
Trihexa:Birth of the Empress of Greed

in a battle for pride a clan lost and their only heir lost but now that heir has become a girl named Emily whose parents were missing for as long as she knew how she became the heir she has no idea , but she begins to challenge the order of the world, fighting deities , monsters . she will destroy all. How long before that power destroys her and everything around her ( this is my first book so please don't be upset if I make mistakes , comments and power stones are highly appreciated ) As I first started I was shaky but I feel I am getting better as I have started doing better so I suggest you should try and read till chapter 35

Xander_Emerald · Others
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Bride to darkness : Dark maiden, haze of the past

Ophis and Luciferous appeared by Emily

Emily was seen on the floor bleeding to death a closer look and the difference in the original Emily would be evident "Emily stay with me " they begged Emily to keep her eyes open

" shit she is dying" Ophis cursed out loud

Emily's eyes were closing slowly until she finally let go her body dropped lifeless

" Emily Emily " no response was heard

" I can't feel her heart beat , she is dead " Luciferous said in anger holding her tiny hands

" i should not have worried about any secret and saved her instead , I was to selfish , please forgive me Emily , I am sorry" tears rushed down from her eyes

Emily was floating in pure darkness

" I can't feel anything, I can't see anything in this darkness " Emily said to herself

" so I died in the hands of a spider how truly pathetic "Emily said

" yes it truly is pathetic "

" who are you and what do you want " Emily said back not even bothering to look for the source of the voice

" so much confidence but little to no strength "

" that's is not your business " Emily said

" now why are you angry at me I haven't done anything "

" because you won't let me die and are troubling my peace " Emily said

" oh desire death , sorry but you aren't actually dead , your in a suspended death "

" so unsuspend it and let me go as I am going to die in the end " Emily said back

" wow you really are weird, I have met people who are scared and have no power, I have met people with no power but determination , I have met people greedy for power, I have met goody too shoes , but your different "

" it's almost like you have no desires in life, before your death you wanted to be an S rank Fighter but after a while that just left you "

" you act innocent but spare no thought to kill your enemy , "

" you accepted a reptile into your body without knowing what they wanted "

" that is not the answer to the question i asked " Emily said

" I want you to be mine "

" if you need directions to a psychiatrist I could give you if you need "Emily mocked

" no I have no need, as of now you're my bride "

" why would I accept you as my husband " Emily was getting irritated with this man or whatever

" because I always get what I want and also if you do I could tell you the truth of everything "

" what amount of truth could be valuable enough for me to give myself to you " Emily asked

" it's a big truth , involving your parents , and everything how you were born "

" my parents? "

" yes the one you call the jobless god the dragon the system everything "

" I am sorry but I won't give myself to you " Emily said

" sorry but you have to know nothing is free "

" then I don't want your truth " Emily said

" fine since I have kept you for so long I should at least tell you the truth , but knowing the truth comes with a price I don't know what it may be and be rest assured it has nothing to do with me "

" well if it has nothing to do with giving myself to you , no problem "

" well if you are ready , I guess starting with your parents is the best "

" yes "

" your father"s name was Arjun Pendragon , he was an excellent swordsman , who was privileged to hold unto a complete Excalibur "

" complete yeah I remember hearing mine was incomplete , so he had it complete " Emily said

" yes he's was complete , because of his talent's he was asked to hunt down the child of the Demon fox , so during his search for the fox he found a beautiful woman who caught his eyes , eventually he fell in love with her and proposed to her , but as fate would have it he found out that the one he proposed to was the one he had been searching for all this time faced with the harsh Truth he was about to toss everything aside and kill her , but when he looked at her he lost all strength to do so "

" he hid the fact that she was an evil spirit from his family and told them he could not find her , after some times he introduced your mother to his family , they seemed to accept her , finding out she was pregnant with a girl the family weren't to Happy about it , but they didn't show it after some time it was Time for your birth and in the process of delivery the family found out who your mother was , and after they did their attitude changed and decided to kill your mother , but decided to spare you as you had some of their blood "

" your father tried fighting back but against a full house of swordsman it was bad as they all had holy swords even though not Excalibur , your father fought but inevitably lost , but in a final attempt he made a deal with Guardian of the universe The One and he granted your father enough power which he used to destroy all those who killed your mother but he still couldn't kill off the whole Pendragon household as they were spread far and wide and he didn't have time "

" as he didn't have any Time left so in what little he had left he destroyed the holy swords owned by the Pendragon household , but one which was the Durandal it was a blade that bonded with you , your father didn't destroy it but didn't give it to you , but he did seal your spiritual power so you could live normally , then he gave you your mother's blade and

Hey everyone I want everyone to know that I am happy you all are reading my book I am grateful , about the chapters coming up it basically is an explanation of everything I haven't said until now you should read it if not you won't understand a lot

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