
Trihexa:Birth of the Empress of Greed

in a battle for pride a clan lost and their only heir lost but now that heir has become a girl named Emily whose parents were missing for as long as she knew how she became the heir she has no idea , but she begins to challenge the order of the world, fighting deities , monsters . she will destroy all. How long before that power destroys her and everything around her ( this is my first book so please don't be upset if I make mistakes , comments and power stones are highly appreciated ) As I first started I was shaky but I feel I am getting better as I have started doing better so I suggest you should try and read till chapter 35

Xander_Emerald · Others
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Three way brawl : wrong method

As the man dragging Emily away was running and not looking back and at that moment it seemed like Thor had disappeared , until her sword shined brightly covering her eyes .

Emily opened her eyes to see Thor holding a long three headed crimson spear in his hand and a man with long black hair tied in a ponytail , although surprised by his appearance she simply retreated from him .

"haha haha loki you must be quite rusty " Thor laughed at the deceptive god

pissed by the mockery thrown at him .

" i will murder you,you annoying narcissistic asshole " ..

the spear became light and traveled back to his hands leaving Thor's grip

" Joker what happened ??" ..

[you were trapped in an illusion by the god of deception Loki you got out because of the holy sword pushed it's limit evolving allowing you to break free from the illusion ]

" I figured half of that myself but Excalibur evolved after fusing with the three holy swords and enumei ellish that I didn't expect , but joker didn't I already learn alterations which is the true evolution of illusion , should I not have some immunity ?"

[ yes but I didn't extract the experience of the architect you fought it could have a negative effect such as madness or worst death ]

" I need the advantage of transmutation even if my blade evolved I don't think it will do much against Thor he is a war god "

[ your strength is still at a high rank Dragon born the reason you are keeping up with is your angel and fox Power and you have no experience as a devil ]

" oh thanks for pointing it out, I need transmutation and summoning. Life and death magic I would not be here if not for your mission "

[ you asked for it I hope you know ]

meanwhile Thor and the not welcome Loki started arguing I like babies.

Emily didn't know what hit her she stood in a white void and suddenly she felt as if she was moving at high speed a large degrees of information started passing her in the form of information Emily stood like the whole world revolved around her , she saw all information she needed to use the three Chao magic and the experience of the user who she copied the skill after finishing him ,life and death magic came from the cute angel .

standing at the center of the universe at the very beginning everything flowed through her at imense speed but she felt no pain it was a simply good feeling having more information than any human no any dragon in the universe, feeling like her knowledge even surpassed the gods and the intense speed the whole world burst like an explosion occurred shattering the world like it was glass .

Thor had noticed Emily had blanked out and simply smiled.

" you are worthy of my pressence little dragon god you really are special indeed" .

" what nonsense are you spouting" Loki launched his spear at Thor ,Thor fought with his hands against the mighty loki and the spear that guarantees victory no matter who ,but Thor defied all proving his title as a god of calamity only inferior to the true God's he smiled forgetting this baby god just destroyed the gates of heaven and treated it's guards at toys .

N/b : I never told you the ranking of the gods sorry since this book will talk a lot about the gods .

Unknown God's : these are God's that stand at the Pinnacle of the universe ( they will not be mentioned for a while this is just a little insight)

True God's : these are the first Gods to appear and their power make them no joke some of these God's include Odin , Budha and Christain God I will call him One in the book though ( I am actually a Christain I won't lie but I am also a fan of other religions so I won't be partial in my writing i have no intent to insult any religion , but do remember it's fiction)

GoD of calamity : this is the category Thor falls in these God's as their name suggest their power allows them to completely destroy world's with no effort they cause calamity ,after watching humans for many years and decades they are the ones who categorized the thirteenth chaos magic (Emily will not learn the other three that's a surprise for later so I only gave her ten ) now Loki also falls in this category even though his strength is not up to Thor's his Cool mind and collectiveness can without a doubt cause endless calamity.

Nomenclature God's : These are God's born from the thoughts and wishes they can also be born from the wishes of God's as well not only mortal races some of These include the Japanese God's Susanoo, Amaterasu , Tsukyomi there are cases when some of These God's have power to rival Calamity God's .

Monarchs : These are beings born from the universe whose existence is held by the universe itself they hold the power of the universe ,Hades Falls Under this Branch Izanami fell under these Branch after her death , these God's are not as powerful as God's of calamity but their existence can not be exterminated by even true God's only unknown God's can come close to damaging them.

Myriad God's : These God's are a one man army they have immense power that can scatter Nations their pressence is not to be underestimated ,they have the closest bond with humans , this is the rank Emily falls under when she combines her dragon Power with her past incarnation power , her past incarnation power is on the level of a god of calamity but she can't keep up with the power yet so she is only using what she can handle as for her dragon Power it's still weak as dragons are like vampires they advance in power with time .

Demi God's : these entities are immortal beings whose divinity is not enough to classify as God's but more than any mortal should even smell putting them above mortals,Medusa , Gilgamesh, architect are on this Level.

Psuedo gods : these are fakers who have used some means to step into this rank their power is not less than true Demi God's but their power runs out way faster than true Demi God's,

Now these are not deities but I should still say their ranking.

Immortals : as their name suggest they are ever living they are not deities as they can't use divinity but their power puts them at the top of mortals.

Sages , Saint : those who have once had a whif of the power of the gods which even immortals have not they can temporarily fight like God's but they don't live long as their mortal bodies can't handle fighting like a deity ,but for that short time they have the power above immortals some who have a closer encounter have strength greater than Demi God's ,they are ranked lower because of their lives.

Elites : mortals who have a great understanding of the way of mana ,ki ,curse or anti magic.

Then below is

(1) S special grade

(2) A grade 1

(3)B grade 2

(4) C grade 3

(5)D grade 4

(6) E grade 5

(7) F grade 6

then devils

(1) Devil Leaders : Lucifer,beezlebulb , Laevithan fall here

(2) Seven sins : disciples of the devil Leaders

(3) Supreme Devils

(4) devil Lord's : Emily Mami lands in this category

(5) high class devils

(6) mid rank Devils

(7) low rank Devils

Author N/b : I wanted to write a fighting chapter but changed to a ranking , because I had not spoke of ranking , sorry if the chapter title didn't correspond with the chapter 😖 . oh I want you all to know just because I am not releasing daily does not mean I have forgotten the book I just planning to release all on Sunday so please don't be upset