
Trivia Matters

In a world where reality and a mysterious game-like system intertwine, Arlow, an ordinary young man, finds himself thrust into a perilous adventure. After inadvertently witnessing a brutal murder in a dark alleyway, Arlow discovers that the event is connected to an enigmatic game. He narrowly escapes the scene, deeply unsettled by what he has seen and eager to understand the game-like messages that begin to appear before him.

KADDRTheWriter · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


As the rain slowly subsided, the bustling city of Venberg came alive with the weekend crowd that night. Laughter and cheer filled the streets, but these sounds fell silent to Arlow as he slumped onto a bench in the park. He stared at his reflection in a puddle and whispered, "Pathetic."

Arlow was a loner, always feeling out of place amidst the lively atmosphere. He had once been part of the vibrancy, enjoying the city's energy with his family. His mother's warm embrace, her gentle laughter, and his little brother's homemade soup were now distant memories, haunting echoes of a life torn away.

The absence of his family, taken by the same lung cancer that had been eating away at him, left Arlow feeling helpless and alone. His mother's fight with the disease had been brutal, her strength waning with each passing day until she finally succumbed. Shortly after, his younger brother, too, was diagnosed. The devastation of watching his brother wither away, just as their mother had, left a permanent scar on Arlow's heart.

Yet somehow, he managed to keep going, trying to find a way to survive and start a new life. The disease that took his family had left him weak, a constant reminder of his own mortality. Every breath he took felt like a battle, but he had to keep fighting, if not for himself, then for the memory of those he had lost.

"How could I have been fired? It's absurd! That rascal insulted my mother! How could I have stayed quiet?" The sky darkened along with Arlow's emotions, no longer able to contain his anger. His fists clenched as he remembered the incident at work, the snide remark that had pushed him over the edge. He had snapped, defending his mother's honor, but it had cost him his job. The unfairness of it all stung deeply.

He retreated into solitude, avoiding the lively crowds that only amplified his loneliness. But from a distance, he heard commotion coming from a nearby alleyway. Curiosity got the best of him, and he cautiously followed the sound, his footsteps light on the wet pavement.

Ruffling his hair, Arlow pulled up his hood and walked silently behind the group who were chasing after a man. Two of them shouted, "Get him!" The urgency and aggression in their voices made Arlow's heart race. He wondered what the man had done to warrant such pursuit.

"I don't know why I'm doing this. But I can't help but feel curious," thought Arlow as he quietly trailed them. The adrenaline coursing through his veins pushed him forward, despite the fear gnawing at his insides.

Suddenly, gunshots rang out, and both pursuers fell to the ground in a pool of blood. Shocked and scared, Arlow quickened his pace. Peering over a wall, he saw the smoking gun in the man's hand and the lifeless bodies on the wet ground. He never expected his curiosity to lead him into such a dangerous situation. The scene was surreal, the alleyway now a gruesome tableau of death and violence.

"M-murder! This is madness!" Arlow almost let out a gasp but quickly covered his mouth in panic. The man calmly left the scene, unaware of Arlow's presence. Lucky for him, he went unnoticed by the killer. The cold, detached expression on the murderer's face sent chills down Arlow's spine. This was no ordinary crime; it felt calculated, purposeful.

As the man disappeared down the alley, Arlow's mind raced with questions. Who was that man, and what had just happened here? He couldn't shake the feeling that he had stumbled upon something much bigger than his own personal problems. He knew he had to leave, but the sense of impending danger gripped him tightly. Eventually, he mustered the courage to slip away, his mind reeling with confusion and fear.

Arlow stumbled through the dark streets, his vision blurred and mind racing with fear. He finally made it to his shabby apartment and collapsed onto his bed, staring up at the peeling ceiling. His thoughts were spinning out of control, fixating on the gruesome events he had witnessed earlier that night. "Why do I always let my intrusive thoughts take over?" he muttered angrily, feeling a surge of frustration towards his own actions. His small, cluttered room offered little comfort, the memories of his family even more suffocating in the confined space.

The image of the killer's twisted smile wouldn't leave his mind, and he knew he couldn't tell anyone or else he would become the next target. Even in the beautiful city of Venberg, there was a dark underbelly controlled by crime organizations vying for power. Arlow was certain that the killer was linked to one of these groups, possibly even the notorious crime organization. Suddenly, Arlow fell into a slumber, his thoughts drifting away slowly as sleep finally claimed him.

The sun began to rise, painting the city with its warm hues. Arlow opened his eyes, startled by a screen that popped out of nowhere.

"To access your system, please answer all the following questions," it read.

Are you exhausted with your current life? (Yes/No)

Do you desire a better life? (Yes/No)

Do you want to find the killer? (Yes/No)

Arlow stumbled back, startled by the sudden appearance of a glowing screen in front of him. His heart raced as he read the words displayed on it. How could this screen know about that horrifying night? He shuddered at the memory and quickly pressed the screen, eager to see what would happen.

"To access the system, please enter your information," it prompted.

Arlow reluctantly typed in his name and race but hesitated when it came to his class. He didn't even know what that meant.

"To unlock your class, you must first complete a tutorial quest," the screen informed him.

Quest: Hunt for a Hint!

Details: You have witnessed a Player Kill mode. Find out who the winner is and gather information from Barkin Bar. Find at least 2 clues!

Rewards: Class selection, Newbie Giftpack, and 100 Experience Points

Do you accept it? (Yes/No)

Arlow's mind was reeling. Was this some sort of prank or game? But as he looked around and saw no one else nearby, he realized this was real. Arlow's heart pounded with a mixture of fear and curiosity at the mysterious prompt on the screen. His fingers trembled as he hesitantly pressed the "Accept" button to begin the tutorial quest. Suddenly, the screen glowed brightly before fading to reveal a map with a blinking red dot indicating his current location.

Excitement and apprehension mingled as Arlow set off into the unfamiliar city streets, following the map's directions. The dark alleys and side streets made him uneasy, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched, adding to the tension that already gripped him.

After wandering through the dimly lit streets for what felt like hours, the map finally led him to a decent-looking bar called Barkin Bar. The neon sign flickered above the door, and he could hear faint music playing inside. The bar itself was not hidden nor shady, which made him confident he could get at least some information about what happened last night.

Actually, the information would have been displayed publicly by now, from social media or maybe a television, but sadly Arlow was too poor to even have any of those. As he stepped in, he scanned the room for any clues or hints about what happened last night after he left the killing scene. He noticed a group of dwarfs huddled around a TV screen while being drunk and laughing weirdly at each other. On the other hand, the bartender seemed calm while wiping down glasses with a rag.

"Can I get some information about last night?" Arlow asked nervously as he approached the counter.

The bartender looked at him skeptically before nodding toward a TV mounted on the wall. "You're not very tech-savvy, are you?" she asked with a hint of amusement.

Arlow's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he replied, "I just haven't had much exposure to it."

As Arlow glanced around the bar while trying to not be sketchy in order to find some clues, he couldn't help but wonder what had happened last night and why it seemed to be connected to this mysterious game displayed on the glowing screen. Arlow then turned his attention back to the TV screen, his eyes widening as he was captivated by the images that unfolded before him. It was a news report, and the anchorman was describing the grisly details of last night's murder.