

A story of three highschool students and their chaotic, thrilling yet amusing school life Daniel, Jake and Ken are three normal but not-so-normal highschool students but due to a certain event their usual school life takes a turn and they end up in the world of delinquents. So how will they get out of this or will they make this world their own?.......

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(After the talk, these five started ordering pizzas.)

Jason : Well, I will not eat much as I don't like pizza.

Jake : Guys, ya'all order for me too. I am going to take a dump.

(Jake left for washroom. Till that time these 4 started ordering pizzas. Jake after a few minutes. He came back to the table and saw pizzas lying on the table. He started counting the pizzas)

Jake : Holy s**t!!! You guys ordered 16 pizzas. Daniel, Ken you guys gonna eat fucking 6 pizzas each! And you only left 3 for Ryan and 1 for Jason!!!

Ken : Heh, no I and Daniel ordered 3 pizzas each. Jason ordered 6 for him and 4 for Ryan. Your's are still coming.

Jake : WHHATTTT!?.....Well then! I ain't fallin' back. I will eat 7 today. Order 'em.

(They all ate tons of pizzas, they even ordered more. Jason and Ryan left without paying. A few minutes later, after eating their pizzas, Daniel and Ken picked up their bags and got up from their seats. Jason stopped them and asked them where they are going)

Jake : Hey guys, where are you going? Pay for 'em.

Daniel (with a smile) : Today's wednesday, your time to pay a**hole. You forgot.

Jake : F**k me!!! guys please wait, let's contribute together or I will be broke, until I get my next pocket money.

Daniel and Ken : NO!!!

(Daniel and Ken left the food corner)

(Jake had rivers of tears flowing from his eyes but had a straight face. He went to pay the bill. He was shocked by looking at the bill but still had to pay)

Jake : WoW, I am broke.....