
True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds

the story talks about a 18 year old young adult, called "liran". liran lives in a special world where humans/mortals live together with gods in harmony and peace. however. liran had suffered from severe trauma and ecountered an accident that changed his life forever. the story talks about his journey to peace and enlightenment, yet liran and will do many things in the future

liran_1 · Fantasy
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82 Chs

mom's house

After dispatching Eric, I stood atop the rooftop, my gaze wandering for a brief interval, as I mentally assimilated the events that had just transpired.

I maintained a contemplative silence, grappling with an inexplicable sentiment that pervaded my being. Despite having vanquished Eric, a human being, an uncanny sensation pervaded my consciousness.

Even after terminating these peculiar creatures I have encountered, the act of extinguishing a human life evoked an unsettling sensation within me. The notion of extinguishing a being possessing thoughts, emotions, recollections, and a vibrant existence was disconcerting.

All of the richness encompassing their essence had been irrevocably snuffed out.

I shall speak candidly; it was an arduous task to take the life of a fellow human being, regardless of their nature or affiliation.

Indeed, I found myself bereft of alternatives.

It boiled down to either Eric extinguishing my life, or my resolve to fiercely combat for my own survival, ultimately resulting in his demise.

I cast my gaze upon Eric's lifeless form, a sense of somberness enveloping me.

Afterward, I took a moment to collect myself, engaging in introspection.

Internally, I ruminated: "Well... I may have emerged victorious over Eric, but my journey is far from concluded. I must proceed to my mother's abode... Thankfully, I have chanced upon these medicinal capsules."

Before departing from the confines of the mental institution and making my way towards my mother's dwelling, I had one remaining task to attend to: the extraction of the two bullets lodged within my left shoulder.

After a span of several minutes, I found myself within the confines of the hospital, where I received medical attention for my injured left arm. The bullets were successfully extracted, and the area was now ensconced in bandages. Although my shoulder still throbbed with discomfort, the pain had subsided compared to earlier.

I murmured to myself, acknowledging the improvement: "That's better..."

Subsequently, I retrieved my phone from my pocket to ascertain the time, discovering that it was nearly 6 am. Astonished by the swift passage of time, I conjectured that I must have succumbed to unconsciousness for a considerable duration following either the train crash or the encounter with the demon at the apartment—memories that now seemed distant.

Placing the phone back into my pocket, I stood on the second floor of the hospital, casting my gaze upon the exit door. Determined, I approached it, grasping the handle and swinging it open.

And there I stood, now outside.

I sauntered through the woods for a few minutes, basking in the morning light that filtered through the trees. The sensation of traversing this serene forest in the gentle embrace of the early hours was nothing short of extraordinary.

These indescribable sentiments, so captivating and beautiful, stirred within me. Their essence eluded precise explanation, yet their impact was profound. It was as though a profound sense of tranquility enveloped my being.

A smile graced my face as I relished in this wondrous sensation while continuing my leisurely stroll through the forest.

However, my attention was soon captured by the sight of a tranquil lake. Intrigued, I drew nearer to the water's edge, my gaze fixed upon its serene expanse.

And there, at the far end of the lake, I beheld a small house nestled amidst the surrounding scenery, with boats adorning its vicinity. Instantly, a wave of recognition washed over me. This was the very lake that, during my childhood, my mother occasionally brought me to. We would immerse ourselves in its waters, taking the boats out to simply revel in the ambiance that surrounded us.

It possessed a certain majestic quality, evoking a profound sense of nostalgia within me.

I noticed a nearby boat with two paddles, a convenient means of transportation for my journey to my mother's house from the lake.

"I can make use of this," I mused aloud, considering the practicality of utilizing the boat.

Without hesitation, I boarded the boat, ready to embark on the next leg of my expedition.

Several minutes transpired as I propelled the boat across the lake, relishing in the remarkable experience it provided.

Upon reaching the house situated on the other side of the lake, I disembarked from the boat, closing the distance between myself and the quaint abode.

Having traversed the small house and made my way outside once again, my gaze fell upon a road that led to the street where my mother resided. Determined, I embarked on this path, steadily progressing towards my destination.

After several minutes of walking, I found myself traversing my mother's street. However, a peculiar and unsettling phenomenon presented itself—there was an eerie absence of human presence. No one ventured outside their homes, no pedestrians roamed the sidewalks. Even the absence of the creatures I had encountered before seemed unnatural.

A sense of unease permeated the air, and an unshakable feeling of wrongness settled within me.

Internally, I questioned the disconcerting sight before me: "What in the world... Why is there no one on the streets? Where has everyone gone? Am I truly the sole inhabitant of this place?"

After a continued journey, navigating through various houses and taking turns, I finally caught sight of my mother's house.

Relief washed over me as I whispered to myself, "Finally... I have arrived. I sincerely hope that my mother is safe and sound."

Approaching the familiar dwelling, I clutched the bag containing the precious pills tightly. With a mixture of anxiety and anticipation, I stepped up to the front door.

My heart raced as I stood before the entrance, unsure of what awaited me on the other side. Taking a deep breath, I mustered the courage to twist the doorknob and stepped inside.

"Mom?" I called out, my voice filled with both hope and concern. "Are you here? I've brought the pills."

Silence enveloped the house, and no response reached my ears.

Growing increasingly anxious, I repeated my plea, "Mom? Where are you?!"

Driven by worry, I began to explore the rooms of the house, starting with the living room, then the kitchen, and finally making my way to my mother's bedroom.

My heart sank as my desperate cries echoed through the empty house, yielding no response.

"MOM!" I screamed once more, my voice trembling with anguish. "Don't leave me! Where are you?!"

Tears streamed down my face, my panic intensifying with each passing moment. Frantically, I scoured every inch of the house, searching for any sign of my mother's presence, but she was nowhere to be found.

Emotion overwhelmed me as I sank to the kitchen floor, the weight of isolation crushing my spirit. In the midst of my sorrow, I approached the table adjacent to the kitchen, my trembling hands reaching out to touch its surface.

In that moment of profound solitude and despair, tears cascading from my eyes, I retrieved my pistol, gripped by a desperate impulse.

I directed my gaze towards the shattered remnants of my former self, sprawled upon the floor. The gruesome sight of my own disheveled form, surrounded by a pool of crimson, gave me pause.

In that fleeting moment, a profound realization swept over me. If I were to succumb to the temptation of self-inflicted demise, I would be denying myself the opportunity to embrace the wonders of existence. After all, life is a singular gift bestowed upon us.

Motivated by an indomitable spirit, I swiftly withdrew the firearm from the precipice of my mouth, flinging it against the wall with force, causing it to shatter into irreparable fragments.

As I gazed upon the shattered remnants of the weapon, I turned my gaze away, inhaling deeply to calm my troubled soul. Determination welled up within me, resonating through the clenching of my fist as I defiantly raised it.

"No," I declared resolutely. "I shall not succumb to the allure of surrender. Though I have lost all that was dear and cherished, I shall persist and embrace the life that is rightfully mine!"

I shall not cast aside this bestowed gift... I shall not linger here and persist in my affliction!

I shall enhance myself... I shall extricate MYSELF from this somber abyss.

And I shall attain liberation.