worlds kind of like a multiverse fanfic. The first World is MHA (My hero academia) and the second one will be revealed only when i'm almost finished with the first. This is for me to concentrate more on the first world. This is a Fanfic with an actual Plot . Read the prologue, it's important. disclaimer : i don't own My hero Academia and it's characters. I only own my Mc and my original plots.

I_Am_L_72 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 1 : Prologue , The Wheel of Fate’s Revolution

Author Note : Probably one of the longest prologue to a fanfic you've ever seen... .. Roughly 5850+ words.


It was an ordinary day like any other, other than the fact that the sunlight was slightly hotter than normal.

In this heat that forced people with low heat tolerance to wear light clothes , two birds of different colors, green and blue, were perched on one of the buildings making up an alley.

Both of them had a berry beside their legs , and seemed to be in the middle of a strange discussion.

" *chirrppp* *Chirp chirp*"

" *Chirp chirp cheep!!* "

Only God knew what they were talking about but as they finished, their gaze was directed to the alley in question where a strange event was happening.

A bronze skinned tall boy with blonde hair in highschool uniform was facing another student , as frustration could clearly be felt in his voice " Hey ,

Akira. As I said , I just want to have a little word with this guy behind you. Aren't you being too much of a busybody butting in like that?"

Akira , the guy being talked to was a 17 years old boy of mid-length black hair and half a head shorter than his opposition. One notable thing about him was his dark eyes that could be described as overly dark due to the somber atmosphere they created around him. His habit of wearing black clothings certainly didn't help in that regard. " Can't you just do me a favor and let him go? I know what you've been doing to him . I'll just pretend I didn't see anything if you do, how about it?"

Another boy was on the ground behind him, looking scared as he didn't know what to do anymore.

"You're pushing your luck, you f*cker!!" Roared the bronze skinned boy as he launched himself at Akira and sent out a punch that directly connected to the latter's jaw.

"*Gah!*" After taking the hit , he stumbled a little before regaining his balance , then looked at his opponent who seemed satisfied with himself.

"Hah! So that's all you amount to? Can't even react to that, huh? I guess the rumors were exaggerated then! Alright , I'll just have to beat you up so hard you won't be able to move!"

"Akira-san! I'm fine ! You don't have to go that far for me, please! "

"... ...Puh! At least now I can say that it was self defense" Saying this right after spitting a bit of blood, Akira took a basic fighting stance and prepared himself to fight.

" Humph! Let's see where that bluff will take you!! HA!" Taking a slightly different approach this time, the bronze skinned boy jumped and attempted a flying kick, hoping to take down his opponent .

But with a slight side step to the left, Akira dodged the incoming attack.

"That was just the beginning !" Seeing that his opening strike didn't have any effect, he sent out a punch , trying to once again get a hit on Akira, only for his fist to be caught in the palm of his opponent.

While using more force this time, Akira pulled the delinquent towards him , and counterattacked with a punch of his own that, contrary to the one sent by his foe just before, definitely connected.

"*Gah*!!" The weight behind that punch was instantly felt by the delinquent as he became light headed for a moment before regaining his senses out of pure resentment. " F*ck!! Don't get full of yourself just becau- *GAH*!!"

"you.. you talk too much for someone in a fight."

Unfortunately for him , a straight and powerful punch to the face was what he got as an answer. And this time, he couldn't stand anymore on his feet and fell back first on the ground.

" *Kuh*.. impossible.. how did i.." Said the delinquent, his nose bleeding.

" … Sounds like what a third rate villain in some animes would say.. But you're probably worse than that." After saying his piece , Akira brought his attention to the student that was getting threatened, a scene that he has seen too many times.

" What are you waiting for? Take your bag and get out of here before he get up"

" Ah! Y...Yes! I'm sorry!!" Quickly taking his bag to not anger his savior , the boy went on his way but not before expressing his gratitude " Thank you very much Akira-san!! I'll never forget what you did! Please tell me if you need anything in the future" .

" Tsk… you don't need to thank me." 'it's not as if i did it for you to begin with…'

Having finished his fight, it was now Akira's turn to go back home. But not without warning the delinquent in a slightly chilly voice " And you, Third rate villain. I'm telling this to you just in case , but. If you don't want your life to become any harder, you better not tell any of these to the teachers. Everything that happened in this alley , from the moment you started hitting that kid to me beating your ass . All of it has been recorded. You'll only be digging a deeper grave for yourself if you do that."

" w..what? you've been watching us for that long? Then why didn't you act sooner you bastard… " ' This guy didn't care about that weakling, did he?! ' The defeated delinquent was legitimately surprised as he had been beating and threatening the other kid for a while before Akira jumped in. Considering the boy's "reputation" at school, it was very surprising.

"Ha! What, you thought I cared enough about that kid for me to help him? That wouldn't be totally wrong but know that the main reason I'm here is just to screw guys like you over." The delinquent felt a cold chill all over his body as the way Akira said that phrase felt slightly sadistic.

Not caring anymore about what the boy on the ground might say , Akira left while leaving these words in the air " And better yet? Despite you being aware of what I'm doing, you can't do sh*t about it! A legitimate blackmail so to say , isn't it great? " His smile after saying such a thing would have looked eerily creepy to most people.

Watching all these events were the two birds above the alley. Right after Akira left with his creepy parting words , the blue one jumped all on itself while letting out what looked like cries of joy. It then swept both his berry and the one belonging to the green bird and flew away while making weird maneuvers in the air.

In contrast to the lively blue bird , the green one seemed to have a bad day as anyone next to him could feel his bad mood. It quickly flew down in the alley and suddenly began pecking on the injured delinquent's right where he had been hit by Akira.

" Ai!! Ouch!! What the hell?!!* Trying to defend himself as much as possible , he tried to chase away the bird as much as he could with his arms, but the slippery bird dodged all these attempts and continued pecking until it was bored enough and left right after.

" * huff* *huff* .. f*ck!! First that bastard Akira and now even a bird is looking down on me… .. Damn it! "

In a street a fair distance away from that alley, Akira could be seen walking on his way home. Akira Sakaguchi wasn't always that good at fighting nor that inconsiderate (?) towards his fellow classmates or high school students.

It all began two years ago, when he had just enrolled. He was like any other teenagers you'd find anywhere. Having average to above average grades on rare occasions. Always woke up slightly late on school days, damaged his alarm clock occasionally, and as if that wasn't enough, he always did his homework late at night, thinking it was no big deal as he thought himself capable enough to finish them before sleeping time.

Of course, nothing ever went according to his plan, as he always ended up staying late at night, sleeping late , and waking up late , thus creating a vicious cycle in which he had a hard time leaving for school with total peace of mind.

The only positively consistent thing in his life was his mom yelling at him, trying to fix her son's mistakes. Her accuracy with her projectile never ceased to amaze him.

His life continued in this fashion until he began frequenting the wrong kind of people in his first year of highschool. A group of high schoolers in his class with a not so nice reputation had approached him one day. He normally wouldn't have mingled with them if not for the reason of their approach being a rather emotional subject for him : gaming. As an average guy all around, Akira's only ability that could be said to be a talent was his gaming ability. He never managed to translate that same ability to his studies though…

His gaming ability has been recognized by them at the arcade he frequently visited. His perfect timing, reflex, and relentless combos in pvp games had thoroughly impressed them (apparently) and so, they came recruiting him in a competitive session against a group from another school altogether.

What's more, the sessions "rewarded" the winning group with money. Simply put, it was a kind of gambling.

And so began his days of spending his time with his new "friends". From spending more time than necessary with them, to even trying smoking, albeit only once, problems of varying size began appearing in his life.

Drop in grades, attendance problems, and even domestic problems that made the life of his old parents even harder, as his new friends began slowly influencing him . This in turn resulted in more disputes and arguing with his parents, until a tragic event put an end to it all…

It was a day that he'd never forget, as he had almost hit his mother in a fit of anger during one of their quarrels. Despite not having quite done that, his harsh words had already done more than enough damage to give her a stroke, directly sending her to the hospital.

The terror felt by both him and his father almost stopped them from reacting quickly. After transporting her to the hospital hoping for the best, the news came a few hours later that she had passed away..

A few weeks later , the shock and pain caused by the loss of his wife proved too much for his father, as he died later from a road accident. Some neighbors were even speculating whether it was really an accident due to the fact that the poor father generally looked like a man without a soul after the passing of his wife.

And just like that , Akira found himself alone. Despite the fact that these tragic events happened in the course of about a month, they seemed too sudden for someone like him. He almost thought it was a bad dream.

It didn't take him long to notice the consequences of those events in his life. No more mothers to wake him up in case he slept too late for school. No more food waiting for him before and after school. No more small talk and jokes about him not having a girlfriend. Even her near constant naggings began to make him feel nostalgic and saddened due to their disappearance.

Slowly but surely, Akira began changing while being crushed by immense guilt… ..

Back to the present , as Akira passed by a supermarket on his way home, he noticed a woman on the street. A woman with a somewhat pale countenance who looked like a gust of wind would be all it'll take to make her crumble, and seemed to be struggling with her groceries. But despite such feeble looking first appearance, her long black hair accompanied by her beautiful face made most of the men looking at her feel a growing desire to protect her existence.

The woman, having somehow noticed the glance of Akira, reciprocated with a smile of her own as she approached him " Ara, isn't it Akira-kun? How are you today?"

" Good afternoon Haruka-san. I'm fine , as usual." answered Akira with a small smile on his face too. The somber atmosphere around him only slightly subdued but those who knew him enough would've noticed that it was still better than how he normally was.

Haruka Watanabe. A woman that not many people understood. She was a direct neighbor of Akira. Some times after the death of his parents, she started coming to his house , sometimes unannounced , cooking him meals or making small talk. Despite being crushed by his guilt at the time, Akira couldn't chase her away , as she was the only person in his whole neighborhood who didn't look at him with contempt.

Living alone, having no one visit her and hearing almost nothing in her house , made Haruka Watanabe a person shrouded in mystery with weird rumors circulating about her. Such rumors didn't mean much to Akira though, as she was one of the reasons he was still alive to this day.

" hmm? Did you fight again, Akira-kun?" Asked Haruka while looking at his jaw.

" Ah, Yes … Not my fault if these kinds of people are everywhere."

" *Sigh*.. Well as long as you weren't gravely injured i guess it's fine. You don't mind helping me out , don't you?" She said, showing him her groceries.

" Of course not, Haruka-san. Still… .. How do you even manage without me around ? " Despite having a fragile body and a rather strong case of anemia, she still managed to get by everyday without any help.

" Fufufu , what a curious boy, Do you really want to know? "

"... ..no thank you . Forget what I said."

"Good boy"

After taking most of the groceries in the hand of his neighbor, Akira continued on his way home in the company of the beautiful woman. Their time on the road was filled with small jokes and talk. In spite of the large difference between their ages, these two together strangely looked like old friends in the eyes of the small number of people who bothered to spare them more than a second of a glance.

A few minutes later, they were now at their destination " Thank you again , Akira-kun. Fufufu, I don't know what I would do without you. "

Akira ' I actually want to know the answer to that question, But you'll just evade it again right? *sigh*'

"Did you think of something rude just now?"

" Please stop reading my mind.. .. wait no! that's.."

" Well, I don't mind it now and then but be careful, ok? " Though she said it with a smile, Akira felt as if he was talking with someone pointing a gun at him.

" Y..yes.."

"Good. Take care. "said Haruka while entering her house.

Akira ' She's amazing.. in more ways than one.' Right after setting foot in his house, Changing his outfit , and eating a bit, Akira was now on his couch, watching an anime that he'd watched time and time again : the Naruto series , Part 1 and 2 .

At the time of losing his parents, only drowning himself in anime, could he somehow cope with that pain and guilt. The story had been a joy for him, and some of the characters had particularly impacted him more than what he'd thought possible from fictional characters .

The story of Might Guy and Rock Lee, growing to be powerful characters in their own right despite their limitations, was incredibly motivating. Though one of them didn't have as much screen time as he deserved (A/N : Yeah, Rock lee..) , the hardship and feeling of those characters was enough to even make him feel as if he was useless in his life. A waste of space even..

But still, his favorite character, and the one who impacted him the most, was still Pain and his ideology. As he himself was in a situation where he could only agree with it… .. It was only after losing his parents that he began truly reflecting on himself and seeing his wrong ways.

When he told what happened to him to those "friends" he made, their reaction was all he needed to see their true nature.

[ Damn man, What luck is this lol. Our condolences, Sh*t happens. Anyway, do you remember that dude with his weird combos and near constant low kicks? You have to fight against him next ~ ]

They'd brushed it off as if it was just a slight annoyance, and continued on with their own interest. Since that day, he'd distanced himself from them after learning that some of the money used in their session was from bullying other students. It was for people like these that he argued with his mother...

" I'm glad that karma exists. For both them and i… I guess i'll rewatch the Pain Arc then "

Following the end of that weird instance of his past memories coming back to him, Akira focused on watching his show for the nth time. But without noticing , he ended up sleeping on the comfortable couch…

It wasn't until 4 hours later that he woke up, his monitor still On .

" * Yawn* .. It should be about time." After taking a look at the time, quickly washing his face and wearing heavy clothes to protect himself from the cold as it was now nighttime, Akira got out of his house, and headed to a specific location.

A dozen minutes later, he was now in front of two tombs, in a park. With the help of the moonlight shining on them, Two distinct names could be seen on the tombs : Miyako Sakaguchi and Ken Nakamura. His parents' resting place.

A place that he's been coming to regularly ever since both of them died. Though coming here made him remember the horrible things he's done to them, visiting their grave has been his routine. Perhaps the feeling of guilt and self loathing felt every time watching their tomb gave him a feeling that he was repenting for his sins.

His acts of beating up and blackmailing school bullies might be one form by which he tries to repent, but if asked if that was really the case, Akira would surely deny it.

As he was too engrossed in his thoughts , he didn't react to the person approaching from behind.

"Oh ! We meet again, Akira-kun. In an unexpected place at that.. *cough cough*"

Hearing a voice suddenly calling him, the boy turned and recognized immediately the person " Huh? Haruka-san? What are you doing here? " HIs surprise was understandable, as it was truly the first time in his two years of visiting his parents grave that he saw her here.

" What? Can't I also come here? " Asked Haruka with a kind smile.

" No, that's not what I meant *sigh*.."

" *Cough cough* Well, before I tell you that.. akira-kun. You've been feeling more and more lost for a while now haven't you ? " Said Haruka, Taking a somewhat soft tone this time.

" … ..What do you mean by that.." His response was weak willed and he himself knew that.

After tidying up her hair behind her ears and repositioning her glasses, Haruka approached him and was now right next to Akira as she continued " When your parents died, one of the reasons I approached you was of course to see how you were coping with the loss. Now that I think about it, you were really "dead" inside back then, especially your eyes. I could no longer see any will to live within them."

"... …"

" But as time went by and I spent more time with you, I could see that will in your eyes again. You began leaving for school earlier, And every time I came to your house, everything was clean and in order just like when your parents were around , contrary to my expectations. It was a truly good surprise." Her recollection of her time with a boy 10+years younger than her left Haruka nostalgic, even though he was right next to her.

"And now , almost two years later, That light has almost disappeared. It was about six months ago that I noticed this change. So , Akira-kun , What were you planning on doing after tonight?"

".. ..I'm not sure.." Haruka's question didn't startle him as even if he wanted to deny her point , he couldn't lie to himself.

" I see. Then why don't you listen to my proposal?"

" What are you talking about?"

" Well, since we both know that you won't live for much longer, why don't we make it better? Say, Akira-kun. Wouldn't you like living in another world? "

"... …"

"... …"

"... You're serious aren't you, Haruka-san .."

"Very serious."

" *sigh*... ..I don't know how many times I sighed today… I'm sure you're not the type of person to believe that she's omnipotent or an agent of Truck-kun but seriously Haruka-san… What are you talking about?" His neighbor's words just now gave him a headache as to how he should react, and watching him struggling to understand her words was kind of amusing for Haruka Watanabe.

" Fufufu , I guess I'll just have to show you then."

And so in front of a dumbfounded Akira, something amazing happened.

The whole body of his neighbor began shining . From her head to her feet, a bright membrane of light covered her and began emitting so much light that it threatened to engulf the whole park.

But before such a thing could happen, the light slowly receded and concentrated itself on its source then slowly disappeared from head to toes.

What appeared in front of him was a person or rather, a being that he recognized but had a hard time believing said being's existence.

Clear and pure white translucent hair that fluttered in the wind and seemed in weird harmony with the moonlight. A face that he just couldn't describe, simply because he had no words in his vocabulary that could help him in that regard. Her similarly pale white skin would leave most jade skinned beauties in xianxia novels on the floor, and so was her clear white eyes.

Next came her hime-kimono that revealed itself. It was as if the light that had engulfed her, changed even her clothing. Said kimono was of the same color as her hair and skin, making her glow even stronger under the moonlight radiance.

The transformation now finished, Akira , still dumbfounded, pinched his skin trying to see if he was having a weird dream or was suffering some kind of hallucination. His surprise and feelings in disarray could be understood as the being in front of him went by multiple names : The Rabbit Goddess, The Progenitor of Chakra, The Mother of Chakra. It was Kaguya Otsutsuki.

The being in question having taken her original form casted a glance at her neighbor and felt slightly amused seeing his expression.

" OH? What's wrong, Akira-kun ? Cat's got your tongue? " And her sudden voice brought Akira back from his stupor as he seemed to be in a trance looking at her.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself and pinching himself one last time ,Akira answered " H..Haruka..san? Or should I call you Kaguya-san?"

" Fufufu, It doesn't really matter what you chose to call me Akira-kun. So please call me whatever you like." Said Kaguya with a smile.

" Ok, so.. Kaguya-san. To be honest I still have a hard time believing you, you see? What kind of proof can you give me that you're actually the person I'm thinking about? Right now I'm assuming that you're using some form of advanced technology to play a prank on me. I mean come on~, Kaguya Otsutsuki ? Seriously? That Godlike Alien that could ravage the entire planet if she wanted to? Hahaha! There's no way she would actually exi-!!!"


The poor boy didn't even finish his words as Kaguya flicked one of her fingers , directly launching an imperceptible wind blade that quickly decimated multiple trees in the park and would have caused more damage hadn't she dispelled it.

" Wha-"

"If this is still not enough proof then let's do this " Still smiling at his astonishment, Kaguya directly took hold of his hand and a bright light began covering them both.

" Wait! I didn't say it wasn't enou-!!"

In Quick flash of light they both disappeared and in the next instant found themselves at the top of the Eiffel Tower. The strong wind directly impacted Akira's face, not giving him any time to properly process what was happening. But after a few seconds he could see where he currently stood and his astonishment jumped to another level. Sadly for him, just before he was about to say something.. ..

" As you can see, Akira-kun. This is the Eiffel Tower. It's one of the spots I come to when I want to get some fresh air. I have to say , the humans of this reality are truly Ingenious, Fufufu. Hmmm, Next is …"

And so in this fashion, the Rabbit Goddess kept teleporting alongside Akira to differents parts of the Planet, showing him her favorite spots and passetimes when she was bored, from petting Arctic foxes in the North Pole to examining weird species in the absolute depth of the sea, the experience was rather stimulating yet terrifying to say the least. Their last destination was..

" This is the last thing I'm showing you , Akira-kun. Wouldn't you look at that.. isn't that beautiful?" Said Kaguya as she looked at the earth …

They were now on the moon, with a clear view of the Earth which looked just like a round ball, proving once and for all that the Earth was NOT flat.

"I think it should be enough now right?" And in the next instant, they were now in their original location in front of Akira's parents' tombs.

"So , how was i-"


"I see. You liked it. It pleases me." Said The Rabbit Goddess with the sweetest of smiles as she looked at Akira vomiting.

" *Huff* *Huff* I..I'm sorry, I should've believed you. You're the true Kaguya Otsutsuki…"

"Fufufu, I'm glad that I managed to convince you, but I guess you must have some more questions right? Let's go, I'll explain it to you. " And for the last time , she teleported him to a bench in the same park where they sat.

"As you can see, Akira-kun. The fact that I exist means that the Naruto world … or should I say the Narutoverse existed. Just not in this reality. "

" Mhm. I got that but..This reality ? Is it like a parallel world?"

" Hmmm, not quite. You can consider a parallel world as a version of the world where different choices were made in any given point of the world's history; and thus resulting in the world taking a different route than the one it is currently on. While a Reality is the domain in which these near infinite parallel worlds reside and continue to expand."

While explaining this concept, Kaguya created an image in mid air to help Akira understand better " Every parallel worlds inside the same reality possess the same laws. In your reality , there's no such thing as supernatural powers. Only your deep knowledge of science remains to help you in your everyday life. That's at least the case for this Planet."

" This planet? Are you saying that there might be lifeforms with supernatural powers on other planets?" Asked Akira, clearly interested.

" Not really. But lifeforms having a different kind of energy and technology does exist in this reality. Though they are on Far away planets. Anyway, we're straying from the point. "

" Ah yes sorry."

" No worry. As I said , every parallel world in the same reality possesses the same laws. It's in this same fashion that the reality I come from possesses different laws from yours.The main difference being chakra and its many possibilities."

The Rabbit Goddess proceeded to change the image displayed, this time drawing a circle in mid air in which various events were happening, like a video.

" My origin is exactly the same as what you've watched or read in the Naruto show/manga. The only difference is that I won the last battle of the 4th Shinobi war.."

" What?? You won? Then that means…"

"Yes. Everyone Died." Though her tone remained the same when she said these words, one couldn't help but feel a slight sense of remorse in it.

" I'd managed to kill every shinobi who stood in my way, and drained the Earth leaving not even a single drop of vitality or chakra. The result of this action as you would imagine is the Planet dying out… All for a single chakra fruit to appear."

The events shown in the circular ring of light changed to outer space with a view of multiple planets becoming barren lands one by one " Even after all that, I was still power hungry and seeked more and more chakra. In a sort of trance I begin draining the life of every planet I found. And with every planet drained and chakra fruit consumed , my power kept increasing… ..To the point where I couldn't tell how strong I was anymore. But I became strong enough to eradicate my clan, consuming the last dreg of chakra the Otsutsuki planets and its inhabitants had."

" And thereafter, countless more planets got drained by me. Some were devoid of living beings, while others were full of it. It came to a point where I became even capable of absorbing the very laws of the universe to strengthen myself. But such a thing had its consequences."

What appeared now in the ring of light was something that could've been described as an Armageddon in Outer Space. " The Universe began self destructing. I suppose the Laws that govern it became unstable as a result of me absorbing them… Ironically, it was at this moment that my mind became clear and I returned to become the person I was before even eating my first chakra fruit. At that time , the guilt I myself felt was probably similar to what you felt, Akira-kun.."

"... …"

" I was willing to die out with my universe but.. Once the universe exploded, its collision with my body's unusual durability created a tear in the fabric of reality , in which I was sucked into and finally arrived here on this new reality's planet Earth."

After listening to her explanation, Akira didn't know what to say exactly… As her story sounded both terrifying and tragic.

" Of course, while I might have survived, I sustained grievous internal injuries. Though grievous they might have been; I could have easily healed myself.. But I kept them in, and so each year living in this condition reduced my vitality and chakra , giving me a definite life span instead of my usual immortality. That's how I spent my life as a mortal on this planet and wrote the Naruto manga by looking at the memory contained in the chakra of every shinobi that ever existed in my reality."

"... I see, so you're the Author." (A/N : HAH!)

" Mhm. The actual author is one of my clones. And so right now i have only one year left to live so Akira-kun, make your choice. Would you like living in another world?"

Knowing who she was, and how much more powerful she was than the version of her in the manga, Akira had no doubt that she might be able to send him to another world " .. Yes. I would like to. It's not as if I have anyone waiting or caring for me beside you , Haruka-san."

" I see. That's a good choice. Then.." The Rabbit Goddess then joined her palms together generating highly contrentrating White colored chakra , and as she separated her palms, what appeared was a round and bright pearl.

" This is my core. It contains all of my chakra and powers. The first thing I did as I came to this planet was making this core so that my powers could be conserved , in case something happens. It will merge with you as you go to the Foreign world."

" This.. isn't this too much? Aren't you worried that I might misuse it?" Asked Akira while looking at what he would describe as the strongest weapon of destruction.

" Oh, don't worry about it. I'm sure Akira-kun won't use it wrongly. Also, while my core would merge with you , it doesn't mean that you'll gain all of my powers. The potency of the chakra inside the core is too much for a mortal body. Instead, the core would act as a potential enhancer, making yours truly limitless." As Kaguya said this, she created a circular spinning portal in the air.

" Is this .."

" Yes. Once you enter this portal, you would go to the closest reality to this one. My powers aren't enough to send you farther. I still don't know in what form you would appear there, so be careful."

"... ..Why did you approach me, Kaguya-san? A powerful being like you, there is no way someone like me could catch your attention. Or was it just a whim of yours? " Asked Akira while remembering their first meeting. She appeared out of nowhere in front of his house, asking if she could cook him something. Now that he thought about it, she was truly an unusual person, knowing where every cooking tool was without even searching.

With a smile on her face, the Rabbit Goddess answered " Your feelings for me were the strongest."

"huh? What?"

" I can feel every emotion people have towards me. It's an ability I can turn off but it's normally passively active. But one day, Akira-kun, I felt an intense wave of positive feelings towards me coming from you. I believe it was when you learnt of Kaguya Otsutsuki's Background in the Naruto show. That's what piqued my interest."

Hearing what she said, Akira hid half of his face with his hand, trying to hide his embarrassment.

" Fufufu, don't be shy, Akira-kun. It made me happy, knowing that there was still someone who thought that much about me." Kaguya then pushed the core in the direction of Akira. It then sank into his chest seamlessly.

" One last thing, Akira-kun. My core will also give you a personal ability once you awaken. You can think of it as a kind of Kekkei Genkai. You'll just have to think strongly of that personal ability in your heart for it to manifest. And try to get as strong as possible please."

" hmm? I got the first one but what is it about the other?"

With her gaze directed to his chest , Kaguya answered " I've peeked into your future once my core merged with you, and it's possible that you might be thrown into a far more dangerous world than the one you're going to right now. So please be careful."

Seeing the serious tone she used while warning him,Akira nodded his head " Ok understood . "

" Good. That's all I had to say. I hope you live a good life thereafter. A life in which you have no regrets." With those parting words and a nostalgic smile, Kaguya swept her hand, causing the body or Akira to slowly decompose into particles of light.

" … ..Kaguya san"

"What is it?"

" Could we meet again?"

Though slightly surprised by the question, the Rabbit Goddess didn't fail to respond " Of course. As long as Akira-kun is strong enough and wishes for it, we can meet again." And thus, the particles of light making up Akira's body got sucked into the portal.

Then suddenly, a blue bird coming out of nowhere jumped into the portal before it closed.

" Hmmm? A bird ? It managed to enter intact? Interesting…"

And that's for the prologue. I feel like this could be a short story in itself.

Anyway the next chapter will come 2 or 3 days later. Probably. I will post an auxilliary chapter for us to decide on some things later. With that out of way, Salut!

I_Am_L_72creators' thoughts