


/"What the hell happened?/"

/"What were you guys dong?/"

/"Dude, what the hell?/"

Nicole slowly opened her eyes to a pounding headache and multiple familiar voices. The voices came to a stop as her eyelids slowly propped open as her vision set to the faces of the 4 boys known as Parker, Logan, Seth and Jason.

/"You're awake,/"

/"Are you okay?/"

/"What happened?/"

The boys all spoke at once causing Nicole's head to spin more then it already was. She slowly sat up in the bed she was laying in, narrowing her eyes.

/"Shut up./" She muttered, grabbing her phone she had seen on the bedside table and unlocking it to see that it was only 1am and multiple texts.

Drew: Where the hell are you??


Mom: No note or anything..

Mom: You are going to be grounded

Mom: Nicole, you better not be doing something stupid.

Mom: Call me ASAP!!

Drew: mum is freaking