
Chapter 58

“If we hadn’t been in a public place, I would’ve been buried in your ass before that third kiss,” he said against Josh’s skin.

Josh shivered, and his skin broke out in goose bumps beneath Cam’s tongue. Josh put both hands flat against the wall, tilting his head and moaning softly. “If we hadn’t been in a public place, I would have been begging for it.”

Sliding a hand around Josh’s stomach, Cam pulled the shirt up until his fingertips grazed along Josh’s hot flesh. “Well, now that wasn’t very smart. Now you’re putting ideas in my head.”

“I’m not worried,” Josh said, rotating his hips. “You don’t have the patience right now for any new ideas.”

“You’re the one who ran.”

“Because if I hadn’t, you probably would have dragged me bodily up the stairs.”

Cam popped the button of Josh’s jeans. “Something tells me you wouldn’t have minded.”