
True Inherithor Of The Rinnegan

First time Writing a fanfic, so if you find some errors in the chapter, please don't hesitate to tell me. Read the prologue first , and then read the Auxiliary chapter (volume 0) to knows what you're getting into and not waste your time if it's not to your liking. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis A boy with suicidal agenda get saved by a dying entity ( you'll probably be surprised ;D) and got a chance to live in Another world. What he didn't know though, was how his fate will bring him to face unimaginable circumstances. ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ This is a two worlds fanfic Meaning that the mc will go to two worlds kind of like a multiverse fanfic. The first World is MHA (My hero academia) and the second one will be revealed only when i'm almost finished with the first. This is for me to concentrate more on the first world. This is a Fanfic with an actual Plot . Read the prologue, it's important. disclaimer : i don't own My hero Academia and it's characters. I only own my Mc and my original plots.

I_Am_L_72 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Auxiliary Chapter : About the Story

Welcome to my fanfic, My bored readers!


As the title implies, this is a chapter for you to know some general information about this fanfic so that you at least know what you're getting into. That way, in case you don't find it to your taste, you can safely stop reading it instead of wasting your time reading 50+ chapters , all to find out later that the story's direction and the MC is something you hate.

Let's start with the MC. It's recommended that you have at least read the prologue before reading this auxiliary chapter.

Starting with his character, I won't go too much into it because it's better for you to see it yourself in the story rather than me explaining it to you. But he's neither good nor bad , and will generally act upon his own ideology.

For example, let's say the MC encounters a Villain (as in someone generally looked on as a Villain by society in MHA), and somehow, he likes this villain or at least doesn't see him as a "villain" . In that case, it's very likely that the MC will ignore him or may even make small talk depending on his mood. He will not be binded by the heroes society's conventional thinking.

If you want a Villain Mc (bad guy), this story may not be for you as he will go to UA and will be on the path of a Pro Hero for his own reasons. If you've read the prologue (And you should read it before reading this auxiliary chapter), then you know that mc's goals in this world is to live a life that he will not regret, and to grow as strong as possible because according to Haruka , he will get thrown into a far more dangerous world than the MHA world.

And the fact that she said this despite knowing what kind of powers he'll get from her core (kinda), implies that the Second World could be a threat to him. And i'll say this already; the second world is even more dangerous than the NarutoVerse. It's probably at least a couple or so tiers above it.

Now into the story and plot (the First world) ; It will generally follow canon but our Mc's presence may change the outcome of these canon events a little… ..or maybe a lot. Along with my own original plots or bonus tied into it at some parts.

Some characters in MHA may also get a buff (a reasonable buff) due to our MC presence.

Also this story will be a harem in the long run , starting from the second world (which is really far away). In the first world (MHA), there will only be two love interests or lovers for our mc. So if you're a fan of big harem, this story may not be for you as I intend to keep the number equal or lower than 6 or 7. I might actually lower the limit even more by the end of the first world so I don't really know the size of the harem. But it will probably stay on the lower-end.

The only reason this story is even a harem is because the second world has too many great female characters…

If you're also a fan of smut or a story with a lot of s*x scenes above all, it's also probably not for you as it's not the focus of the story. Unless you're fine with not too much of it. And While s*x scenes will appear , they're really a very small part of this story.

There will be some slice of life in this story, as I don't want it to be too skewed toward one particular genre. I want this fanfic to be as balanced as possible. At times chill, and relaxing with fun interactions between characters, and at times full of good and cool actions. It will generally depend on the moment and Arc. But since the MHA world is not really a peaceful world, there will inevitably be some actions even in chill moments at times.

Actions, adventure, slice of life, romance, comedy , are all things I want in this fanfic in as balanced a way as I can make it. As long as you can feel it, that would be good enough.

As this is also my first time writing a story, and English is also not my native language, I'm still figuring out my own writing style with every chapter released. If you do find some typos , don't hesitate to tell me while showing me the correct way so that I can improve my writing.

That's all I wanted to say! Now you're free to ask some small questions if you have any!