
Chapter 30

“Are you Josh? I’m Bob. We talked earlier, right?”

Josh returned his smile and went through the required pleasantries. Sara didn’t speak at all, her mouth compressed in a thin line, her arms folded in front of her stomach again.

When Bob unlocked the front door, a musty smell struck them, and Bob waved his hand in front of his face. “Sorry about that. It does need to be aired out a bit.”

Sara seemed oblivious to the stale atmosphere and was the first to step over the threshold. By the time Josh entered, she was already gone from the front room, her footsteps echoing from deeper inside the house. He followed the sound to find her standing at the back door, overlooking the enclosed yard.

“I want this,” she said without preamble. “This is the one.”

“I brought the paperwork with me,” Bob volunteered. “It’s in my truck.”