
Trials of Gods

What are you supposed to do when a voice comes out of heaven and tells you that your entire race has been selected to participate in a universal test for survival. Freak out probably right? Definitely. Please join our story as we watch Will struggle to rise above all and establish his own eternal realm.

Melyssa_Bunn_6531 · Fantasy
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7 Chs



"Congratulations on your successful evolution, please see below for the information."

Will was excited but slightly confused. He wasn't aware he would be evolving as he assumed it was simply a restructuring.

Looking at his new status board his confusion bled away and it made total sense.

"Holy fetch!" He couldn't help but shout while taking in all of his changes.

"This doesn't seem like something someone just beginning should have."

'It isn't!'

Will stopped dead in his tracks when he heard a voice in his head. "No, No, No, No, No, No, No! I refuse to have an annoying tag along in my brain!" Will screamed vehemently, shaking his fist towards the heavens.

He didn't notice that his eyes started to glow white and release sparks of electricity, as well as the small arch's that were traveling across his skin. A smell of O-zone spread out from his body and the whole world seemed to slow down.

Quiet thunder could be heard flashing near his body, and the ground began to be slightly burnt by the arch's that continually struck near him.

'Calm yourself down, your burning your bloodline energy way to fast!' Cried the internal voice. It seemed strangely feminine, yet mature. Kind of like an older sister or stepmother attempting to calm a tantruming child.

Will took deep breaths as he forced his emotions back in check. He still wasn't happy about the situation because of all the things he feared, having a potentially abusive internal voice was at the top of the list.

"What do you want?" Will asked flatly, clearly displaying his displeasure at the situation he had been forced into.

'You were so excited to get your blessing, and now your upset? I don't understand, it was clearly stated that a system would be created to assist you with your unique blessing.'

He paused for a moment, opening and closing his mouth several times like a caught fish.

"I totally forgot about that." He grumbled despondently. So engrossed was he in the possibilities of his new blessing, he didn't take the time to think about what everything meant.

Sighing deeply he decided that it wasn't worth getting all worked up about because, most likely, he couldn't get rid of the system voice anyways. So he might as well try to get some use out of it.

"Well what can you do system?"

It took a moment for the system to respond. Probably because she was upset by the hostility her new host had towards her. But after scanning through some of his memories she understood.

'''Stupid novels...''' she grumbled to herself, '''You have ruined the reputation of my kind.'''

Will was confused about the delay but just as he was about to ask again he heard the system speak.

'There are several things that I can do. I can quantify your power into easily readable grades and numbers. I can provide advice on appropriate development directions. Offer information on any trials given with suggestions on how to improve your completion grade. Basically I am your personal encyclopedia/guide throughout your coming trials.'

Will noticed that the more she talked the more proud she sounded, like she was the best system to ever exist. What he liked though was that she didn't explicitly say that, as some other systems have been known to extol themselves with nothing to show for it.

"Sounds good, can you tell me where I'm at then?" He didn't feel the need to explain a whole lot because she seemed intelligent. But it was also a little test to see if she would really be useful, or if he would just ignore her.

She of course new this, since she could see his mind. But she understood where he was coming from. So while annoyed she decided to redeem the good name of systems everywhere.

'Request granted, see below for the information.


Name: William Dracule

lvl1: 0/100 exp.

Grade: F+ (Note: You are among the strongest lvl 1 beings to ever exist. Like an ant with bigger jaws)

Race: Neo Dragon (Note: due to blessing potency your race was assimilated, you are now the only Neo dragon in existence. Further information will be available at a future date.)

Bloodline: Thunder Dragon God

Physique: Eternal Dragon King

Class: None

Str: 10 (Note: 1 is the average strength/body condition of a healthy/active human.)

Dex: 12 (Note: 1 is the average speed/body control of a healthy/active human.)

Spr: 20 (Note: 1 is the average mental/spiritual strength/capacity of a healthy/active human.)

Mana: 300 (Note: 5 is the average capacity of a healthy/active human.)

Active Skills: Dragon Claw, Dragon Roar, Thunder Cowl, Dragon's Wrath.

Passive Skills: Superior Body, Superior Mind, Dragon Soul.

(Dragon Claw) Grade- F: You can grow dragon claws from your hands and feet at any time, increasing unarmed damage by 2x and dealing 15% thunder damage. 30% chance to stun target for .5 seconds.

Cost: 1 mana

Duration: Indefinite

Cooldown: None

(Dragon Roar) Grade- F: Fire a condensed beam of thunder elements from your mouth at any target within 30ft, Dealing 150% magic damage. 30% chance to stun for 1.5 seconds.

Cost: 50 mana

Cast time: 2 seconds

Cooldown: 10 Minutes

(Thunder Cowl) Grade- F: Chanel thunder elements through your body enhancing your movement speed and perception by 2x. 10% damage reduction for duration of skill.

Cost: 20 mana + 2mana/sec

Duration: Indefinite

Cooldown: none

(Dragon's Wrath) Grade-F: Channel the full might of your bloodline, increasing all parameters by 5x for the duration of the skill. Once the skill ends go into a weakened state for 4 hours.

Cost: None

Duration: 1 minute

Cooldown: 1 Day

(Superior Body) Grade-F: Your body is vastly superior. Reduces resources spent for physical activities by 50% and improves them by 25%. You are immune to all non magical diseases and your lifespan and recovery rate are tripled.

(Superior Mind) Grade-F: Your mind is vastly superior. Reduces resources spent for mental activities by 50% and improves them by 25%. You are immune to all mental manipulations within your grade, and have 50% chance to resist those of 1 grade above you. Your memory, retention, and perception are tripled.

(Dragon Soul) Grade-F: You have the soul of an Eternal ranked dragon, its powers are currently suppressed by your grade. Reduces resources spent for all spiritual/magical activities by 50% and improves them by 25%. 10% magical damage resistance, immunity to soul attacks at your grade with a 50% chance to resist those 1 grade above you. Your soul strength and mana pool are tripled.

Will noticed that there were mostly just subtle changes to the way things were worded. Grades and mana costs were now added to his skills, but most importantly he had a good idea of exactly how OP his start was.

He was 10 Times as strong as a regular human, and 12 times as fast. He could see better, think faster, and learn more than any human could possibly hope too. The problem was, he was no longer human.

He remembered that in the info pack it said that trial conditions were agreed upon once a race was created. With his recent evolution the previous trial conditions no longer applied to him.

He began to panic a little bit when he thought that his chance to grow would be stripped from him until...


'Detected that the host is no longer human, applying for acceptance condition waiver to the trial board due to extenuating circumstances.'

He held his breath for what felt like forever as he waited to hear of his fate. Completely missing the fact that he got some free information about the entire trial system from this little note.


'Waiver application processed...Waiver approved, host will continue the trials as he had already begun while human. The change in his race came about by completing the hidden trial.'

"Congratulations William." The system voice spoke cheerfully in his mind, "You now have a much better chance at surviving this whole ordeal than most."

"What do you mean by that?" He was puzzled for a moment as he didn't think that the beginning trials would be all that hard. Even for normal humans, as each would get a blessing to start with.

"What I mean William, is that the next few trials are called the winnowing."

"Do you mean...!?" he was stunned.

"Yes William, the wheat and the chaff will be separated. The wheat will be saved, the chaff....burned."

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Thank you for your patience, I don't have a whole lot of time to devote to writing. But I will try to upload 1 chapter per day, except for sundays.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy the story. :)

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