
Trooper DO-0M: Rip and Tear

I reincarnated as Doom guy in Star Wars. I used to be a loser with no life til I died. Now I'm a trooper in the Clone Army but I'm also the Doomguy. Now my life is simply one thing...Rip and Tear.

GreenZ · Others
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19 Chs

Chapter Three: Training

A few days later...

I was in a training arena, wearing a special set of clone commando armor since it was the only one that would fit me. The difference between mine and the original armor was I removed the survival pack and the bicep armor. I also colored it the same colors as Doomguy armor. I was using a DC-17m Repeating Blaster Rifle set to stun. I was put into a training sim where it was a free for all battle against other clones. They were in a massive room with a maze-like structure that would have new walls pop up out of nowhere. Someone on a speaker started counting down from three and I raised my rifle. Staring at all the clones before me as the walls started to come up. When the announcer said go, I started sprinting through the corridors. One new difference when I put this armor on was my health and armor was displayed in my visor. My Armor Stats had changed to 250/250 which meant I would have to get an upgrade at some point. I wasn't sure how tough some of the enemies I would face would be but at least my own endurance was high enough. As I ran through the corridors, there were three clones who teamed up ahead of me. I instantly started blasting them, stunning two while one hid behind a corner. Big mistake...I charged shoulder-first into the wall, knocking it down. The clone was smashed by it, I check to see if he was breathing by pulling out a vibro knife I had and holding it under his helmet. Even though I know what they would become, I had to act like one of them. I thought about deactivating their chips but that would raise a lot of suspicions. I saw fog on the surface of the knife and left him there. I felt a shot on my shoulder and turned around to see a clone trooper shooting from the cover of the maze walls. Due to my high stats, it would take a lot to stun me. I shot at him, causing him to take cover while I ran toward him. He stuck his head out which was a mistake as I punched him, cracking his helmet and probably his nose. I was able to tell pretty fast that he was okay from the sounds of pain he let out so I continued to sprint through the corridors. I had blasted a couple of clones along the way.

Meanwhile in the observation booth...

Prime Minister Lama Su had been sitting in a chair, watching the training. He monitored the actions of Trooper DO-0M closely. He was impressed by his combat abilities but disgusted by his brutality. If not for Nala Se's high praises that he would be beneficial, Lama Su wouldn't have allowed him to be a trooper. His thoughts were interrupted by the opening of the door. He turned around and saw his visitor. It was Chancellor Palpatine who was escorted by his royal guards. (Appearance is that of Episode three but with Clone Wars outfit) He greeted Lama Su and sat down. "How goes the training of the new batch"? Asked Palpatine as he took a seat next to Lama Su. Lama Su told him some info about the training regiment but Palpatine pretended to hear as he sensed great violence. He turned his head in time to see DO-0M dispatching four clones with brutality. He watched as DO-0M punched the troopers so hard that he broke their armor. Lama Su had noticed he wasn't paying attention and saw why.

"One of our newest commandos, Trooper DO-0M...as you've seen, he is very violent even towards his own brothers". Said Lama Su as Palpatine's eyes were glued on him. He tried to see what was in his mind but when he did, he was pushed out by the rage he felt in DO-0M mind. "Perhaps he would be better used on the battlefield than cooped up here". Said Palpatine as Lama Su wanted to refuse but knew better than to refuse.

"Very well but I ask that Nala Se be allowed to visit him for evaluation". Said Lama Su as Palpatine eyed him suspiciously which was dismissed when Lama Su mentioned that DO-0M was one of the mutated clones. Palpatine became more intrigued by DO-0M as he got up and left the room. When he did, DO-0M had just stunned the last clone on the field. walls had come down to reveal some medical droids picking up clones to take to the Med Center. At this moment, Lama Su had called DO-0M on the intercom to meet him in his office.

A few minutes later, in Lama Su's office...

I was standing in front of Lama Su who was seated at his desk. I just stood there with my hands at my side. I remained quiet as I decided that I would act as a mute to help keep my identity secret. I even order Nala Se to falsify my medical records so it looked like the mutation made me mute. Lama Su was reading a datapad for a while before setting it down and speaking. "Trooper DO-0M, by the personal request of the Chancellor of the Republic...you are to be deployed immediately". I was surprised as I thought it would take a while but then I remember that Palpatine was actually Darth Sidious so he must have some ulterior motives for wanting me in the Republic army so soon. So I'll have to make a mental note to be careful around him. "So do you happen to have a preference in who you wish to serve under"? Asked Lama Su as I looked at him to see a hologram on his desk, showing some of the generals of the Republic. But I had already thought of this decision so I walked up to his desk and scrolled through til I found the name I wanted. Lama Su seemed confused. "General Skywalker...are you certain you want to serve under him". I just stood there, barely moving as he let out a big sigh. "Very well, pack whatever you need, visit Nala Se for the rest of your instructions...and feel free to take your gear with you or trade it for something else". Lama Su dismissed me and I headed straight for Nala Se's office. When I entered, she was pleased to see me as we had plenty of fun together during my stay.

"I am to give you an evaluation every once in a while...I will visit wherever you are...but take this comlink if you wish to have me come whenever you need...release". Nala Se said in a lustful voice as she handed me a comlink. I told her to keep going as normal and to contact me before she comes to evaluate me. I said goodbye to her and headed towards my quarters which were like any other clone quarters. I looked around the quarters, realizing that this would be the last comfortable space I ever have. I pulled out a bag from under the bed that I had stashed a while ago. It was filled with a variety of weapons that I had gathered from here. I put my hand over the bag and then it was gone like it was never there. I had put the gear into my inventory and put the DC-17m Rifle, a vibro knife, some thermal detonators, and a DC-15s side arm pistol into my quick bar allowing for fast selection. They showed up on my body where they would normally be holstered. I took one last look around the room before leaving.

A few minutes later, in the hangar...

I had walked into the hangar which I'd never been to. The array of ships and transports was enough to make me giddy but I manged to keep my composure as I walked up to a nearby male Republic officer. He was typing something into his datapad as I waited for him to acknowledge me. "How can I hel..." The Republic officer was stunned as he looked up at me. He was only 5ft tall while I was 6ft10. I pulled out a letter from Lama Su, detailing my deployment. The Officer directed me to a nearby transport. I got on and waited for it to take off.

Time to start my new life.