
Trivia Matters

In a world where reality and a mysterious game-like system intertwine, Arlow, an ordinary young man, finds himself thrust into a perilous adventure. After inadvertently witnessing a brutal murder in a dark alleyway, Arlow discovers that the event is connected to an enigmatic game. He narrowly escapes the scene, deeply unsettled by what he has seen and eager to understand the game-like messages that begin to appear before him.

KADDRTheWriter · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 1: New Burden

Arlow stared at the television screen, his mouth agape as the news anchor recounted the brutal murder from the previous night. Chilling details spilled from the reporter's lips—two men gunned down in a dark alleyway; their bodies left for dead in a pool of crimson. The very same grisly scene Arlow had inadvertently stumbled upon.

His hands trembled as flashes of the murderer's smile and the gunshots ringing out replayed in his mind. Arlow knew he had been incredibly fortunate to escape the killer's notice. But the revelation that this was somehow connected to a mysterious "game" left him deeply unsettled.

The bartender noticed his ashen expression. "You okay there, buddy? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Snapping back to reality, Arlow managed a weak nod. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. Just... affected by the news, I suppose."

He forced himself to tear his eyes away from the screen, surveying the dimly lit bar. The raucous laughter of the dwarfs in the corner now seemed discordant and out of place against the backdrop of violence and death. Arlow's gaze finally landed on a man hunched over at the end of the bar, muttering to himself and glancing around nervously.

This man seemed out of place, too, but in a different way. Arlow's instincts told him that this individual might have seen or heard something relevant. Taking a deep breath, he made his way over and slid onto the stool next to him.

"Hey," Arlow greeted cautiously. "Rough night?"

The man glanced at him, his eyes bloodshot and haunted. "You could say that," he replied in a gravelly voice. "Saw something last night that I can't shake. Something... bad."

Arlow leaned in closer, his heart pounding with anticipation. "I'm looking for information about a murder that happened last night. Maybe we can help each other."

The man's eyes widened, and he leaned back, wary. "Why do you care? You a cop or something?"

"No," Arlow shook his head. "Just someone who stumbled onto something I shouldn't have. I want to know what happened."

The man studied him for a moment, then sighed heavily. "Alright. I was here last night when those guys got into an argument. They left the bar, and next thing I know, gunshots. I didn't see the shooter, but I heard someone say 'Player Kill' before it happened."

"Player Kill?" Arlow echoed, his confusion deepening. "What does that mean?"

The man shrugged, his hands trembling. "Beats me. Sounds like some kind of game term, but why would anyone say that before killing someone?"

Arlow's mind raced. This tied into the mysterious game-like system that had appeared before him this morning. But how and why? He needed more information.

"Did you notice anything else? Anything unusual about the victims or the shooter?"

The man shook his head. "Nothing I can think of. But if you're looking for clues, you might want to check the alley where it happened. People leave all kinds of things behind when they're in a panic."

Arlow nodded, grateful for the lead. He had to find those clues if he wanted to unlock his class and gain any sort of advantage in this bizarre and dangerous situation. Thanking the man, he left the bar and made his way to the alley where the murders had occurred.

The alley was still cordoned off with police tape, but Arlow slipped past it unnoticed. The grim scene was a stark contrast to the bustling city around him. Bloodstains on the pavement and bullet casings glinting in the dim light were chilling reminders of the violence that had transpired.

Arlow scanned the ground meticulously, searching for anything that might serve as a clue. His eyes caught a glint near a dumpster—a small, blood-stained card. He picked it up carefully, examining it. The card was black with a white symbol of a magnifying glass and a question mark. It felt significant, though he didn't understand its purpose.

Slipping the card into his pocket, Arlow continued his search. Near the wall, he found another clue—an intricately carved puzzle box. The craftsmanship was exquisite, but what caught his attention was the small inscription on the side: "The key to survival lies within."

Arlow's mind raced as he pocketed the puzzle box. Two clues—hopefully enough to unlock his class and gain some answers. He made his way back to his apartment, eager to see what the mysterious game would reveal next.

As he entered his apartment, the screen reappeared, its glow illuminating the dark room.

"Quest complete," it announced.

"Now you can choose your class! Six tarot cards will be presented to you. Each one represents a class, and if you can accurately define its meaning, you'll get the right one. But if not, only luck will be on your side," the screen explained.

"That bastard!" Arlow punched the air in frustration, knowing he couldn't punch the virtual screen. "It's just a fucking gamble! But why do I feel so excited?" Suddenly, as the screen flickered, Arlow's heart raced with anticipation.

Six tarot cards appeared before him, each one pulsing with an otherworldly energy. His hand trembled as he reached out to touch them. The first card showed a crumbling tower, its bricks falling apart, and its peak struck by lightning. The second card displayed a bright star shining in the night sky. The third card revealed a full moon, surrounded by dark clouds and howling wolves. The fourth card depicted a mysterious figure holding a wand and a raised hand, almost as if casting a spell. The fifth card showed an austere emperor sitting upon a throne, while the last card showcased a woman dressed in flowing robes, her eyes closed in deep meditation.

Arlow took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. The eerie glow of the screen illuminated his face as he read the instructions again. Tarot cards. Classes. He had no idea what any of it meant, but he knew he had to choose carefully. With a shaky hand, he made his choice and chose the last card. "The High Priestess represents intuition, mystery, and inner knowledge," Arlow spoke aloud, his voice surprisingly steady despite the chaos unfolding around him. The virtual screen flashed brightly, and a surge of energy enveloped Arlow. When it finally dissipated, he felt different, as though a new power thrummed beneath his skin. Glancing at the screen, a message confirmed his selection.

"Class: Detective Unlocked"

Arlow watched in awe as new information flooded the screen.

"Here is your reward! You can access it in your inventory! To open your inventory, just say 'Inventory'."

Reward: Newbie Giftpack and 100 Experience Points

"Congratulations! You have leveled up! You can allocate your status points in the Characters Tab. To open your Characters Tab, just say 'Chara'!"

"Leveled up? Status points? Characters Tab?" Arlow muttered, feeling overwhelmed by all these new terms and concepts. "Okay, okay, let's slow down the pace." Taking a moment to collect himself, Arlow focused on the words "Inventory" and spoke out loud.

Suddenly, a holographic interface shimmered into existence before him, showcasing the intriguing Newbie Giftpack that was waiting to be claimed. Arlow, without a doubt, pressed the Newbie Giftpack icon.

With an eager feeling to delve deeper into this mysterious game, he opened it, revealing two mind-blowing items. "What is this? An umbrella? Clue balls?" Arlow said, confused. When he clicked the item, a description was shown on the screen.

Item Name: Umbrella 

Item Category: Weapon 

Requirements: Detective Class 

Details: A normal umbrella from the outside but will make the user invisible when it's opened.

Item Name: Clue Ball x3 

Item Category: Support Item 

Requirements: Detective Class 

Details: There are three different types of Clue Balls: the blue Hint Ball, which gives clues for solving missions or other tasks; the yellow Purpose Ball, which provides a reason for dealing with intrusive thoughts or interests by making them into a quest; and the white Emergency Exit Ball, which offers a way to escape dangerous situations. Each ball can only be used after completing a puzzle. It takes two days for all the Clue Balls to be used again, regardless of how many have been used.

"Umbrella... Weapon... Invisible... Detective Class..." Arlow muttered as he tried to make sense of it all. And as for the Clue Balls—"Support item... Puzzle... Two days..."

"Two days?! This shitty screen is always useless!" Arlow exclaimed in frustration before taking a deep breath and stashing the items into his inventory. He had a feeling they might come in handy, even if he still couldn't wrap his mind around everything that was happening.

His thoughts were interrupted once again by another prompt on the screen:

Quest: Put Your Items to the Test 

Details: Use your new detective tools to evade hostile players. 

Reward: 100 Nihil Dollars

Arlow hesitated for a moment before accepting the challenge. He understood that in order to stand a chance, he had to fully commit to this new role. Whether he agreed now or later, the danger would still be present, and his stubborn determination to uncover the truth behind the murders and the mysterious game-like system would not waver.

No sooner had he accepted the quest than he felt a prickling sensation of danger. Figures emerged from the shadows outside his apartment, their presence radiating malice. These must be the 'hostile players' he needed to evade.

"Where is he? That noob has to be around here somewhere," one of them growled.

Arlow's fingers trembled, but he managed to produce the invisibility umbrella from his pocket, the curved handle reassuring in his grasp. Taking a steadying breath, he extended the canopy and felt the familiar sensation of his form disappearing from sight.

He stayed utterly still, barely daring to breathe as the ominous players prowled inside his shabby apartement, eyes narrowed in menacing glares. Arlow could sense them scanning the area intently, clearly hunting for their unseen target.

"How could they know I was a newbie? Even more, how could they track me?" Arlow thought, his mind racing.