
Tribute: I am a gamer

Stop me if you hear this. Someone dies in some traumatic event, and they get reincarnated with superpowers. Not like I care but what am I supposed to do with my superpowers when I'm superlazy.

StoryCraft · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 2

Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, movies, music, or series other than the OC.



{Sound effects}

"Human talks"

/Music, OST, POV/



Once I stepped out of the portal, I found myself surrounded by trees. <*Alchemy Manipulation*> to give me a higher view. I took a deep breath enjoying the clean air entering my lungs.

I knew I should have added some sort of HUD for the map. Now let's see if Kumo is that way and Kiri is this way then that means Konoha is that way. Now, what am I doing here in this reality? Simple really I wanted to experience real combat with superhumans and test my self-made martial art.

Dropping to the ground, I made a crater before resuming my walk I changed my clothes into something else. Now I'm wearing a black hoodie version of David Martinez's jacket. Leaving it open and allowing the world to see my hard-earned abs.

Along the way, I encountered some merchants, and they were nice. I even bought some snacks from one. Anyways it wasn't long before I saw another merchant being robbed by bandits. <*Observe*> Only thirty? Not bad for a test run.

The bandits were enjoying themselves as the poor merchant begged them not to break his goods and cart until I interrupted them by throwing a piece of rock. "Gentlemen, gentlemen this isn't right way to steal things." I said while approaching them without care.

I ignored their insults and taunts. "Now, now, no need for insults. That will just make you seem weaker than you are." I patted one of them like an older sibling.

"You got a lot of balls talking like that to us. Let's make a deal, we take those fancy clothes of yours and we'll leave ya with one arm." The leader pointed his blade toward my heart.

I laughed it off as leaned towards the blade, placing my index finger on the tip. "How about... this?" Everyone blinked as the blade turned into dust in a blink. "You guys leave all your goodies and I won't turn you back to dust."

"Shit he's a shinobi!" One bandit yelled.

"Quick get him before he uses another jutsu!"

"Sigh, welp, we're doing this the easy way." I said dodging an attack before pointing my finger gun at my opponent. "Bang."


The bandit's head popped spilling blood like a fountain. While I remained apathetic to these scums, his comrades were in panic. They didn't see me make any hand signs or move.

"Next?" I taunted.

Soon carnage ensues as I slaughtered each of them creatively and brutally until the only ones left were me, the merchant, and the bandit leader. "What the hell are you?" He muttered. "Don't come any closer or he gets it!"

"Go ahead." I shrugged.

"What?" The bandit leader stuttered.

"Let me put it this way. Your only leverage is that guy but if you kill him that makes it easier for me to kill you. As a bonus, I get to keep all the loot. So go ahead kill him and make my day." Observing the leader losing his mind as he realized that I was right. He screamed ready to slit the man's throat with his knife only to start convulsing.

The poor merchant escaped his grip but paled when mercury started to come out of the man. Courtesy of my of course, as for how? well, remember the blade that I transfigured? After changing it into dust, the man had inhaled some of it and that dust was mercury.

The merchant had inhaled it as well but I have enough control over Alchemy to remove it without him knowing. When the last bandit died, I turned on the poor merchant.

"Ya'll alright?" I asked.

"Huh? Yes, thank you for saving me.."

"Call me Alizander or Zander." I said while checking the area. "So do these guys have any bounties?" I asked earning a nod. "Sweet, stand back for a bit, its gonna get ugly." I must look like a psychopath to him.

The merchant knew what I was implying and wisely heeded my warning as I started chopping heads and storing them in my inventory after making their blood dry off. "By any chance, are you heading to Konoha?"

"Yes, I was."

"Sweet, can I get a ride? It will be a lot safer if I'm with you." I said.

The merchant beamed in joy. "Yes, of course, its the least I can do for my savior." He said.

I grinned and went up the cart and took a nap as the cart started moving. Man, I love free rides, and as a bonus, I can be lazy. When I woke up we were at the gates and the merchant was talking to the guards.

Getting off, I slowly approached them. "Hey, guys." I greeted them, the merchant being the first one to respond.

"Zander-san! Sorry for not waking you up, I was busy talking with them."

"It's fine, speaking of which mind telling me where I can get the bounty for this guy?" I showed them the bandit leader's head.

The two men were calm and pointed at the building. "Thanks, see ya later." I said walking in the direction they pointed.

I decided to take my time and started sightseeing. I bought some sweets and snacks on the way to the building and even found a weapon shop. Once I arrived inside the building the shinobi were all looking at me.

"I wanna get my bounty of this guy and some more." I said raising the bandit's head. Earning their shock looks as if they didn't do it when I entered the building. After answering some questions, I got my money and I went to look for that ramen shop Naruto kept going.

I had no idea where I was going until I stopped in front of a scene. There scavenging on a trash bin was Naruto... or should I Naruko. Shit did I stepped into the wrong universe? Oh well, Naruto, and Naruko it's all the same to me.

Hold on, those three guys making their to Naruko, I know those three. Ah crap, I'm in the hentai section of Naruto. If I remember right these three are gonna brainwash her into s*x as payment for their 'kindness'. I think she even got r**ed in the last pages.

Yeah no, I'm a sadistic psycho but even I have standards. So walking faster than them, buying two apples on the way, I called out to her. "Hey, kid!" Maybe I should have said it softer with how spooked she was. "Catch." Tossing the apple, Naruko looked confused probably I'm the first person to do this or not.

Taking a bite with mine, she soon followed. Leaning on a wall, I started the conversation. "So you got a name? I"m Alizander Cygnus though you can call me Zander."

She was cautious which is good too bad it didn't help when those three were involved. "Naruko, Uzumaki Naruko." She said.

I was waiting for her catchphrase or some edited version of the 'become Hokage but nope I got nothing.

"Nice to meet you Naruko." I ruffled her head gently like how I used to do with my nephew.


Stranger-san or Zander-san seemed scary but he hasn't yelled or hit me yet. Those yellow eyes were really creepy but why do I feel safe? He even gave me an apple that wasn't rotten. When I said my name, he looked like he was waiting for me to say more but I don't know what to say.

"Nice to meet you Naruko." he said before raising his hand. I shut my eyes and waited for the pain but nothing came. Instead, I felt the top of my head being warmer than something moving.

When I opened my eyes, all I saw were those creepy- no! those shiny eyes looking at me like how Teuchi Oji-san or Hokage Jii-chan would when I'm sad but better. It felt like all the scary and dark things disappeared when I looked at them.

Then it stopped, I felt cold and empty as I realized he had removed his hand. Desperately, I grabbed it, freezing when my action hit me. Zander-san was confused and I was afraid that he might get angry but he didn't.

He didn't move, I slowly placed his hand back on my head and gave him a pleading look. I can feel his warmth again but I want more. Zander-san started moving again and I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling.

I don't know how long it was but Zander-san was really warm that I thought I was asleep.

"Hey, Naruko?"

Zander-san called as he stopped ruffling my head. "Do you know where I can get some Ramen?" My excitement couldn't be held back anymore and I grabbed Zander-san's hand and pulled him as I guided him.

He is going to like Teuchi ojii-san's meal.


As Naruko pulled me, ignoring the glares she received, I noticed the three men glaring at me. I glared back, flaring my curse power and piercing their rotten souls with my yellow eyes while letting out a bloodthirsty grin as a challenge.

Pathetic, they lost their marbles after that.

I listened to Naruko as she rambled about all the Ramen Teuchi had made. I have to say that's a lot of Ramen I didn't know existed until now. Once we arrived, Naruko's smile became brighter than the sun. I had the sudden urge to obliterate anyone that dared to make this cheerful girl cry.

"Teuchi-ojii-san!" Naruko called.

"Oh Naruko, welcome. I see you brought a friend." Teuchi said eyeing the man warily.

I smiled, liking that this man cared for Naruko and this man lived to see three generations of legend.

"Sup, Alizander Cygnus or Zander for short. I heard you cook the best ramen in the village." I said surprising the man with my easy-going personality.

"Well, I wouldn't say best."

"Ah, don't be modest, the kid said you cook well. So surprise me with something spicy and give naruko her usual."

Teuchi seemed fired up by the challenge and made two ramen in a blink. Were those theories of this man being a ninja real!? Anyways we started eating with Naruko enjoying it while I froze before placing it on the table as I head outside.

"FUCK YEAH!!!" I howled into the skies before dashing back and finishing it.

"Seconds!" Naruko and I raised our bowls.

Teuchi laughed but complied with our requests soon we had a pile of bowls with satisfied guts.

"Ah~ that hit the spot." I chuckled. "Oh yeah here's the payment." Taking out my bag from the inventory I started pouring out diamonds. The poor man fainted on the spot when I did that... whoops...

AN: You can support me on paypal so we can commision some fanart for this fanfic: Paypal.me/musigamer

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