


Nicole slowly swallowed the lump in her throat as her eyes locked with Seth's. His eyes held a look of guilt and apprehension as he slowly walked into his bedroom. He silently made his way to the bed and handed Nicole a pill - Advil, and a glass of water. He moved his gaze to look on the wall that held a small dent now.

Nicole looked up to where Seth was looking before she looked at him. Seth was still staring at the wall, lost in thought. Nicole glanced down to the glass of water he was holding out for her when she noticed the patch of blue and purple that was forming a bruise on his knuckles.

Seth glanced away when he saw Nicole was looking at the bruise on his knuckles, before awkwardly clearing his throat and taking a step back, away from her.

Nicole came out of her trance and grabbed the glass of water, taking the Advil and drowning down the water before placing the glass on the bedside table.