
True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds

the story talks about a 18 year old young adult, called "liran". liran lives in a special world where humans/mortals live together with gods in harmony and peace. however. liran had suffered from severe trauma and ecountered an accident that changed his life forever. the story talks about his journey to peace and enlightenment, yet liran and will do many things in the future

liran_1 · Fantasy
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82 Chs

who is that being?

In a display of mystical finesse, Rhythmeus elegantly snapped "his" fingers, invoking the arcane forces that materialized a vial of crystalline water, which promptly manifested itself beside me.

Expressing my gratitude, I uttered a word of thanks for the gracious offering. Subsequently, I ceased reclining upon the bed and assumed a seated position, allowing the plush cushioning to support my frame...

With a deliberate motion, I reached out and took hold of the bottle of water, drawing it nearer to my presence. After a brief interval, I deftly uncapped the vessel, unveiling its refreshing contents, and commenced the act of hydrating myself, savoring each sip as I quenched my thirst.

After indulging in the replenishing elixir for a fleeting moment, I gradually ceased imbibing from the bottle. With a composed gesture, I securely sealed the cap, ensuring its contents remained untouched. Subsequently, I conscientiously set the bottle aside, creating a space for it adjacent to me, allowing me to shift my focus to other matters at hand.

Rythmeus: hm, so who could that be?... whos that entity or force thats out there?...

Me: i have no idea, its pretty odd...

Whoever that being is... that being is something or someone strange and dangerous...

Rythmeus: i see...




As my ruminations persisted regarding this enigmatic entity, a persistent curiosity gnawed at me, prompting questions of identity. However, an uncanny realization swept over me—an unsettling familiarity accompanied this sensation, transcending mere novelty.

Recollections stirred within me, harkening back to encounters with formidable beings in the past. Yet, the peculiarity lies in the fact that this current sentiment bears a striking resemblance to a sensation from my distant memories, one that is hauntingly familiar.

It transports me to a time long ago, when I was but a youthful soul, overshadowed by a disquieting aura. This all-consuming familiarity, an eerie parallel, harkens back to that very same unsettling sensation that permeated my being prior to the regrettable act of ending the life of that ill-fated doctor.

Its so strange to me, i just didnt know of how to even react to that...

Myself: Hmm, may I reside in this place for a while?

Rythmeus: Certainly... do you require any assistance?

Myself: You see, regarding that entity that may exist beyond, I am experiencing peculiar, dreadful, and reminiscent sensations in its presence...

Rythmeus: Reminiscent, you say?

Myself: Indeed, I have encountered numerous peculiar and dreadful emotions in the past, but the emotions emanating from that "entity"...

They possess an uncanny familiarity...

Rythmeus: Hmm, that is indeed peculiar and intriguing...

Myself: These precise, dreadful sensations resemble the very same emotions I experienced in bygone times... I endured these emotions during my youthful years...

Other than that, ill probably have to face that being... by myself...

Rythmeus: I comprehend. So, it is possible that it is an ancient adversary. What course of action will you take now?

Myself: I shall remain in this location for a brief period... and after a couple of hours, I shall embark upon a quest to locate it...

Rythmeus: Understood. I wish you the best of luck...

Would you prefer me to vacate the room to provide you with some privacy?

Myself: Yes... you may proceed with that.

Rythmeus: Very well...

Rythmeus then disappeared...

I am now seated upon my bed, deep in contemplation regarding these peculiar and dreadful emotions...

Myself: Hmm, I shall embark on a quest to locate and confront that entity on my own...


