
Chapter 29

“The owner will be here in about fifteen minutes,” Josh said as he pulled into the driveway. “We’re a little early.”

Sara leaned forward to look at the house through the windshield. “It’s big. Why do you think it’s not as nice as the apartment?”

“A house this size in our price range? The interior is less than stellar. It’s not disgusting, but it does need some major work. If we were staying longer than a month or so, I wouldn’t even suggest it.”

She got out of the car and walked down to the sidewalk, looking around the neighborhood. It was working class, but clean, and Josh had seen enough of the neighbors not to be concerned about local trouble. But as he watched her, her hands kept straying back to her midsection, and one was still there when she returned to the car.

“If the inside is livable,” she said, “let’s do this one. I like it. It feels like home.”

“I like it, too.” He glanced at her stomach. “Do you want to get an early lunch?”