
Chapter 59

He pulled back, pressing Josh back to face the wall, and slipped his wet fingers between the taut cheeks of Josh’s ass, tracing the hollow until he found the tight ring of muscle. Josh groaned as Cam circled it with a fingertip, spreading his legs even wider, and as Cam began nibbling at his neck, he slowly sank his index finger into the hot depths

Josh sucked his breath in sharply, holding it as Cam began to pump his wrist. But he was only silent until Cam’s middle finger joined his first finger, and then he started gasping Cam’s name, over and over. Cam thrust forward, curling his fingers to brush against Josh’s prostate, and Josh stiffened, his breath turning to a whimper.

“What do you want, Josh?” Cam breathed.

“Fuck me, Cam. I need to feel you. I need to feel…I need you….please.”