
True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds

the story talks about a 18 year old young adult, called "liran". liran lives in a special world where humans/mortals live together with gods in harmony and peace. however. liran had suffered from severe trauma and ecountered an accident that changed his life forever. the story talks about his journey to peace and enlightenment, yet liran and will do many things in the future

liran_1 · Fantasy
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82 Chs


As chaos persistently impeded my progression towards those majestic pyramids... 'he' persistently beseeched me to prostrate and venerate 'him'... nonetheless, I abstained from acquiescence...

Chaos: Come forth... enact it...

Alternatively, perchance I should compel your compliance single-handedly...

And ere chaos could react, I administered eight formidable strikes upon 'him', propelling 'him' several meters backward...

Chaos: ?!...

Chaks alighted upon the granular terrain, 'his' astonishment palpable at the alacrity with which I assailed 'him', even as the constructs of temporality and velocity had long lost their relevance...

Subsequently, 'he' ascended, casting a condescending gaze upon me... 'his' fury palpable...

Chaos: How dare you assail me? Art thou... art thou Liran?

Myself: Perchance I may be... What leads you to such a conclusion?

chaos: Nay, there exists no room for uncertainty... Thou art Liran...

Myself: How intriguing...

Subsequent to uttering those words, chaos swiftly lunged towards me, delivering multiple blows with 'his' serpentine appendages... Thereafter, 'he' unleashed a formidable assault upon me, propelling me several meters backward... Yet, I chose to alight upon the sandy terrain with unwavering stability, impervious to 'his' powers...

chaos: ?...

Standing resolute upon the sand, I launched myself towards 'him', delivering a forceful kick that propelled 'him' several meters away... Alas, I failed to bring 'him' to the ground...

Following the execution of my kick, I descended back to the ground, and upon making contact, I elevated my right arm, extending my hand... And then...

A luminescent white sphere materialized within my grasp, and as it manifested... I closed my hand upon it...

chaos: ?!...

And thus, I hurled that orb towards 'him', instigating a colossal detonation that rent the air. As the reverberations of the explosion subsided, I beheld Chaos standing there... dumbfounded...

I had not vanquished 'him'...

With measured steps, I advanced towards 'him', and as I drew nearer, 'he' merely stood motionless... overcome with astonishment and dread...

Then, 'he' fled in haste...

I watched intently as 'he' retreated, finding amusement in the spectacle... However, I chose not to pursue 'him', content with instilling fear...

My inner musings: 'He' shall regard this as a valuable lesson, hehe...

After a brief interlude, I turned my gaze back to the majestic pyramids, their grandeur captivating my attention. I indulged in their sight for a while... They truly are remarkable.








After several minutes spent in contemplation of the awe-inspiring pyramids, I resolved to make my way back to the sanctuary of my abode.

Following a three-hour sojourn, I arrived at the threshold that grants access to my dwelling. However, upon beholding the door, my attention was drawn to a conspicuous piece of parchment affixed to its surface.

As I perused the contents of the note, its words revealed themselves: "Greetings, esteemed Liran. I, Rythmeus, extend an invitation for your esteemed presence. Would you care to grace me with a visit?"

Upon absorbing the message, I engaged in deep cogitation for a considerable span of time.

Eventually, after careful deliberation, I resolved to embark upon a sojourn to the illustrious palace of Rythmeus.

After a few brief minutes of traversing the path, I finally arrived at the resplendent entrance of 'his' regal abode...

And thus, I gently rapped upon those formidable portals, and in the passing of a few fleeting instants, those grand entrances were unveiled by none other than the illustrious Rhythmeus himself. Subsequently, he deftly revealed the inner sanctum of those very entrances. Casting his gaze upon me, he bestowed his presence upon my humble self, looking down upon me with an air of authority.

And thus, Rythmeus addressed me:

Rythmeus: Greetings! It has been a span of several days since our last encounter. How fare you, dear Liran?

Myself: I am in good spirits. May I request entry?

Rythmeus: Certainly...

Rythmeus gracefully stepped aside, allowing me passage. After a brief interval, I made my way into the opulent chambers of the palace.

As I traversed the threshold of 'his' majestic abode, Rythmeus securely closed the ornate doors behind me. After a momentary pause, 'he' approached, now positioned discreetly behind me.

Rythmeus: Liran, I am curious to know how you have been faring.

Myself: I have been sufficiently well, engaging in moments of respite and relaxation.

Rythmeus: Very well. Allow us to adjourn to a secluded chamber, where we may converse in privacy...

In a moment of arcane gesture, Rhythmeus effortlessly snapped "his" fingers, invoking a potent enchantment that whisked us away to an expansive chamber adorned as a resplendent boudoir.

To my surprise, I found myself already reclining upon the lavishly adorned bed, luxuriating in its embrace. As I surveyed my surroundings, my eyes alighted upon Rhythmeus, who stood regally in close proximity, gracing the space near the bed with "his" majestic presence.

After a brief interlude, Rythmeus cast a contemplative gaze upon me.

Rythmeus: You know, I have recently undertaken remarkable endeavors. Allow me to share them with you...

Myself: I am eager to hear about your exploits. Please, enlighten me.

Rythmeus: I have successfully ventured to a realm surpassing even the heights of the Black King's palace. I have traversed the boundless expanse known as the "Absolute Void"...

Myself: Remarkable! I too had the privilege of visiting that realm, albeit a few years ago. It was an awe-inspiring experience. Moreover, I have always harbored a sense that there exists something transcendent beyond the realm of the Black King himself...

Rythmeus: Indeed, that ominous sensation persists, despite my venture into the depths of the Absolute Void. It leads me to ponder if there exists a malevolent entity dwelling within that accursed realm...

Myself: Alas, the answer eludes me...

Rythmeus: Even though I have ascended to great heights and attained formidable strength to reach the Absolute Void, I cannot shake the unsettling notion that there exists an immensely potent and dread-inspiring presence concealed within its depths...

Myself: Hm... Indeed, it appears we must embark on a quest to uncover the truth.

Rythmeus: I concur. Now, would you care for some refreshment? Perhaps a glass of water?

Myself: Certainly, I would appreciate that.

Rythmeus: Very well, allow me to provide it for you...


